Tuesday, April 30, 2019

11 Signs You Have a Sugar Addiction

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Sugar in all its forms not only adds pounds to your frame, but research shows it boosts your risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes—it may even increase your risk for some cancers, too. Sugar addiction is no joke—brains can rewire themselves to crave sugar, and you can end up withdrawal symptoms when you don’t get enough of the sweet stuff.

“Sugar addiction is a measurable, physiological phenomenon many people suffer from,” says Ken Berry, MD, author of Lies My Doctor Told Me. “Far too many doctors and dietitians deny its existence, which is very unfortunate. Sugar addiction makes it very difficult for many people to make the dietary improvements needed to improve their health.” Watch for the signs that you’re eating too much sugar. Here’s how to figure out whether your sugar habit is an addiction.

You hide your sugar habit

Some people with a sugar addiction may recognize they’re eating too much, but instead of finding ways to cut back, they hide it. “Making excuses or making deals with yourself concerning sweets and desserts is a definite sign of sugar addiction,” Dr. Berry says. “No one hides broccoli in their closet; if you hide sweets, or sneak to eat them, you have a sugar addiction.”

You need more and more to satisfy the craving

As with many addictive behaviors or substances, your tolerance to sweets may build over time. “A sign of sugar addiction is the need for more to satisfy the craving,” says Erin Akey FNC, KNS, a nutritionist and chef. “At first, one scoop of ice cream does the trick, but as you become more addicted you need more and more to get a fix. If you need reasons to cut back, here are 11 scary things sugar does to your body.

You eat sugar even when you’re not hungry

Stuffed after a big meal—but you still have room for a big slice of cake? “The number one sign you have an addiction is that you’re turning to sugar when you’re not physically hungry,” says Lisa Rachel Snyder, intuitive eating coach and founder of the Beautiful Badass Method.

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You always crave sweets

“After a sugar binge, your blood sugar will fall because insulin shoves all that sugar into the cells to prevent sugar damage,” explains Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, a health, diet, and nutrition expert and author of Hormone Balance, The Magnesium Miracle, and The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Women’s Health. “That fall causes low blood sugar and more cravings.” Watch out for these sneaky sources of sugar.

You crave salty foods

“Cravings for salty foods are one sign that your body is not getting the nutrition that it needs. This is surprisingly common among those who are addicted to sugary foods, as these people are often deficient in key nutrients,” says Lisa Richards, a nutritionist and creator of the Candida Diet. “If you find yourself regularly eating sugary snacks, you’re probably not eating enough of the healthy proteins and fats that your body needs. Cravings for salty and savory foods are one way that your body might be telling you to take a break from the sugar and eat something more nutritious.

“The inverse is true too,” she adds. “If you eat too much salty food, you might find yourself craving sugary foods or simple carbohydrates. The key is balance—eating foods that are rich in the micronutrients and macronutrients that your body needs to function and thrive.”

You try to quit and have unusual symptoms

Sugar addiction can be both a behavioral addiction—you get used to eating sugar after meals or at certain times of the day—and it can also be a chemical addiction. When you quit or interrupt your normal schedule, your body may show signs of distress or withdrawal. “Quitting sugar too abruptly can cause your body to have withdrawal symptoms,” says Adam Kadela, founder of Dexafit. “Some of the most common sugar addiction symptoms may include headaches, lethargy or feeling tired, cravings, muscle pain, nausea, gas and bloating, and even insomnia. In most cases, these symptoms intensify after 24 hours. The best way to give up sugar is slowly, by cutting back a little at a time.” Here are 8 more surprising ways to help you kick your sugar habit.

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You use sugar to soothe

If you’re craving something sweet after a break-up, sad movie, or a bad day, watch out. “A psychological symptom of a sugar addiction is when individuals continuously turn to sugar as a means to cope with life stressors, boredom, or other psychological issues such as depression or anxiety,” says Lin Anderson, LMHC, M.A., Ed.M and Aaron Sternlicht, LMHC, CASAC, licensed therapists specializing in addiction at their private practice Family Addiction Specialist. “Indulging in sugar to acquire such emotional relief is extremely unhealthy, as it does not allow the individual to feel their emotions or deal with them properly.” And one recent study suggests it doesn’t even boost your mood.

You know the potential consequences and eat sugar anyway

It’s a bad sign “if you eat sugar and junk food compulsively, even though you realize the negative consequences,” Dan DeFigio, author of Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies. Here are just some of the ways sugar is making you sick.

You go out of your way to get sugar

If you’re making special late night trips to the gas station to pick up a pint of ice cream, you should take a hard look at your priorities, according to the Addiction Center. This is a clear sign your need for sugar is spinning out of control.

You have feelings of guilt about eating sugar

Feelings of guilt about eating any food may be a sign of an eating disorder. If you feel shame about your sugar habit, you may want to discuss this with your doctor or a therapist. Watch for these silent signs that you could have an eating disorder.

