Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Can a Genetic Test Help You Reach Your Weight-Loss Goals?

Genetic testing is all the rage, yet there are real questions about whether the technology is really worth it. One of the more tantalizing genetic possibilities: Could your genes suggest the right weight-loss approach for you? That’s what a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests.

The researchers looked at 683 men and women ages 18 to 73 from the Food4Me trial, a U.K.-based trial that delivers personalized nutrition and support via the Internet to adults. All the participants were screened for the FTO genetic variation, a trait that’s associated with weight gain. One group was told that they carried this variation, and they received personalized nutrition guidance. In previous research, people who carry the trait are particularly susceptible to saturated fats, benefit from increasing their intake of healthy omega-3 fats (the kind in fish and walnuts, for example), and respond well to exercise.

While the differences between the groups were small—the FTO group lost about a half-pound more and trimmed an additional inch of their waistlines compared to a control group after six months—the researchers were nonetheless enthusiastic about the results. “We think that personalized (nutrition) advice is more effective because it engages each individual better and motivates them to make specific behavioral changes and to sustain those changes,” says study author John C. Mathers, director of the Human Nutrition Research Centre at Newcastle University.

Getting tested for this genetic susceptibility probably isn’t worth the advantages suggested by these results. In fact, past research indicates genetic status as a whole may not make a major difference in weight loss. Mathers points to a larger analysis of data from eight major trials involving nearly 10,000 people published in BMJ in 2016. The results in a nutshell: “We found that FTO [gene] status did not affect weight loss,” he says.

One other positive takeaway from Mathers: “We think this is good news since it suggests that even if the genetic variation made the person a bit heavier, it would not be a barrier to losing weight,” he says. “Genetics matters but not as much as many people assume,” he says. Translation: if you’re overweight, it may not be your genes preventing you from losing it.

The bottom line: Your lifestyle matters more. The diet you eat every day makes a bigger difference in your weight, says Mathers. If you’re overweight and want to lose pounds, the advice to eat fewer fatty and sugary foods and more fruits and veggies still stands, he says. “Most people gain weight gradually over many months and years. Weight loss can take a while so patience and determination are keys to success,” Mathers adds. Plateaued? Here are 17 ways to start losing again.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2qvKKkt

Summer Heat: Tips to Stay Cool

When the temperature record highs, the heat and dust is accompanied by a lot of challenging thing. So, here is a compilation of some tips and advice that help you keep your cool even during the hottest day of the year. Have a look.

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What Is Neurotherapy And How Does It Work?

Not every one of us is gifted with a normal brain. People get into their appearance and keep on regretting that they do not have a fairer skin tone or even over issues more pretty than this, what we need to understand is that at least we are gifted with a brain that functions normally or even sometimes extraordinary.

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Have You Lost The Spark In You?

It is not always the age of a human being that suppresses his or her inner zeal. In fact, your living environment, your backers, the ones who meet you constantly and your thoughts and beliefs do have a lot of upshot on your emotions. Under the scenario, the once-very-bubbly kind of a human being turns to be faded and requires a shake up to get him or her recovered.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2r5a4Nu

11 Ways to Make Your Coffee Habit Healthier

Don’t have coffee—and only coffee—for breakfast

coffeeSo, you’re running late for work and you manage to guzzle down a cuppa before heading into your first a.m. meeting. Fast forward to mid-day and your stomach is growling and you realize that—whoops!—you completely forgot to eat breakfast and now it’s past lunchtime. Though drinking coffee is healthy, Adina Pearson, RD, says that because coffee can suppress your appetite and is a stimulant, some people use it as a meal replacement. “Coffee’s stimulant properties may mask the fact you’re undereating, but it’s only temporary. Good self-care means eating enough—not just being buzzed. You can’t run on caffeine you need food—carbs, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, and fiber—for overall health.” Here are seven signs you’re drinking too much caffeine.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2qjERaa

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Ultimate Guide To Get Back On Your Feet

When did you last stand in front of the mirror and admire yourself? Or, when did you last visit the gym or did yoga? Umm, months ago?

