Monday, April 30, 2018

15 Wacky Ways You Can Burn Extra Calories—No Gym Time Required!



Burning calories is not usually our main motivation for kissing someone, but it’s good to know that locking lips has benefits we don’t expect. Kissing can burn two to six calories a minute. Do it for an hour and you can burn up to 60 extra calories. Muah! Just don’t fall for these myths that could ruin your metabolism.

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3 Best Foods for Kidney Stone Prevention

Suffering from stone formation in the kidneys is one of the most common concerns for most people out there. Unhealthy food habits and inadequate water consumption are considered as the prime reasons behind the formation of stones in the urinary tract.

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Thursday, April 26, 2018

50 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

Don’t clear the table

plate of food after eating shrimp

Don’t tell your mom, but we’re giving you official permission to make a mess. As you eat, leave the candy wrappers, fruit peels, nut shells, chicken bones, and other scraps on the table. Seeing it is a visual reminder of exactly how much you’ve eaten and can provide a simple reminder to stop eating when you’re full, according to research done by the Cornell Food and Brand Lab.

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13 “Healthy” Food Habits You Should Ditch Right Now

Going low on sodium


If you’ve ever had high blood pressure, you were probably told to cut down or stop consuming sodium. But a new study from Boston University that followed 2,600 people over 16 years found that a low-sodium diet didn’t actually lower blood pressure. So salt might not be the enemy after all—and actually, a little salt might be part of a healthy food plan. The study also found that people with the lowest intake of sodium (along with the highest) had a greater risk of heart disease than the people in the middle. But, that doesn’t mean you should go crazy eating processed foods that contain lots of sodium either. “In general, focusing on reducing processed foods, which tend to be rich in added sodium, and adding in more whole foods may be more effective than just focusing on counting milligrams of sodium when it comes to promoting heart health,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, author of Belly Fat Diet for Dummies. Find out the 55 health myths that need to die.

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11 Sneaky Things That Affect Your Weight That Aren’t Food or Exercise

The great recession

What do economics have to do with health? At most universities they’re not even in the same building! But it turns out that a dip in the economy can lead to a rise in our weight according to a study done by John Hopkins. Researchers found that from 2008 to 2012—the period known as the great recession—weight gain was strongly correlated with the rise in unemployment, increasing the risk of obesity by 21 percent. This makes sense as one of the first things to go when our budgets get tight are luxuries like health food and gym memberships, not to mention the loss of health insurance that often accompanies a job loss. However, it may help to remember that there are many low-cost or free ways to protect your health—and an investment in you is the best one you can make. For example, here are tricks to spend less on a gym membership and here are healthy food swaps that save you money.

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The Blood Type Diet: Does It Really Work?

What is the blood type diet?

Doctor holding fresh donor blood for transfusionWhether you’re trying to lose 20 pounds or just looking for ways to be healthier, there’s no shortage of diets to choose from. But only one looks to your blood type to determine what you should or shouldn’t eat.

The blood type diet originated from the 1996 book Eat Right for Your Type by naturopathic physician Peter J. D’Adamo. The idea behind it is that your body’s response to food is directly linked to your blood type, based on what your ancestors with the same blood type ate. Each blood type has its own guidelines about the foods that anyone with that blood type should eat and the foods they should avoid. The diet claims to help people lose weight, improve digestive health, and boost overall well-being.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Perfect Diet for Your Body Type

Why figure out your body type?

Healthy food theme: hands holding knife and fork on a plate, top viewBody typing is often more hype than substance, especially when it comes to what to wear. (Not sure if you have a bikini body? If you have a bikini and a body, you’re all set.) But when it comes to your health, your body type can give you important clues about your particular risks and strengths. The key? Where and how you store your fat. Some types of fat are harder on your health than others and may respond differently to different dieting techniques. For example, one study (read more about it here) found that people who carry weight in their stomachs do better on low-carb diets while people who carry weight in their hips and thighs do better on a low-fat diet. And that’s just the beginning—these nutrition experts can help you figure out what your body shape is telling you. Don’t miss why science says your body shape really could be the key to weight loss.

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7 Signs You Might Have Metabolic Syndrome

Your pants are oversized

Look at the tag in your jeans—if it says a number greater than 40 inches, you’re in trouble. Central obesity, where the weight settles around your midsection, is the most important sign that metabolic syndrome could be in your future, says Haitham Ahmed, MD, MPH, a cardiologist at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. “A waist circumference of more than 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women is the biggest predictor,” he says. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors (abdominal obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high levels of blood triglycerides, and low levels of HDL cholesterol) that raises the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health problems. If you have three or more, you have metabolic syndrome. A large waist can also be one of the seven telltale signs of insulin resistance.