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Monday, April 29, 2019

13 “Healthy” Food Habits You Should Ditch Right Now

Going low on sodium


If you’ve ever had high blood pressure, you were probably told to cut down or stop consuming sodium. But a new study from Boston University that followed 2,600 people over 16 years found that a low-sodium diet didn’t actually lower blood pressure. So salt might not be the enemy after all—and actually, eating little salt might part of your healthy food habits. The study also found that people with the lowest intake of sodium (along with the highest) had a greater risk of heart disease than the people in the middle. But, that doesn’t mean you should go crazy eating processed foods that contain lots of sodium either. “In general, focusing on reducing processed foods, which tend to be rich in added sodium, and adding in more whole foods may be more effective than just focusing on counting milligrams of sodium when it comes to promoting heart health,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, author of Belly Fat Diet for Dummies. Find out the 55 health myths that need to die.

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How Can I Reduce My Child's Fever Without Using Medicine?

If your kid has a fever and you don't have access to ibuprofen or acetaminophen, you can give a go to a non-medical approach to reduce your kid's fever. Here it's important to keep in mind that lowering your kid's fever can't help you cure the underlying problem or illness. Actually, you get a fever when your body is trying to fight infection.

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Saturday, April 27, 2019

12 Most Filling Fruits and Vegetables, According to Nutritionists



Fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone of any healthy eating or weight loss plan, but they can also be challenging if you’re looking to curb your hunger. After all, if you’re starving soon after eating them, you’ll be less likely to stick to your goals. So which fill you up best? The secret is in the fiber. “Fiber helps keep us feeling fuller longer, as it slows gastric emptying, keeping food in our stomach as it breaks down,” says Bridget Murphy, MS, a registered dietitian at NYU Langone Medical Center. “It is estimated that the average American consumes only about 12 grams of fiber per day—less than half the recommendation of 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day for women, and 30 to 35 grams for men.” One fiber-filled veggie she recommends is artichoke—one cup of artichoke hearts has nearly nine grams! Plus, according to the University of Michigan, they aid digestion, making your stomach feel full but not uncomfortable.

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What You Should Eat First Thing in the Morning to Help You Lose Weight


It’s no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day—especially if you are watching your weight. But not all breakfasts are created equal. Loading your plate with these not-so-healthy breakfast foods can ruin your diet and derail your goals, dietitians say.

Instead, experts recommend starting each day with a healthy mix of proteins, fats, carbs, fiber, and anti-inflammatory foods. Research and studies show, however, that one source of protein could be the ideal for weight loss—eggs. Breakfasts featuring eggs show as much as 65 percent more weight loss over eight weeks. And other research shows that eggs can stabilize blood sugar and suppress hunger, too.

For a nutritionally sound breakfast that is both nourishing and satisfying, Alyssa Pike, RD, the Manager of Nutrition Communications for the International Food Information Council, says people should focus on high-protein and fiber foods because they can help you feel full longer. Caroline Apovian, MD, director of nutrition and weight management at Boston Medical Center, adds that this feeling of fullness after breakfast helps cut down on grazing during the day. Grazing or eating when you aren’t hungry is one of the 13 reasons you probably aren’t losing weight.

In addition to the research on weight loss, making eggs a staple in your morning meal is a great idea because it’s a satisfying protein source, according to Dr. Apovian. At 180 calories for two eggs and seven grams of protein each, eggs—along with fruit, yogurt, and berries—are a winning breakfast staple. Not to mention, eggs contain vitamins like B12, riboflavin, selenium, and vitamin A, Sollid says. They’re also cheap and easy to prepare. If you’re looking for more egg and breakfast inspiration, check out these 12 healthy breakfast ideas for any weight loss plan.

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Friday, April 26, 2019

The Weight-Loss Plan That Works Best for Men

man diet bowl food healthy

In the United States, an alarming 71 percent of men are overweight or obese, per data from the Kaiser Family Foundation. The good news is men may find it easier to lose weight than women.

“Men have more muscle mass than women and because of this, they expend more calories each day,” says James O. Hill, PhD, director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Nutrition Obesity Research Center and co-founder of the National Weight Control Registry. “When men and women begin a weight-loss program, men lose weight more quickly than women. However, when you express weight loss as a percentage of beginning body weight, usually men and women are not very different.”

When looking for a weight-loss plan for men, Hill suggests seeking one addressing both diet and exercise. “You want a program that gives you a way to live your life forever,” he says. “If you can only follow a program for a short time, you will only keep your weight off for a short time.”

Looking for a weight-loss plan for men? Here are ten programs to consider.

Mediterranean Diet

This popular diet highlights whole- and plant-based foods. “Fruits and vegetables are enjoyed in abundance, along with foods high in heart-healthy unsaturated fats like nuts, seeds, and oils,” says Emily Kyle, MS, RDN, CLT, author of The 30-Minute Thyroid Cookbook. You also get to eat heart-healthy seafood, while you should limit red meat and poultry. “Many people find the Mediterranean diet appealing for its relaxed approach and recommendation to enjoy red wine in moderation and meals with friends and family,” says Kyle. “It’s ideal for men who are looking to achieve weight loss and optimal overall health. This is because of its focus on nutrient inclusions, rather than caloric deficit or food group removal.” And it works. In one study, men and women following the Mediterranean diet noticed less abdominal obesity!