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15 Wacky Ways You Can Burn Extra Calories Without Stepping Foot Into a Gym



Burning calories is not usually our main motivation for kissing someone, but it’s good to know that locking lips has benefits we don’t expect. Kissing can burn two to six calories a minute. Do it for an hour and you can burn up to 60 extra calories. Muah! Don’t miss these other benefits of kissing.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2s089H2

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How to Achieve Health and Fitness

Many people are in search for health and fitness, but what are really the essentials for health and fitness and how do you achieve good health and overall well being? When you have a closer look at the concept, it all boils down to the following four components, which are crucial for healthy living.

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13 “Healthy” Food Habits You Should Ditch Right Now

Going low on sodium


If you’ve ever had high blood pressure, you were probably told to cut down or stop consuming sodium. But a new study from Boston University that followed 2,600 people over 16 years found that a low-sodium diet didn’t actually lower blood pressure. So salt might not be the enemy after all—and actually, a little salt might be part of a healthy food plan. The study also found that people with the lowest intake of sodium (along with the highest) had a greater risk of heart disease than the people in the middle. But, that doesn’t mean you should go crazy eating processed foods that contain lots of sodium either. “In general, focusing on reducing processed foods, which tend to be rich in added sodium, and adding in more whole foods may be more effective than just focusing on counting milligrams of sodium when it comes to promoting heart health,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, author of Belly Fat Diet for Dummies.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2qfRgqM

Monday, May 22, 2017

6 Ways to Curb Pesky Cravings When You’re Dieting (Without Skipping Meals)

Make friends with water


You’d be surprised at how easy it is to confuse thirst with hunger: Even slight dehydration can leave you feeling ravenous. If munching is on your mind, think about how long it has been since your last glass of water. Aim for around eight glasses of water daily, more with exercise or if you live in a hot climate. When hunger hits, drink a glass of water. Roxana Begum, PhD, a dietitian in Chattanooga, Tennessee, fills a pitcher of water in the morning, and sips on it throughout the day. Your weight loss and maintenance efforts benefit from hydration, as well.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2rJErGY

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Would You Recognize the Warning Signs of Spinal Stenosis?

From time to time, we all have the occasional ache or pain, especially as we age. It can be tempting to push it aside and focus on other things, keeping your mind distracted and off of the pain. As spinal stenosis occurs gradually over time, there is no sudden onset and symptoms tend to start out mild and barely noticeable and work their way up to life interrupting.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2pWQ0xb

Friday, May 19, 2017

How to Get in Shape for the Summer

Winter holidays and lack of physical activity inevitably lead to gaining a few more pounds. As a result, at the beginning of spring, you find out that the clothes from the last season do not fit anymore. Well, instead of rushing to the store to get a bigger size, try these small tricks. Even if you do not have time to go to the gym, the following activities will help you get in shape in no time.

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Good Health, One of the Greatest Blessings of Life

No matter how wealthy we are or how lavish our lifestyle is, if we do not have a healthy body then nothing else really matters. One can just not live a 'happy' life with a body full of diseases. We give a lot of importance to plenty of irrelevant things which ends up giving us temporary happiness and nothing more.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2pSyydk

Thursday, May 18, 2017

14 Things to NEVER Lie to Your Doctor About

Your surgical history

surgeryWhen you first see a new doctor because you switched jobs and healthcare providers or relocated to a new town, you’ll be filling out tons of medical and insurance forms. (Know the secrets your insurer might be keeping from you.) A biggie in the long slew of “yes” and “no” checkboxes refers to your surgical history. From minor procedures to major operations, Manhattan plastic surgeon David Shafer, MD, says being honest about your past will help alleviate complications in your future. Though many of his surgeries are elective, every surgeon needs background info to minimize your risk for scar tissue, reactions, and more. “I always find it concerning when a patient tells me they have never had surgery, and when I examine them they have what are clearly facelift incisions,” he shares.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2q1DA2x

Who Needs a Liver Transplant and What Are the Signs and Symptoms?