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Diabetes Dieting: What to Eat to Lose Weight on the 2-Day Diet

What is the 2-day diet?

pasta dishFor folks with diabetes, weight loss is a natural form of “medication.” But in an ironic twist, losing weight may be more difficult if you have type 2 diabetes. Now breakthrough research has revealed a better way for people to go about diabetes dieting to lose weight and reduce insulin resistance. The secret is a concept called intermittent fasting. British researchers created this revolutionary new diet, which strictly limits caloric intake for two days of the week but permits larger portions for the rest of the week. Women who followed the plan lost almost twice as much fat as those who restricted calories every day. Within three months, participants reduced insulin resistance by 25 percent more on nonfast days and inflammation by 8 percent more than people who dieted continuously. These are the 10 life-saving things you must do if you have diabetes.

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Things to Eat While Dieting

Gaining weight is an easy task, but losing weight can show you stars in the morning. It's not a cup of tea for everyone. You have to go the gym, exercise regularly, control your food which is the worst. You workout and after that, you get a food craving, but you can only eat selected things. Here are a few dishes that you can eat while dieting that will fill you up and suppress your cravings.

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Uses and Benefits of Lemon

Lemon, a citrus fruit when tasted brings a sour expression on your face. Though not consumed separately, the taste of lemon is unique from others. It has many kinds as well - Bonnie Brae, goes in San Diego, USA, Eureka, a common all place lemon, also called Four season because it has the capability to produce fruit and flowers together all year long, Femminello St. Teresa, that is found in Italy, Yen Ben, resident of Australia. Did you know that lemon is a native of Asia. Lemon though comes into the category of fruit, but is a part of every recipe. Be it fruits or salads or chicken or vegetables or fish, lemon could be added in almost everything and bring out a better taste of it. Name one dish whose taste will not be improved after the addition of lemon in it (with tea as an exception). Lemon is an absolute all-rounder with endless benefits. Apart from its culinary qualities lemon can be used in a lot of things.

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Vegan or Non-Veg, It Doesn't Matter As Long As You Are Eating Healthy

Nutrition is something which is the cry in today's fast running life of work and personal life. The balance creation is very necessary. Food is the fuel which we feed to our body that works like a fuel for it. The fuel must be apt for the body in order to work efficiently and protect us against diseases. Eating healthy is the need of the hour as the fast food culture is making the people fall prey to a lot of diseases. Also, it does lead to a proper diet. People go for them because they are easily accessible, cheap and they do not want to cook food as they are too tired to do that for themselves. But this is just not done!

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Monday, April 23, 2018

Is Life Damaging Your Spine?

Is modern life becoming a pain in the neck? Are you like the millions of people who spend hours on end every day using a Smartphone or another mobile device? If so, you could be at risk of "text neck", a new age epidemic that could lead to permanent damage.

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Surprising Healthier Lifestyle Choices You Can Make

If you're thinking about making healthier lifestyle choices, it's could be time to be a case of out with the old and in with the new! So here are some surprisingly easy ways you can improve your well-being and make your habits the healthiest ones ever!

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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Polyphenols Promote Health - Found in Whole Fruits and Vegetables

Eating polyphenol rich foods every meal and every snack will provide the biggest boost to the body. Supplements with a variety of polyphenols are fine but make sure you get them throughout the day. One dose per day doesn't help your health enough.

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Can Whole Body CryoTherapy Help With Osteoporosis?

The bones in our body are constantly breaking down and building back up again. When they don't build back up as fast as they break down, we call that osteoporosis and it can be quite debilitating and serious. As we age these issues can become more prevalent, of course genetics are also a factor. Thyroid problems, low calcium and vitamin D also contribute to bone loss, as well as lack of exercise, use of alcohol and smoking. Chronic inflammation can be a big culprit in bone loss as the body reabsorbs existing bone.

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Friday, April 20, 2018

The Best Probiotics for Weight Loss

Probiotics 101

Young Woman Suffering From Stomach Pain Lying On Bed In BedroomProbiotics help restore the balance of good versus bad bacteria in the gut. When the balance is out of whack, you may feel bloated, you may be constipated, have diarrhea, or experience many other digestive ills. Resetting the balance with probiotics will improve almost every aspect of our health—not just digestion. “When we consume probiotics, we are introducing strains of bacteria pre-selected for their health benefits,” explains Will Bulsiewicz, MD, a gastroenterologist in Mount Pleasant, SC. Check out some of the other health benefits of probiotics.

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Internal Usage of Organic Aloe Vera Products

In the old days Aloe Vera was primarily used for treatment of external ailments, such as wounds, burns, external infections and skincare. Nowadays Aloe Vera is used internally. By now Aloe Vera juice, made from the filet inside the leaves, is widely used for all kinds of internal diseases and ailments. Aloe Vera is the most commercialized aloe species, and processing the leaf pulp has become a worldwide industry. In the cosmetic industry, it has been used as base material for the production of creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, facial cleansers and other products. In the food and complementary medicinal industry, it has been used as an ingredient in health beverages.