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weight watchers freestyle

Recently rebranded from Weight Watchers to WW, this weight-loss plan has a strong history of weight-loss success. “WW is perfect for men, as it teaches them how to eat healthfully by eating a plant-forward diet and watching their portions,” says Joan Salge Blake, EdD, RDN, a clinical nutrition professor at Boston University and the host of health and wellness podcast, SpotOn! “The abundance of veggies allowed on the diet is a game changer for men. Veggies are full of fiber and water so they fill you up before they fill you out, allowing guys to still have a hefty plate without a hefty amount of calories.” Plus, the WW plan comes with an easy-to-use app and is a great choice for guys who prefer to not count calories. Here are some more healthy meal ideas you can make in 20 minutes or less.

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State of Slim

This novel approach to weight loss also focuses on weight-loss maintenance. “We have found that men who participate in State of Slim do very well,” says Hill, the program’s co-creator and an internationally recognized weight-loss expert. “It is essential for people to examine their deep motivation for weight loss, and this is often an emotional experience. It is a critical part of weight-loss success for both men and women.” Hill and his colleagues have determined a successful approach to weight-loss maintenance. “Keeping weight off is different from losing weight,” he says. “Calorie reduction is the key to losing weight, but exercise and mindset become more important for keeping weight off.” You can either follow the program in person in select locations or virtually, or via the book.

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DASH diet

dash diet weight loss solution

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH Diet, has traditionally been recommended to help people with high blood pressure. But it’s now being used for weight loss, too. It emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy—while limiting high-calorie meats (like processed ones), added sugar, and sodium. “Many of the recommended fruits and vegetables are also high in water content and contain fiber, which can help keep you satisfied,” says Toby Amidor, MS, RD, author of The Healthy Meal Prep Cookbook and a nutrition partner with Grapes from California. “For example, fresh grapes are 82 percent water and are a calorie bargain at just 90 calories per three-quarter cup serving. Research shows that grape-enriched diets can help promote the relaxation of blood vessels to help maintain healthy blood pressure and blood flow,” adds Amidor. Grapes are one of the foods anti-aging experts eat every day. Men may find the DASH diet particularly easy to follow, especially with an active lifestyle.

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Low-carb diet

This eating style limits foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as fruits, grains, potatoes, corn, peas, legumes, and dairy, says Kim Yawitz, RD, a dietitian in St. Louis, Missouri. “Some low-carb diets limit carbs to 30 percent of daily calories or less, so 150 grams on a 2,000- calorie daily diet,” she says. “Low-carb diets can be very effective for weight loss, but we don’t know exactly why that’s the case. It’s common to lose several pounds in the first few days of a low-carb diet because the body sheds water weight as it burns stored carbohydrates.” Low-carb diets may also offer a bit of a psychological advantage for men. “Studies suggest that dieters who lose more weight in the first weeks of a new plan see greater success months and even years down the road,” says Yawitz. “And this makes sense—it’s easier to stick with a diet when you can see evidence that your efforts are paying off!”

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Keto diet

keto diet josh axe

While the keto diet isn’t for everyone, some men really like it. The diet is very high fat, with moderate protein and a very low amount of carbohydrates. “Carbs will be limited to green leafy veggies such as spinach, some nuts and seeds, and a few berries on occasion,” says Ginger Hultin, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “When the body is producing ketones, it is relying on fat for fuel so it does promote fat loss.” And while studies show that the keto diet may be effective for weight loss, there’s still a big question about success with long-term weight loss. If you decide to follow it, you’ll see the best results working with a doctor or registered dietitian (find one at eatright.org). Is the keto diet safe? You may need to take certain supplements because of potential nutrient deficiencies, and certain people (such as ones with kidney problems) will want to skip the diet.

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The Mayo Clinic Diet

With two phases, the “Lose It” phase and the “Live” phase, this diet is a top weight-loss plan for men. The first phase allows you to lose up ten pounds within the first two weeks. It focuses on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains with no refined sugar, high-fat foods, or alcohol. “The diet uses a habit tracker and focuses on 15 key habits for weight loss, including regular exercise and not eating while watching TV,” says Lisa Andrews, MED, RD, a dietitian in Cincinnati, Ohio. “It’s based on researched principles, low fat and high fiber.” However, it’s not a quick-fix fad diet. “It promotes lifestyle change,” says Andrews. “A person has to be committed to the program for it to work and be sustainable long term.” Get more healthy-eating secrets from nutritionists.

