Monday, February 12, 2018

8 Fitness Motivation Secrets That Actually Work

The sky’s the limit as long—as you focus on one step at a time

Fitness-Motivation-Secrets As a teenager, RJ Kayser would sit for hours on the couch binging on TV and chips. Then Kayser discovered a passion for basketball and decided to train to make the high school team. Not only did he change his body, his love for fitness led him to train for Canada’s Natural Strongest Man competition. He placed eighth, and is now a coach for Olorin Nutrition. “Snowball small successes into bigger victories. Write down small tasks to complete daily, or plan your goal out for however many days per week you can handle to start out. Cross your daily mini-goal off when you’ve completed it and give yourself a win for the day: actually write a big W on the page or in the app,” he says. “Psychologically, these wins will build momentum and confidence in your self and as the mini-goals become easier for you to complete you can increase the challenge or add a second goal to cross off each day.”

If you want to drop some pounds, try these no-brainer 40 tips and tricks.

The post 8 Fitness Motivation Secrets That Actually Work appeared first on Reader's Digest.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest

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