The liver is one of the vital organs in the human body. This essentially means that one cannot live without the liver. It serves many critical functions in the body that include metabolism of drugs and toxins, removing degradation products and synthesis of important proteins and enzymes.

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Eat This Every Day to Beat Belly Bloat

Ever since Selena Gomez revealed to James Corden during The Late Late Show‘s popular segment, “Carpool Karaoke” that she takes a shot of ginger every morning—or sometimes just a straight-up hunk of ginger, the internet has been all atwitter (hiyo!). Well, there’s no denying that Gomez looks healthy and fabulous on her first-ever Vogue cover. But what is it about ginger?

“It’s killing everything inside! All of the bad things,” she explained to Cordon, by which she is most likely referring to the fact that ginger is known to help boost the immune system in a variety of ways, including via detoxification and T-cell activation. At the same time, ginger contains chemicals that reduce inflammation, which can interfere with the healthy functioning of the immune system by causing it to go into overdrive.

Ginger works primarily on the stomach and intestines, naturally alleviating various types of stomach problems, most notably nausea and indigestion, including that caused by pregnancy, motion sickness, and cancer treatment. Ginger can also reduce the presence of gas in the digestive tract, which in turn can help reduce belly bloat (any swelling or increase in the diameter of the abdominal area), the most common cause of which is the buildup of digestive gas. (Keep in mind that although a bloated belly is usually related to diet, it can be caused by more serious conditions.)

Registered dietitian Elisa Bremner of New York recommends ginger as a natural remedy for belly bloat and its diet-related causes. And you don’t have to take a daily ginger shot to enjoy its health benefits. One can simply include ginger, fresh or powdered, in healthy homemade meals. Try this stir fry recipe, for example. To treat gas or nausea, Bremner recommends chewing on a slice of fresh ginger root or adding freshly grated ginger to a cup of hot water to immediately relieve symptoms. If you’re inclined to try Gomez’s “shot of ginger” habit, you can whip up this recipe for a ginger lemon shot.

Although ginger has benefits, it has some potential risks. As Bremner says, “As with any super food, too much of a good thing may hurt more than help, and individual tolerance varies.” For example, some people find that ginger irritates their mouth. On a more serious note, one of the compounds in ginger has been found to possess more potent anti-platelet agents than aspirin under certain circumstances. Therefore, if you’re already taking aspirin for blood thinning, taking ginger regularly may be harmful. Ginger may interact with other medications as well, both prescription and over-the-counter, so it is best to discuss its use with a doctor before adopting a daily ginger regimen.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2quUeLh

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Effective Treatments To Control Bleeding Quickly

If you are bleeding heavily (hemorrhaging), the first step is obviously to stop the blood loss and determine the cause. In this article, you will find the treatments to control bleeding on time.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2qMZefK

Monday, May 15, 2017

10 Crucial Health Tweaks to Make by Your 50s

Get a colonoscopy

For most people, your 50th birthday is the signal that it’s time for a first colonoscopy screening—and you should know the best time to schedule your colonoscopy. During the procedure, your doctor will use a long, lighted tube called a colonoscope to examine your colon for polyps, which can be early signs of colon cancer. The procedure, which is done while you’re under sedation, is painless and the benefits are great. Discovered early, colon cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer—but it rarely has symptoms until it’s progressed to a deadlier stage. According to the Colon Cancer Alliance, colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men and women in the United States. Nearly 90 percent of new cases occur in people over age 50. Colon cancer usually begins as a small, slow growing growth in the colon that, if left unchecked, can progress into cancer. “It is a disease that is 90 percent treatable if caught early,” says Michael Sapienza, CEO of the Colon Cancer Alliance. For those fearful of the procedure, which requires sedation and taking a day off of work, other procedures are available, but the colonoscopy is the most complete screening method available because it can identify and remove polyps in a single session and there’s really nothing to be nervous about. Check out these colonoscopy prep tips from doctors. “If you are not doing it for yourself, do it for others—your family,” says Sapienza. While most adults have a first colonoscopy at age 50, those with risk factors such as a family history of colon cancer, may need to be screened at an earlier age.