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Vegetarian diet

the complete vegetarian cookbook

Plant-based eating is hot right now, and many men are embracing this eating style. “A diet largely based in plant-rich fiber, such as a vegetarian diet, has been associated with a lower risk of chronic disease, lower body weight, and increased lifespan,” says Jennifer McDaniel, MS, RDN, a dietitian in St. Louis, MO. “Benefits of the vegetarian diet largely rely on diet quality, as a diet of grilled cheese, French fries, and soda is still vegetarian.” That’s why it’s important to take in high-quality protein and fiber. “Protein from soy, in particular, has been shown to improve weight-loss success, maintenance of muscle mass, and most weight-loss success in the long term,” says McDaniel. “In addition, fiber serves as a source of fuel for the good bacteria in your gut. Short-chain fatty acids are the byproduct of fiber breakdown, which may play a role in producing hormones that favor weight loss.” Before you rush to start a vegetarian diet, McDaniel advises considering your motivation for following a vegetarian diet. “You’re more likely to stick to something that feels right and aligns with your personal values,” she says.

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The Flexitarian Diet

Here’s a perfect weight-loss plan for men who want to eat more plant-based but don’t want to go completely vegetarian. “Flexitarians eat a mostly plant-based diet with the flexibility to add in animal protein when they want to,” says DJ Blatner, RDN, author of The Flexitarian Diet and Superfood Swap. “I say it’s ‘vegetarian-ish.’ It’s a pro-plant diet, not an anti-meat one.” And it can definitely help with weight loss: “Plant-based eaters tend to weigh less than meat-eating counterparts,” she says. “The reasoning behind why flexitarian eating may lead to weight loss is that plants tend to have fewer calories and more filling fiber than animal proteins. So you can eat less but still feel full.” In addition to weight loss, a flexitarian diet can also decrease the risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, says Blatner. Find out the best and worst diets for heart health.

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The South Beach Diet

the south-beach diet

This long-standing diet has recently been revamped. “It provides a diet that is higher protein and lower in carbohydrates, with added healthy fats,” says Emily Rubin, RD, a dietitian at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. “Research shows that following a high-protein diet promotes weight loss without feeling hungry. Protein foods are filling—so you may eat less. When I ask my weight-management patients, especially men, whether an egg or a bagel makes them feel fuller, 99 percent say the egg!” In the South Beach Diet, you may lose up to seven pounds within the first week. Now, check out some of the weight-loss breakthroughs doctors wish you knew.

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Phentermine: An Effective Drug for Weight Loss in an Organic Way

Weight gain and obesity is a major problem these days, and the basic reason behind it is a bad lifestyle. However, with proper diet, calorie counting, and exercise one can reduce their weight effectively if one follows a strict routine. But many times it is seen that losing weight can be a lot more difficult, and in that case, one can take help of some of the best weight loss drugs.

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Thursday, April 25, 2019

12 Things That Happen to Your Body If You Stop Drinking Diet Soda

With your mouth …

Macro close up of healthy female teeth biting raspberry.

Diet soda may wear at your teeth, potentially causing cavities: When Australian researchers exposed extracted cavity-free molars to regular soda or diet soda, they saw erosion in both scenarios. This may be due to the soda’s acidic content—phosphoric acid is a common cola ingredient, whereas citric acid is a component of Sprite and other lemon—and lime—flavored sodas. Soda also primes the body to store more fat.

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I Lost 120 Pounds—Without Giving Up Pizza

Hovig Ayvazian before and after

Hovig Ayvazian says he first noticed that he was packing on pounds when the little tasks of life left him out of breath. Things like putting his socks on—and having to hold his breath to reach his feet—let him know that his weight gain was getting to be unhealthy. But then he came up with a plan that still allowed him to eat his favorite food—and shed 100-plus pounds.

Ayvazian is a 50-year-old Domino’s Pizza franchise vice president, and he tells Reader’s Digest, “I used to be very active in sports, but life and work stresses eventually took over. The inactivity began to add up. At first, it was five pounds a year, and then ten. It was a gradual thing until I knew I had to do something.”

After a couple of unsuccessful attempts at losing the weight, Ayvazian was beginning to lose hope. “My health was borderline. When they did blood tests, all of them came back on the edge of being unhealthy. I just finally thought to myself, if I want to see my kids’ future, something has to change. I have to do this before it gets worse. Enough is enough.” If the pounds are beginning to add up for you, check out the 15 best diets to help you lose the weight.

When a coworker mentioned that she had lost weight using Lose It!, an app that allows users to track calories, nutrition, and set weight loss goals, Ayvazian was intrigued. Once he learned how it worked he was sold. “I’m a numbers guy and I’m competitive. I loved being able to compete with myself to meet the goals I set. I also began to see the nutritional value of the food I was eating, and that helped me make better decisions.” Everyone finds their inspiration in different ways—check out these weight-loss motivation mantras from people who have slimmed down.

Ayvazian’s ultimate goal was to lose 160 pounds—but he knew better than to make that his first goal. “I set the first goal at 47 pounds. I wanted to set a small, achievable goal that wasn’t overwhelming. When I met that one, I set another 30-pound goal, and I just kept setting new ones from there.” Ayvazian says his love of pizza (Domino’s Brooklyn Style and Philly Cheese Steak pizzas are his favorites) and the fact that he didn’t have to give it up to see results has kept him motivated. “I plan cheat days or cheat meals every ten days or so. It keeps me going because if I know one is coming up, then it’s easier to turn down tempting foods in front of me.”

