Friday, January 30, 2015

Clinical Trials - What You Need to Know

Thousands of people take part in clinical trails for a variety of reasons every day. Some are looking for ways to manage their disease and get medications before they are released onto to the market, others are just hoping to make a difference and offer their time and body to enable researchers to come up with new medications, surgical procedures and more that can help those that need treatments that work.

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Food and Emotion

Over the past ten years, I have had the honour of helping hundreds of men and women develop new healthy habits and improve their lives. When it comes to losing weight, improving performance or simply feeling better, improving the way we eat can be a great place to start. When I started, I thought nutrition was pretty simple: I could write up nutrition plans to achieve goals, or make simple swaps to effortlessly cut calories and increase satiety.

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How to Properly Use a Health Food Store

Health food stores are popular but not everyone knows how to use these gems. A little advance knowledge could come in handy when buying supplements.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Top 7 Reasons To Use Botox To Look Younger!

You work hard at the gym almost every day to stay in shape, even after giving birth to your second or third child; you make sure that you keep some amount of money separately for the sake of buying cosmetics and other such stuff to hide your 'aging process'; you go to office and try to earn as much as you can so that you can buy different clothes for yourself to look beautiful or 'hot' on the streets. However, there's something for which you can't do anything all by yourself and that is those wrinkles that depict your true age.

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Top 7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of High Cholesterol!

You have suddenly started finding it difficult to walk for more than fifteen minutes; whenever you climb up the stairs, you start perspiring or fighting for air; you have not been spending sufficient time on working out for the sake of your body; you have absolutely no control on your diet and there's nothing that you can do to get rid of the growing fats of your body, because you have to spend more than nine hours at the office, sitting right in front of the computer screen to work. If you are going through the above mentioned...

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5 Reasons to Use Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles

I know how difficult it is to control the pain 'down there' when you have piles. Some people make fun of such health related issues, but they don't know the seriousness of the same. No matter what you do or how hard you try, it is not very easy to get rid of this problem. Piles can make you go through nightmares, especially when you want to have a 'clean' stomach, but are unable to do so. Moreover, you end up being frustrated, irritated and even depressed when you have piles.

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5 Reasons To GO NATURAL This Year!

No matter how much we humans advance in our lives, deep down inside we all know about the various benefits of being natural. I completely agree with the fact that allopathic medicines give you quick relief from the health related issues that you are going through, but it is also a proven fact that such medicines do not go to the roots of the problems.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Four Characteristics to Look for in a Quality Hospital

Whether you're visiting for a checkup or undergoing long-term treatment, the healthcare you receive is important. Examine a hospital to determine its quality and effectiveness.

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Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

When I went on a low carb diet to combat my diabetes, I was pleasantly surprised by other health improvements. Joint pain, blood pressure, and even allergies improved.

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Factors That Increase the Risk of Varicose Veins

Essentially, this condition occurs when the veins have become enlarged and twisted just under the skin. There are actually a number of causes to varicose veins. Many of these conditions may be avoided while others are predetermined.

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Health Tips From A Trusted Personal Trainer

Whipping yourself into shape is rarely fun - it's torture for many because it's pretty much a complete denial of the most natural and delicious tendencies in life. This is mainly the reason why it's important to have the right motivation and the psychological preparation prior to embarking on a journey toward a better body and overall health. For all those who wish to make this year the year to finally be fit and healthy, a popular personal trainer most locals turn to have five pieces of important advice that can turn this goal into a complete reality,...

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Understanding The 17 Day Diet

If you are keen on losing weight and keeping fit you must have come across the 17 day diet. This is a diet that aids in helping you to shed 10-15 pounds in only 17 days. The theory behind it is that it creates "body confusion" thus the body is unable to adapt to the changes in the amount of calories that you are taking. As a result of this your metabolism stays in high gear and you are able to lose a lot of fat.