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What the Heck Is a Reducetarian? (And Should You Be One?)

Brian Kateman, author of The Reducetarian Solution, is credited with coining the phrase “reducetarian.” Reducetarianism backs away from the all-or-nothingness of veganism and vegetarianism, instead providing a flexible framework for mindfully reducing one’s consumption of meat for a host of reasons. Kateman has been said to have “little patience” for those who would punish themselves for taking the occasional bite of burger. Such thinking, Kateman believes, distracts from the fact that “eating less meat overall is still a net positive.”

Only 2 percent of adults in the United States are current vegetarians, 10 percent are former vegetarians, and 88 percent are neither, according to one study. Yet it’s well known that there are significant health benefits associated with following a vegetarian diet, as well as environmental and ethical reasons for not eating meat. According to Kateman, the problem may be in the sort of messaging that goes along with vegetarianism, which implies that the “only way to mitigate the environmental, animal welfare, and health problems associated with meat is to completely eliminate it from one’s diet.” Reducetarianism is founded on the notion that every plant-based meal is worth celebrating and that reducing one’s consumption of meat is a realistic and valuable commitment.

Kateman co-founded the Reducetarian Foundation to encourage people around the world to make “healthy, sustainable, and compassionate food choices” via paid online advertising campaigns and other outreach activities. In addition, the Foundation is piloting research on the most effective ways to encourage reduction of meat consumption. Their first in-house study gauged the success of a news article encouraging the reduction of meat consumption. It found that just by reading a news article, people are motivated to modify how much meat they eat and change their opinions with respect to the treatment of animals and the factory farming/food production system—at least for a period of up to five weeks.

Reducetarianism isn’t new, even if the phrase has been coined only recently. Although the number of vegetarians is relatively low, people in this country have been eating less and less meat every year, with more and more people opting for meat-free meals more often. Take Meatless Mondays for example, which came into modern popular culture in 2003 as a public health awareness program and which the Humane Society has said is “a great way to look and feel better.” More popular than ever, it can be as simple as “swapping chicken nuggets for a bean and rice burrito, putting pork chops aside in favor of a spicy three-bean chili, or trying a veggie burger instead of a hamburger.”

According to Kateman, becoming a reducetarian is as easy as holding oneself accountable to eating less meat during the next 30 days by making an online pledge or just vowing to do it. The important thing, it seems, is knowing that this option is out there. It’s flexible. It’s rooted in good sense. And it doesn’t require that all-or-nothing mentality that too often can lead to failure, notwithstanding the best of intentions.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2qljwvk

Getting To Grips With Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is a condition where the body overheats. This can be due to a number of reasons and can be detrimental to health. Here is a short review on heat stroke and how you can treat and prevent it.

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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Fecal Impaction Constipation Symptoms & Ways for Softening Stubborn Hardened Stools

Fecal impaction what is it? It can be quite daunting trying to understand the medical terms used for specific conditions and disease. Why complicate things by holding back from saying 'Doctor what exactly is it I have and what should I expect in the way of treatment'.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2rbLJlV

Thursday, May 11, 2017

How Chiropractic Helps With TMJ Treatment

Jaw pain can be quite uncomfortable. You might notice clicking in your jaw, difficulty with opening your mouth fully, or your jaw might deviate to one side. These signs and symptoms may indicate a TMJ problem. This article explores common causes of TMJ Syndrome and an effective way to treat it.

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Can Long Standing Injuries Be Healed?