He’s lost 120 pounds so far and has changed his diet up along the way. Ayvazian says that after cutting calories helped him lose the first several pounds, he began incorporating more protein into his diet (Domino’s chicken wings are one of his favorite go-to snacks); eventually, he switched entirely to the keto diet. The move to following the high-protein keto plan helped him push through a weight-loss plateau, and he credits it with helping him lose the last 20 pounds. “I’m excited about my next doctor’s appointment. I’ve gone off of my blood pressure medication and my insulin levels are normal again. My resting heart rate is better and I’m sleeping really well.” He says he’s playing soccer and basketball again. “When you’re big, you avoid things like sports because they’re hard to do, but now I don’t even have to think about it.” The keto diet has many benefits—and some drawbacks—here’s what you need to know about this controversial diet.

Today, he says he stays focused on getting back on track when, for example, the inevitable cheat day turns into a cheat week. “For me, it’s important to even log the embarrassing days, the bad days, because that’s life. It’s self-accountability and bouncing back that works. You can’t beat yourself up for going off track. Just log what happened, and then reset.”

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9 Ways You Can Literally Lose Weight in Your Sleep

Can you really lose weight overnight?

woman sleeping overheadIt’s not only possible to lose weight overnight—it’s actually a burgeoning area of research. Scientists suggest that modern life, with its late-night exposure to artificial light and longer waking hours, may be messing with the body’s natural circadian rhythms and encouraging it to hold onto fat. A few simple tweaks, however, might be able to change all that. Here are nine ways to set your body up for maximum weight-loss efficiency so that you can close your eyes and let your body work some magic.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

50 So-Called “Healthy” Snacks That Are Secretly Bad for You

Frozen yogurt


While fro yo itself is a good treat, it’s easy to eat it the wrong way. “People go to a frozen yogurt place and think ‘Hooray, I’m being so good by having yogurt instead of ice cream, I can pile peanut butter cups and chocolate syrup on top.’ What was initially a good choice is now 600 to 900 calories,” says Angel Planells, MS, RDN, Seattle-based founder of ACP Nutrition, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Your best bet instead is to go light on the extras, he suggests: “Two or three toppings max—think fruit, nuts, maybe a small drizzle of chocolate syrup—otherwise you may as well just eat some ice cream.” For more frozen snack variety, try one of these healthy summer treats.

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A Simple Method to Cure Cold or the Flu

It is accepted that the common cold is caused by viruses such as the rhinovirus and can be transmitted from one infected individual to the other. The cold viruses are easily spread by one human coughing or sneezing in the air surrounding a healthy subject. According to Wikipedia, Rhinovirus infection proliferates in temperatures between 33-35 degrees Celsius (91 to 95) the temperature found in the nose.

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How to Overcome Jet-Lag Quickly and Easily

Your body has a biological clock which can easily go out of balance when you change time zones or simply when have a late night out. In this article I explain how you can reset your body clock quickly and easily.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://bit.ly/2XC6QOA

19 Food Staples Healthy People Always Stock in the Pantry

Canned pumpkin

This superstar squash is good for more than just Halloween treats: add a can to pasta, chili, or quick breads for extra creamy texture and a fast dash of nutrition. Or you can stock up your pantry with these 15 other healthy foods nutritionists eat every day.

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How Many Calories Should You Eat a Day?

bowl yogurt fruit hand

What are calories?

When it comes to losing weight, terms like “low calorie,” “zero calories,” and “calorie cutting” are thrown around all the time. You may often find yourself wondering, How many calories should you eat a day? Despite what society may tell you, you don’t want to go overboard with the calorie slashing. In fact, cutting calories may not help you lose weight at all. 

“Calories are a unit of energy,” says Alex Robles, MD, of The White Coat Trainer. “They serve as fuel to allow your body to perform all of its necessary functions. This includes movement such as walking, running, and carrying groceries, and automatic functions such as breathing, food digestion, and blood circulation. Almost every single thing that is edible contains a certain number of calories.”

Calories come from fat, carbohydrates, and protein. Any calories your body doesn’t use are stored as fat and converted to energy if needed, though this is rare since most of us are constantly consuming calories, according to Susan Besser, MD, of Mercy Medical Center.

So how many calories should you eat a day?

How many calories do you need? There’s a formula to find that out. Finding out how many calories you should eat a day depends on your activity level. According to Besser, the average adult needs about 2,000 calories a day. If you’re trying to lose weight, you should cut 500 calories. But there’s another precise method to figure out how many calories you should eat in a day. Your Basal Metabolic Rate should be able to answer the question of how many calories do you need.