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Essential Stress Factors To Be Aware Of When Beginning A Fitness Program

When a person is getting ready to do a major overhaul on their fitness routines, there are some key elements to be aware of along the way. In addition, in today's world, we all have certain levels of stress, but starting and keeping an exercise schedule can prove to be beneficial, as long as other areas are covered too.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Warrior Wellness

If the U.S. Government ever decides that colonoscopies shall be mandatory for people at the age of 50+ (you know, as part of the Internal Revenue Code) federal officials will have to assign a SWAT team to enforce Vik Khanna's compliance with that requirement.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Vaccines: The Flaws and Why You Should Refuse Vaccination

Is there really a rational basis for vaccination? My research tells me that the original idea in which vaccination is based on is fundamentally flawed...

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Want To Eat Some Poison? Try Some High Fructose Corn Syrup

The public has shown a propensity to eat a lot of processed foods, mainly due to the convenience factor. Processed foods are convenient to prepare but have very little nutritional value. Why? Because they are loaded with unhealthy ingredients like Sodium Benzoate and High Fructose Corn Syrup. Let's take a look at High Fructose Corn Syrup. Why? Because it's in a multitude of products ranging from bread to pastry and everything in-between. The processed food industry has attempted to promote Fructose as a holistic, wholesome sugar emanating from natural botanical sources. Modern scientific research, however, has come up with an entirely different evaluation of this additive and it's not good.

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Friday, January 16, 2015

Sibling Rivalry In Sports

Chances are that if you have more than one child, particularly if they are of the same gender, you have experienced a certain amount of rivalry between them. Some of this competition stems from academic prowess, some due to differences in social aptitude and oft times it results from differences in physical ability.

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Effect of Computers on Our Health

Every day we are faced with computers - be it a PC or laptop at home or in the office. But not many people think over the negative effects they might have on the heart, let alone the ways how to reduce their negative influence. Thus, sitting too long in front of a computer leads to increased risk of such health issues as coronary heart disease. In this regard, it's better to stick to a certain complex of measures to prevent computer-related disorders.

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Drink More Water and Start Losing That Extra Weight

Who hasn't heard the idea that drinking water can contribute to you diminishing your weight? Much more than usual! But is this affirmation true?

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What Is Bursitis and 5 Tips To Prevent Bursitis

Bursitis is a painful medical condition that may affect people of all ages. It is a type of bodily inflammation that may occur in many different areas of the body including hip bursitis, shoulder, elbow and knee. While it isn't always possible to prevent bursitis, there are some things you can try to do to reduce your risk. Read this article for 5 tips to prevent bursitis.

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Understanding The Structure Of The Spine and Why Problems Occur

The spine is a complicated and wonderful part of our body that is essential for every other part to function smoothly. It is necessary to understand the basic working of our spine so that we know how to detect any problem and get it checked. Since spinal problems are common as we start to age, it is important to take care of our spine and get it treated properly.

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Advantages Of Having X-Ray Labs And EKG On-Site

Getting your routine medical tests and X-rays can be a long drawn out process which will make you miss a lot of work and waste a lot of time. For those who have an emergency and need immediate tests to be conducted, waiting for hours in the emergency room of a hospital can be a nightmare. An on-site treatment facility allows you to visit a single place where you can have all your blood tests, labs, x-rays and even your EKG taken at one location. This means that you skip all the waiting time and get all the work done in a single place

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Monday, January 12, 2015

8 Reasons To See A Cardiologist ASAP

Heart issues are nothing to play around with. Here are the most common reasons to see a cardiologist ASAP.

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Why Unhealthy Foods in the Office Is Lowering Staff Productivity and Potentially Company Profits

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $9 billion dollars in workplace productivity is lost per year due to poor nutrition, resulting in conditions such as heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. This is alarming considering this can be easily prevented.

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This Is The Plan To a Healthy Lifestyle!

We all live extremely fast paced lives with little or no time to think or consider our health could be affected by it. For years we eat and do what we like, most of the time we are totally oblivious of what is going on around us. One day when those dark clouds appear on the horizon we may start to wonder, why are they coming closer and encircling me? Last time I could see only blue skies, yet everything has changed today and is different. Nobody is safe from the poisonous environment around us, such as fumes of car engines, or that lovely interior smell of a new car, smog, unhealthy mattresses, greasy fast foods and easy-to-make processed foods that have become such a concern of our lives today.