When we often think of going to see a doctor we think of what is currently affecting us, and what symptoms are being presented. Over time, if we cannot seem to find the right path to healing for a particular ailment, we often become resigned to living with it as if it is incurable. We tolerate the pain or discomfort and go through our daily lives the best we can. The truth is that health is our natural state.

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13 Health Tweaks to Make in Your 30s to Stay Healthy for the Rest of Your Life

Work out in the morning

stretchingIf you’ve (finally) developed the habit of hitting your go-to fitness studio right after work instead of getting half-off cocktails at happy hour, we’re giving you major props. Unfortunately though? Pulmonary and critical care physician, Cedric Rutland, MD, says that morning workouts is the better time-of-day choice for your 30s. “Sure, getting up is no fun, but it’s proven scientifically that working out in the a.m. increases your energy level throughout the day, along with improving your mood and the feeling of accomplishment before you arrive to work,” he shares. He says this extra burst of motivation will also give you more time (and desire) to plan your meals, making you more mindful about portions and nutrition.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2pCBdnc

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

5 Fruits You Need to Eat Every Day to Not Gain Weight



In a BMJ study of more than 100,000 men and women, researchers discovered that subclasses of powerful antioxidants called flavonoids—namely flavonols, flavan-3-ols, anthocyanins, and flavonoid polymers—found in select fruits and vegetables may prevent weight gain. The fruits with the greatest effect on weight maintenance were chock full of flavonoids called anthocyanins, and blueberries top this list.

About one-quarter cup of blueberries contains 10 milligrams of anthocyanins, and each 10 mg increase is linked with a quarter-pound less weight gain over four years, the BMJ study found. This may seem insignificant, but it can add up with time, the study authors point out. Exactly how flavonoids deter weight gain is not fully understood but eating foods rich in flavonoids—namely produce—may allow us to feel full sooner, and avoid other less-healthy foods that may lead to weight gain.

“I am a blueberry fan for many reasons,” says Keri Peterson, MD, an internist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. Antioxidant power aside, blueberries are also rich in fiber which keeps us feeling full longer, she says. “They are among the healthiest fruits to eat.” Berries happen to be among the most-filling fruits. Aim for a cup of blueberries a day as part of an overall healthful diet that is rich in lean protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats like olive oil, fruits and vegetables, she says.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2q4ydTE

10 Tips for Airline Travel Well-Being

With travel season coming up it is good to remember that with travel, planning is everything. The proactive travel plan can ease frustrations and minimize stress, both of which are at odds with the well-being lifestyle. Whether you are jetting off for rest and relaxation or the next client meeting, you will want to be at your best, so that you can get full benefits from the experience.

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3 Types of Hearing Loss: What You Need To Know

Conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss are the three types of hearing problems. Here are the things that you need to know about these hearing issues including the causes and treatment options.

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Everything You Need To Know About MRI Services and Radio Imaging Services

MRI services make use of powerful magnetic field and make use of computer software to create an image of organs and soft tissues. Types of MRI- There are various types of MRI being performed these days which includes- Breast MRI- These make use of magnetic field and radio frequency for assessing breast. These are used to detection of breast cancer or any other minor changes in breast.

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Translating Great Stem Cell Ideas Into Effective Therapies

Researchers found out that the patient's own blood stem cells can eliminate the complications and at the same time address the condition. To implement the technique, a new gene-editing tool called CRISPR-Cas9 is used by the CHORI team. This technique helps to develop a way to edit the defective gene causing sickle cell and transform it into a healthy blood supply for the affected people.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Fetal Cells, Like Cord Blood and Cord Tissue Stem Cells, Wield Influence Long After a Baby Is Born

More and more parents are now considering cord blood banking for the simple reason that it has the potential to treat many diseases and conditions even after decades of birth. And not only the child, one cord blood unit can secure entire family's future and how! We all know that the umbilical cord ties a mother with her child during birth. However, new studies and researches have shown that fetal cells travel through placenta and often rest in various body parts of the mother.