To calculate your BMR, fitness trainer Nick Page of The Trainer Page recommends the Harris-Benedict Formula. If you’re a male, you would do 66.47 + (6.24 x weight in lbs) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.755 x your age). If you’re a female, you would do  655.1 + (4.35 x weight in lbs) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x your age). Then calculate this number based on your estimated weekly activity level:

  • Little to no exercise (BMR x 1.2)
  • Little exercise – sports/workouts 1-3 times a week (BMR x 1.375)
  • Medium exercise – sports/workouts 3-5 times a week (BMR x 1.55)
  • Hard exercise – sports/workouts 6-7 times a week (BMR x 1.725)
  • Intense exercise/sports or physical job or 2X a day training (BMR x 1.9)

It’s important to note that this number doesn’t necessarily answer the question “how many calories do you need?” Although this does stand as the ideal formula to use as a guideline, weight loss boils down to more than just a number. Living your healthiest life doesn’t equate to shedding pounds, and obsessively counting calories can spiral one into an overly compulsive diet with dangerous downfalls. The induced stress can actually raise your cortisol levels, making it even harder for you to lose weight. And if you’re still wondering how many calories should you eat a day, here are some more simple tricks to help you determine how many calories are ideal for your weight loss goal.

How to burn calories and reduce your intake

The most effective way to burn more calories is to simply get moving,” says Flx Body Fitness fat loss and nutrition expert Stephen Campolo. “Even if it’s just going for a 30-minute walk or riding your bike. Any time your body is in motion you are burning calories. Start where you can and as you progress you can begin to implement weights or a steady workout routine.”

Campolo also recommends tracking your calories to better understand what you’re eating and reduce your intake. There are several apps you can download on your phone which will scan bar codes and enter what you eat and calculate the calories you eat that way. “Most people greatly underestimate how much they are eating, so tracking this will give you a good idea of how many calories you are actually consuming,” Campolo said.

This, combined with exercising, can help you lose weight. But it’s important to remember you need calories to function, no matter how much weight you’re trying to lose. Want to see where you can cut excess calories? Here are 100 easy ways to cut 50 calories throughout your day.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Better Health Through BALANCE!

Most of us have heard, the advice, Everything in moderation! Those, who seek, immediate, easy results, when it comes to living a happier, healthier life, are generally disappointed, because it requires a BALANCE of a variety of actions, including enhancing one's attitude, lifestyle, personal habits, diet and exercise, etc, as well as using some common sense, in the quest. While this may seem obvious, since common sense, is often, one of the rarest behaviors, only those, with patience, and discipline, and a willingness, to open - one's - mind, to consider, options, alternatives, and what's best, for you, personally, generally proceed, accordingly...

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://bit.ly/2XcArO4

Introduction to Different Types of Surgery

In a surgical procedure, incisions are made in order to treat a disease or injury. The tissues are cut to allow the required manipulation. Surgery is of different types, and they are divided into different classes on the basis of many factors like the surgery timing, purpose, and the type of equipment used.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://bit.ly/2UE08KJ

Friday, April 12, 2019

How to Find the Weight-Loss Plan That Will Work for You

Weighing the options

weight scale measuring tape

In theory, losing weight should be easy: Eat fewer calories than you burn, and—presto!—the pounds will start to fall off. But as anyone who has ever tried to slim down knows, the reality is far more complicated.

“Humans are bio-individuals. Of course, we are all the same species, but we have vastly different nutrition and health needs because of varying factors such as age, gender, medication use, supplement use, physical activity level, medical conditions, sleep habits, allergies, intolerances, cultural preferences, schedules, budgets, and so on,” says Monica Auslander Moreno, RD, a nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition and founder of Essence Nutrition in Miami. “Choosing a dietary pattern that is appropriate for someone else may be wildly inappropriate, foolish, or downright dangerous for you.”

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7 Compelling Reasons You Should Try Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Acupuncture works

acupunctureAssuming you are OK with needling and going for visits aren’t out of your budget, acupuncture for weight loss could be an option. Once considered alternative medicine, acupuncture is moving toward the mainstream and recommended by many doctors and may even be covered by insurance. The practice involves inserting fine, clean needles along specific pathways on the body to improve chi or energy flow. It doesn’t encourage weight loss in isolation, but when combined with a reduced calorie diet and regular exercise, women who got ear acupuncture weekly lost seven pounds more than their counterparts who only ate a reduced calorie diet and exercised. The women getting acupuncture also reported feeling less hungry. Here are some other surprising conditions that acupuncture can treat.

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Thursday, April 11, 2019

How the Keto Diet Plan Helped Me Kick My Sugar Habit

Healthy food clean eating selection in wooden box: fruit, vegetable, seeds, superfood, cereals, leaf vegetable on gray concrete background

I’ve never met a candy bar I didn’t like. For years, I finished every meal with a little something sweet. At holidays, people knew the way to my heart: peanut butter cups and chocolate-dipped marshmallows. For years, I tried to balance this sweet tooth with my efforts to lose weight—which was fine until it wasn’t. It was then, as my weight was creeping up, that I turned to a radical new plan that not only cured my sweet tooth but helped me shed more pounds than I thought possible. And it was easy.