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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Donate Blood and Help Local Hospitals in Your Community

Local hospitals are always in need of generous volunteers willing to donate blood. Read on for more information on donating blood, what to expect, how much is needed, and how it's put to use.

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Friday, January 9, 2015

An Aesthetics Center Vocabulary Lesson

An aesthetics center is a place for luxury health and beauty treatments. Knowing the vocabulary will help you get the results you are looking for and ensure your safety with treatment.

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Bedwetting Issue - The Big Secret

Nocturnal Enuresis (Bedwetting, which is nighttime wetting) and/or Diurnal (Daytime wetting) ... The general public is not really aware of these issues. There are just too many misunderstandings and misconceptions on this incontinence issue, which results in unnecessary suffering for kids and adults from the uninformed general public.

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13 Tips to Add More Taste to Vegetables

People on a weight loss diet have to make sure they eat sufficient vegetables everyday for successful weight loss. This is because vegetables are a strong source of dietary fiber that quickly fills you up even though you are on a diet.

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How to Increase Your Dietary Fiber Intake

There are various benefits to getting sufficient dietary fiber in your diet everyday like help with reducing your level of hunger, slowing the digestion of food in the body, regulating blood sugar levels and enhancing heart health. It is also important that you take good care of your dietary fiber intake for improved overall digestive health.

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

You Need a Good Plan to Achieve New Year Fitness Goals

As December comes to end, we cannot wait to start over and set new fitness goals with renewed enthusiasm. We promise ourselves to have a distance from fast foods to drop few pounds. We are very energetic as we set out to tackle new goals and follow through on old ones that have been fallen to the wayside. So, if we are all amped up and decked out, why do most of us drop the ball and fail to follow through?

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The Sadness of Suicide

The sadness of suicide affects many people. Those who commit suicide are faced with huge problems which to them are insurmountable and results in their fateful decision to end their own life.

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7 Top Tips for the Nutritious Breakfast

It is a fact that nutritious breakfast is the most important meal of the day which is why you should eat breakfast like a king and dinner like a pauper! If you manage to serve a delicious and appealing breakfast, you find it much easier for yourself to control your food cravings through the day.

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13 Important Points to Know About Pre-Workout Nutrition

While plotting your diet plan, it is important that you eat right before your workout session. If you fail to do this, you will not perform well for the workout and will also not recover that quickly.

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Top 10 Signals Showing You Need a Diet Break

One of the least propagated techniques used in weight loss is just taking a break. Taking a break while dieting is a great way to give yourself a psychological boost when you are on a restrictive eating plan as it lets you satisfy your food cravings with some brief relief from any hunger you experience while dieting.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Are You Easily Dehydrated? Maybe I Can Help

Over the past several months I have continued to hear of, or be impacted by those who get dehydrated very easily. I am speaking primarily of elderly persons - but not exclusively. I have to admit, it has had me in a bit of quandary wondering why this condition is so common in the elderly.

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Monday, January 5, 2015

Today's Habits - Tomorrow's Reality: Time For A Review?

The most important thing about habits is you have the power to choose them. A good habit starts as a single choice that you repeat. Good habits push bad ones out of your life almost effortlessly. Start where you are. Make each habit a conscious choice. Your journey is unique so don't compare yourself to anyone else.

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Friday, January 2, 2015

Boot Camp Workout Ideas For Your New Year's Resolutions

Year in, year out, getting fit is the New Year's resolution for millions of people around the globe. You know how it is, good intentions in the first few months followed by a period of shamed acceptance and then eight months of getting back to the point where you need to think about losing weight again. It's a common cycle, and one that most of us suffer from, but the answer to the problem isn't scrapping the idea altogether, it's approaching fitness in a smart and targeted way.

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10 Most Common Neurosurgery Procedures

Although they are often called brain doctors, neurosurgeons operate on other parts of the body as well. Here is a short list of the most common neurosurgery procedures.

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Health: How Are You?

I am often surprised by how many people avoid being around others because they don't know how to answer the question "How Are You?" Some people who have been ill or on a medical leave really don't know how to respond to the question. They think that the other person might be judgmental, especially if they say that they have been suffering from depression, anxiety or another mental illness.

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