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An Understanding of Hiatal Hernia

The term "Hernia" draws origin from the Greek latin word which means "tear" or "rupture". Anatomically it refers to any abnormal protrusion of the abdominal contents. A "Hiatal Hernia" therefore refers to the abnormal protrusion of the Gastrointestinal Tract through the opening (hiatus) within the diaphragm. While there are unknown causes for this condition, any condition resulting in increased pressure in the abdomen has the potential to develop hiatal hernia...

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Monday, May 8, 2017

Men: 7 Crucial Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Your Health

You might be eating too much protein

proteinYou want to keep your body strong, you’re committed to exercise, strength-training, and a diet of muscle-friendly protein. Unfortunately, many men turn directly to protein supplements, which can be problematic when you’re taking them for an extended period of time. (These are much healthier ways to sneak in protein.) “Men are often the main consumers of protein supplements as part of a muscle-building routine, and the overconsumption of protein can actually stress the kidneys, and be a key indicator of increased cancer risk,” explains certified culinary health expert, Ken Immer. While your physician may ask you how you’re feeling and how much you drink, but they probably won’t ask you about how many scoops of chemical, powdery-stuff you add to a smoothie each week. A nutritionist, on the other hand, can help you get the body you want, without sacrificing your health.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2qLvSOa

Medical Technologies - Are They a Good Idea?

We are in 2017 and there is a lot of technology every where we turn. We all own some type of technology that we carry with us or use on a daily basis. This also is the case for when we go to the hospital or a clinic. Technologies in the medical field is coming more common everyday.

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Maybe I Should Reiki And Not Photograph My Food

So many social media friends photograph a special piece of cake, steak and chips, a sundae, cake with ice cream, or pizza that they are eating out. Nobody criticizes their choice of food. But when I photograph a very special juice that I am enjoying, I often get the Food Police onto me.

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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Women: 9 Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Your Health

That your nails could reveal vitamin deficiencies

Think back to your last physical with your primary care doctor. More than likely, they took blood samples, had you take several deep breaths in while they listened to your lungs and chest, and asked you a bunch of questions. But did they ask you about what’s going on underneath your manicure? Likely, not. However, certified culinary health educator, Ken Immer says our nail beds can be very telling. “Your nails are a window into your bone health, and is closely related to diet,” he explains. “Brittle, flaky nails can be an indication of a deficiency in vitamins A, C, or biotin. When it comes to the relationship to bones—in women especially—this could also be an early indication of osteoporosis, as both nails and bones require similar protein chemical reactions to maintain structural integrity.” Find out what else your fingernails reveal about your health.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2pSKFDX

Friday, May 5, 2017

Forget the Elliptical—This Woman Lost 40 Pounds Hula Hooping

weightlossAfter having her first child eight years ago, Kristin Benton weighed 223 pounds and wanted to lose some of that baby weight. Slaving away at the gym sounded boring and expensive, so she was anxious to figure out another option.

When one of Benton’s friends mentioned his wife had taken up hula hooping, the new mom was intrigued. A cheap hoop wouldn’t require a pricey gym membership or for her to spend her rare free time at a fitness center.

Benton started hula hooping for just half an hour each night while her husband watched TV. She figured it would be healthier than just sitting on the couch, but she didn’t expect the pounds to melt away. (Don’t miss the secrets of women who manage to get in a workout every day.) Within two weeks, Benton already noticed results, and she kept shedding about two to three more pounds every week. After about six months of nightly hula hoop sessions, she’d lost 40 pounds. “I thought, ‘This is an activity and a way to be active’ but didn’t go into it thinking I’d lose all my weight,” says Benton. “I didn’t know it would change my life.” (Want to change your life? Try these calorie-blasting workouts.)

Seeing what a difference one lifestyle tweak could make, she decided to make even more healthy changes. She started paying attention to what she ate and hitting the gym to tone up even more—but she never gave up her love for hula hoops. “Hooping has remained part of my active lifestyle and fitness routine,” she says. “It was a gateway exercise and opened the door to so much.”