Prior to discovering the keto diet plan, I counted calories. I even managed to drop 60 pounds with the help of exercise. Then last summer, I noticed my pants were just a bit too tight for comfort. I knew something had to change. As sad as I was to admit it, I knew I had to cut out sugar. But I also knew that just eliminating the sweet stuff wouldn’t work long-term—I would eventually give in to cravings. I needed something that would completely reset my eating habits. I decided on a ketogenic diet plan—make sure you know these things before starting the keto diet yourself.

The keto diet plan (keto is short for ketogenic) is high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. It allows only 20 grams of carbs per day, which doesn’t leave room for many fruits and vegetables—and sweets and starches are entirely off limits. Your main food sources are fat and protein, like beef and cheese or chicken and avocados. On the keto diet, you hijack your body’s preferred quick energy source, carbohydrates and force your body to start converting stored fat into energy. This metabolic process actually burns fat from your hips, thighs, belly, and organs (fatty liver, anyone?). The keto diet plan cuts carbs so dramatically your body has no choice but to turn to your fat stores.

I decided to start on a Monday, and just like that keto was in and carbs were out.

The first week of the keto diet plan wasn’t easy. I still craved chocolate every evening. I also experienced the dreaded “keto flu” about 48 hours in—this happens due to a lull in energy, as your body makes the switch from burning carb fuel to fat. I felt tired, sluggish, and unfocused. But amazingly, what I didn’t feel was hungry. Just like that, cravings stopped. Fat and protein, which are very filling, digest more slowly than carbohydrates; this meant I wasn’t hungry at meal times. Here’s what else can happen to your body on the keto diet.

About four days later, the keto flu fog lifted, and I felt more energized and focused than I had felt in years. Over the next seven weeks, I lost 15 pounds and slid easily back into the pants that had been too snug two months before. The biggest change, however, came with my control over my sweet tooth. Each doughnut or cookie I came across was a challenge—but it was also an easy decision: Eat too many carbs and my body would fall out of ketosis. I’d have to start the whole process again. Would it really be worth it? The answer was plain: No.

When I did finally eat sugar again—the holidays—I feared one bite would unleash a wave of uncontrollable sugar cravings. Fortunately, the opposite happened: I took one bite and I found out how much my palate had changed. I couldn’t eat cake. I barely finished a bite.

Keto helped me accomplish my two main goals: I jump-started my weight loss and I tamed the sugar monster that had ruled me for years. Plus, I learned a helpful trick. If I crave chocolate—and sometimes, those cravings do come—I can happily snack on a square of ultra-dark chocolate (88 percent cacao or higher) and quietly calm the call of my once-insatiable sweet tooth in a mostly healthy way. Thinking about starting the keto diet yourself? Take a look at this keto diet guide for beginners to get you started.


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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What Are Warts and How They Can Be Removed Effectively?

What are warts? When the system is infected with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) viruses, then these viruses cause excessive skin cell growth. When there is cellular growth on the skin on a particular location, it shows up a protruded bump which is rough and thick.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://bit.ly/2IqkAaA

20 Supermarket Foods That’ll Help You Lose 10 Pounds This Month

Packaged food comes clean

fruits and vegetables in packing

The diet food of the past may have been cardboard-tasting, fake-sugar-laden garbage, but today there are products that can help you slash calories, stave off hunger pangs, and keep portions reasonable without sacrificing taste. (A lot of them will help fill in nutritional gaps in your diet, too). “Even though whole foods are the foundation of a healthy diet, it’s simply not practical to eat a diet that consists entirely of whole foods,” says Karen Ansel, RD, author of Healing Superfoods for Anti-aging: Stay Younger, Live Longer. “The good news is that packaged foods have made a lot of progress when it comes to cleaning up their ingredient lists.” We asked pros, including Ansel, for their top picks to help you lose 10 pounds and came up with one killer grocery list. Make sure to stock up on these healthy foods that are way more nutritious than you thought.

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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

10 Reasons Why It’s So Hard to Lose Water Weight

You’re skimping on antioxidants

You’ve probably heard the term “water weight,” but what does that mean exactly? According to Bridget Murphy, a registered dietitian at NYU Langone Medical Center, our bodies are 60 to 70 percent water. Eating too much of certain foods, or not enough of others, causes your body to hold onto extra water, making you feel bloated and puffy. For example, eating more vegetables and fruits that contain antioxidants can help us lose water weight. “Research supports an increase in antioxidants to help to flush our system and reduce water retention, as they bind to and neutralize free radicals,” Murphy says. “My biggest recommendation when it comes to foods high in antioxidants is to ‘eat the rainbow,’ meaning find a natural food source from each color.” Some options she suggests are red bell peppers, tomatoes or strawberries for red; carrots or butternut squash for orange; squash or artichokes for yellow; leafy greens like spinach or kale for green; and blueberries, purple beets, or eggplant for blue. Don’t miss these 10 things experts wish you knew about water weight.