When Benton got pregnant with her second daughter, she regained some of that weight. But this time, she had a plan. With the help of hooping, she shed those pounds, and has lost a grand total of 48 pounds since her first pregnancy. Whenever friends asked her secret to losing the post-baby weight, she was eager to share the answer: hula hooping.

Hoping to share her fun workout with other women, Benton started a hula hoop fitness class. After five years as owner of Happy Hoops in Nashville, she closed those doors to pair up with a business partner and create FXP Fitness. The company has classes in 42 states, plus a series of workout DVDs.


FXP Fitness uses hula hoops, but at two pounds and 41 inches in diameter, they’re not the wimpy little ones you’ll find at Toys “R” Us. And Benton has spread beyond the traditional hip-swinging movement too. She uses the bigger, heavier hoops a program that has elements of yoga, pilates, and barre. “You use the hoop for balance and support, and use it for resistance,” she says. “It strengthens muscles through resistance training and for stretches to create long, lean muscles.”

Her routine has changed form, but Benton still swears by hula hooping for keeping her in shape. “I’m mostly muscle at this point and feel really healthy and strong,” she says.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2pJLiBc

How to End Sugar Craving

How do I end sugar cravings? Most individuals have fought the sugar cravings challenge. Even after getting information about negative impacts of sugar, the thought of eliminating or reducing your sugar consumption seems to be an impossible and outrageous feat.

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How To Use Ayurveda As Pigmentation Treatment

The melanin pigments that are produced by the skin help in identifying the color of your skin. More than hundreds of genes affect the skin color and the natural pigmentation of your skin cannot be corrected. Ayurveda suggests Pigmentation Treatment for those with excess or less melanin secretion.

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Thursday, May 4, 2017

5 Fitness Experts Reveal the One Move That Transformed Their Body

Super fly crunch


Sarah Bowmar began her career in digital marketing but soon realized that her main passion was fitness and helping others also become fit. Bowmar says there was one workout that had the most dramatic effect on her body: “It’s called the super fly crunch, and it targets your abs,” she says. You’ll need bands or a cable strength training machine to pull this one off. Assume a plank position, and place your feet into handles of the band or cable machine, suspending your legs off the ground. Now bring your knees forward to your chest in a crunch. Start out slow—you may only be able to do a few repetitions of this demanding move at first. Want more from Bowmar? Follow her fitness Instagram.

Remember that when you’re starting a new program you should follow these guidelines.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2pf1bgt

Prefer Ayurvedic Skin Care Products for a Healthy and Glowing Skin

Ayurvedic is considered to be an old practice of medicine that is gaining wide popularity in the present days. Kapha, pitta, and vata are known to be the three primary doshas that form the emotional, mental and physical characteristics of the Ayurvedic form of medicine. There are several Ayurvedic products which are suited to one of these doshas. There are several benefits owing to which Ayurvedic Skin Care Products are recognized to be of higher importance:

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2pL2vL3

Top Benefits of Triphala Juice

Trifala juice is comprised of three fruits which are inclusive of Bibhikati, Harikatha, and Amalaki. This juice is used for healing different diseases. Here is a list of the different benefits of Triphala juice:

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2qvQYQs

Benefits of Noni Juice

Noni is a well-recognized fruit which has gained high prominence owing to its anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties. Noni juice has been effective in the treatment of different diseases.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2qIKKtc

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

7 Main Reasons to Drink More Water

Water is so important for your body to function well. But are you drinking enough? There are so many symptoms associated with dehydration that you may not know about. Drinking more water each day is the easiest way to live a healthier and more vibrant life.

from Health and Fitness Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2p8GbYK

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

11 Homemade Baked Chips That Will Break Your Lay’s Addiction


Kale chips launched the veggie chip craze, and they aren’t going away any time soon. After all, those thin leaves are practically designed to make crispy chips—no mandoline required. Taking a blow drier to the washed leaves will get rid of any excess water before you add oil and seasonings. But their crispy texture isn’t all that makes kale such a great veggie chip choice. A cup of kale pack in nearly seven times your daily vitamin K needs and twice your vitamin A requirements. Get onboard the bandwagon with these Indian-spiced baked kale chips from Eat Healthy Eat Happy, then find out if you’re getting enough vitamins.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2p6Va5h

12 Most Filling Fruits and Vegetables, According to Nutritionists


artichokeFruits and vegetables are the cornerstone of any healthy eating or weight loss plan, but they can also be challenging if you’re looking to curb your hunger. After all, if you’re starving soon after eating them, you’ll be less likely to stick to your goals. So which fill you up best? The secret is in the fiber. “Fiber helps keep us feeling fuller longer, as it slows gastric emptying, keeping food in our stomach as it breaks down,” says Bridget Murphy, MS, a registered dietitian at NYU Langone Medical Center. “It is estimated that the average American consumes only about 12 grams of fiber per day—less than half the recommendation of 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day for women, and 30 to 35 grams for men.” One fiber-filled veggie she recommends is artichoke—one cup of artichoke hearts has nearly nine grams! Plus, according to the University of Michigan, they aid digestion, making your stomach feel full but not uncomfortable. Find out why artichokes sweeten water, and other foods that trick your taste buds.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2p68h6O

Monday, May 1, 2017

Could Eating a Second Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? So why not have two? There’s a growing trend promoting a “second breakfast” as a weight-loss mechanism. The idea: If you eat more in the morning, you’ll be less likely to snack at night, when, according to research, it’s harder to burn off calories. Now there’s research adding weight to this claim.

A study conducted by researchers at Yale and the University of Connecticut suggests that eating something small to jump-start your metabolism followed by a slightly larger meal an hour or two later can keep you satiated until lunchtime and help prevent overeating throughout the rest of the day. The study, published in the journal Pediatric Obesity, tracked the weight and breakfast-eating patterns of students from 12 randomly selected urban area schools over the course of two years. The team looked at six different eating patterns: frequent breakfast skippers, inconsistent school eaters, inconsistent home eaters, frequent school eaters, frequent home eaters, and double-breakfast eaters. They found that it was the frequent breakfast skippers who showed increased odds of becoming overweight or obese compared to the double-breakfast eaters.

This approach to doubling up on breakfast allows you to get a small bite in before you hit the gym or leave for work, and then indulge a bit more once you’re settled into your chair or finished with your workout. “In my practice, I find a lot of people who end up over-snacking or ‘binging’ at night are not eating enough during the day,” says registered dietitian Nicole Osinga. “It’s that rush in the morning that causes us to grab a low-protein and high carb breakfast. We pack something light to bring for lunch such as a sandwich or salad. Then, when we get home and what happens? We want to rip the fridge door off because we haven’t eaten enough throughout the day. This is often the start of that nighttime snacking binge and leads to weight gain.”

Osinga suggests frontloading the beginning of your day with food to avoid this. “I think the idea of a second breakfast is a great idea. We are most active during the first two-thirds of our day anyway, and need more energy from food during this time.” She suggests having a banana with peanut butter or protein bar as your first breakfast, and then a mini veggie egg breakfast muffin or berry with oats over Greek yogurt for a second breakfast.

Registered dietitian Marisa Moore advises people to proceed with caution. “It’s important to eat when you’re hungry and the idea of a second breakfast is not very different than a mid-morning snack. If you choose to eat a breakfast and snack or ‘second breakfast,’ just keep the portions in check,” she says. “You might even simply split your usual breakfast in half to satisfy hunger when it strikes. Have half an egg sandwich upon waking and the other half mid-morning. Cut a nut butter or avocado toast in half and do the same.”

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest http://ift.tt/2qxcUHz