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Monday, April 8, 2019

13 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat a Vegan Diet

First: A vegan lifestyle entails eating an entirely plant-based diet

One million people are vegan in the United States, according to data collected by the Harris Interactive Service Bureau. People choose to go vegan for many different reasons, whether it’s because they advocate for ethical treatment of animals or because they’re hoping to reap the health benefits of a vegan diet. It’s no secret that boosting your fruit and vegetable intake has major health perks, but that’s only if you do it the right way. Experts say a healthy vegan diet comes down to balance, conscientious eating, and food smarts. “Make sure it’s a well-balanced diet that has a wide variety of foods,” says Vandana Sheth, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Anything you eat can be unhealthy depending on how you make it.” These 12 tips will teach you how to become vegan without missing meat.

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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

10 Ways Your Body Changes When You Start Drinking Enough Water

You’ll have more energy

The cells throughout your body need water to function. “Cells contain water and are surrounded by water,” says Ronald Navarro, MD, orthopedic and sport medicine surgeon at Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center in Harbor City, California. “In dehydration, cell membranes become less permeable, hampering the flow of hormones and nutrients into the cell and preventing waste products that cause cell damage from flowing out.” When that’s happening, your energy is sapped and fatigue can take over, according to a review of hydration research published in the journal Nutrition Review.

How much water do you need to boost energy? Depending on who you ask, the exact amount varies. Dr. Navarro points to the most agreed-upon recommendation of six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. He points out that this can vary, though. “Some adults may need more or less, depending on their overall health, including if they have certain illnesses, take specific medications, and more,” he explains. “It also depends on how much they exercise and the level of intensity, and how hot and dry the weather is.” If you’re interested to know how much water your body is hankering for, talk to your primary care doctor.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

How Long Is It Safe to Stay on the Keto Diet?

Food clock. Healthy food concept on wooden table

The keto diet is popular among people looking to shed pounds. But the question remains: Is keto diet safe in the long-term? Here, what researchers and doctors want you to know.

What is the keto diet?

The ketogenic (keto) diet is a high-fat, low-calorie diet. People following the keto diet aim to eat 75 percent of their calories from fat, 20 percent from protein, and 5 percent from carbohydrates. If you’re curious about the plan, check out these before-and-after keto diet pictures. The keto diet has been used for decades to help children with certain types of epilepsy avoid seizures—and research backs up the continuous use in these people.

What about everyone else: Is keto diet safe in the long term?

How long the keto diet is safe for weight loss is still under study. Early research found that overweight individuals who followed it for 24 weeks had positive results. Another study recommends people follow the diet for no more than 12 months. Even during that time, say the authors, “close monitoring of [kidney] functions while on a ketogenic diet is imperative.” In other words, let your doctor know what you’re up to, and keep an eye on your kidney health. Beyond a year, no one’s really sure how safe the diet is.

“My professional recommended period of following the keto diet is about six months maximum, and that will also depend on how much the person weighed prior to starting the diet and the state of his or her overall health within those six months,” says Nikola Djordjevic, MD, of MedAlertHelp.org.

He adds, “That said, I highly advise that anyone on the keto diet get checked by a professional nutritionist or a medical doctor regularly to make sure he or she hasn’t developed any complications like hypertension.”

Precautions to take with long-term keto dieting

Despite all the keto success stories, most doctors still warn against the plan—in part because U.S. News & World Report ranked it as one of the worst diets. Doctors who do support keto say there are rules and guidelines that are more likely to keep the diet effective and healthy, starting with:

Focus on quality fats

“Since the largest component of a keto diet is fat, my biggest concern with keto is that the fats consumed may not be healthy ones,” says Alvin Berger, MS, PhD, adjunct professor of nutrition at the University of Minnesota and CEO of SciaEssentials. “Examples of undesirable fats include excessive amounts of coconut oil, deep-fried fats, lard, and oxidized/rancid fats.” Dr. Berger suggests you work with a certified nutritionist, particularly one with an expertise in fats, to hone your keto diet for the long term.

Don’t waste your carbs

Keto eaters find a lot of “low-carb” hacks for their favorite non-keto foods, from chocolate chip cookies to baked bread, but Dr. Berger says you should use the carbs you can consume on healthier options, like vegetables.

Pay attention to micronutrients

Keto dieters can miss out on some key nutrients like electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, says Jennifer Mason, MS RD, a dietitian who specializes in low-carb and keto diets. Without adequate sources of these two nutrients, you may experience nausea, weakness, muscle cramps, and constipation—or the keto flu. You can try supplements, or focus on nutrient-rich foods that will provide you what you need.

Eat real food

Your pharmacy shelves are groaning under the weight of keto supplements, but Adam Nally, DO, author of The Keto Cure, advises steering clear. “I recommend using real food instead of protein powders and MCT oil,” he says. “Adequate nutrients in a ketogenic diet come from eating real animal protein and real animal fat over the long term.” If you are considering keto supplements, review this list of the keto supplements that might be worth your money.

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50 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

Don’t clear the table

plate of food after eating shrimp

Don’t tell your mom, but we’re giving you official permission to make a mess. As you eat, leave the candy wrappers, fruit peels, nut shells, chicken bones, and other scraps on the table. Seeing it is a visual reminder of exactly how much you’ve eaten and can provide a simple reminder to stop eating when you’re full, according to research done by the Cornell Food and Brand Lab.

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