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How Does Whole Body CryoTherapy Increase Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?

It goes without saying that rapid cooling of the body's surface causes blood vessels to constrict as the body goes into protection mode, and then once out of the Whole Body CryoTherapy sauna the blood rushes back to heat up those areas. No doubt this action increases metabolism. Now then, with continued regular use of Whole Body CryoTherapy sauna sessions the body will strengthen its immune system and blood delivery system. This will elevate your body's long-term Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

What Does It Really Take to Lose One Pound? (It’s Not the Answer You’re Thinking!)


“Lose 10 pounds in just two weeks, guaranteed!” Sound familiar? So many diets promise miracle weight loss that sounds too good to be true, and generally it is. We talked to experts about what it really takes to lose even one single pound.

The short answer: It depends on what type of pound we are talking about. It’s easy to lose a pound of water or a digit on the scale. It’s losing a pound of fat—and keeping it off—that’s more challenging. Here’s how to figure out how many calories you should be eating to lose weight.

How many calories in a pound?

In simplest terms, losing fat—even just a pound—means taking in fewer calories and doing more physical activity. There’s been much ado about how many calories make (or break) a pound. The number of calories in a pound is far from set in stone. “There is an adage that a 3,500 caloric deficit is needed to lose one pound, and this is a good average, but height and weight matter too,” explains Holly Lofton, MD, director of the Medical Weight Management Program at NYU Langone in New York City. There is likely no single answer as to how many calories you’d have to skip to lose one pound, since the number of calories in a pound can vary greatly depending on the person, but we do have a ballpark. “You’d need a deficit of 2,000 to 4,000 calories depending on person’s build,” Dr. Lofton says.

(For some context, a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with cheese has 530 calories; add fries for another 230 and a sugary soda for 70 more.)

But not all calories are equal by any stretch. The amount of calories in a pound is also dependent on the food itself. “If you cut 3,500 calories and just ate ice cream, you would lose less than if you chose asparagus and chicken,” Dr. Lofton says. “You want to eat a protein and carb mix or a protein and vegetable mix,” she says. Her tip: High-fiber, low-calorie vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and spinach will allow you to feel fuller, making any caloric deficit easier to manage.

Protein is also key here because it’s super thermogenic, adds Jason Ewoldt, RDN, LD, a wellness dietitian at the Mayo Clinic Health Living Program in Rochester, Minnesota. This is a science-y way of saying that protein turns up the heat in our body’s furnace, which increases our metabolism and our ability to burn fat (which is why so many diets are all about the protein—here are some top plant-based protein sources).

By contrast, eating just carbs will increase fat storage by raising insulin levels. Here’s what happens: You mow down a bag of chips, your glucose or blood sugar shoots up, and your pancreas produces a large amount of the hormone insulin to take the excess glucose out of your bloodstream. The glucose converts to a starch called glycogen, which is stored in the liver and in muscles. The catch? Your body can only store a limited amount of glycogen, so the excess glucose is stored as body fat.

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Our physical build also factors into our ability to lose even just one pound of fat. “If you think of muscle tissue vs. fat tissue, the muscle needs more calories to be maintained,” Ewoldt says, “so one individual could theoretically ingest more calories and still lose weight [compared with someone] who has more adipose fat tissue.”

How to lose one pound a week?

“In the short term, it takes an energy deficit—burning off more than you take in,” says Scott Kahan, MD, MPH, Director of the National Center for Weight and Wellness in Washington, D.C. This is the equivalent of about 500 calories per day below your maintenance level. You can easily determine your maintenance level (the number of calories you should take in to maintain your current weight) with a free online calculator. If it says you can maintain your weight eating about 2,000 calories per day, shave off 500 to lose about one pound per week in the short term, Dr. Kahan says. That’s probably the best measure of the number of calories in a pound for you personally.

But, Ewoldt cautions, “humans are very bad at keeping track of how much they’re eating. They generally underestimate calorie intake—they forget about that candy bar they ate in between lunch and dinner. They forget about pouring a little more orange juice in their glass in the morning—and that all adds up.” This is how to tell if you’re drinking too many of your calories.

In addition, people “tend to overestimate calorie expenditure. So we go for a walk and think we burn 500 calories, and you put that person in a research setting and it’s actually only 200,” he continues.

Exercise does make a difference though, Dr. Lofton says. She typically recommends a minimum of 180 minutes a week of huffing and puffing for weight loss, and sometimes suggests kicking it up to 300 minutes per week. Some exercises are superior calorie burners than others. These are the workouts that burn the most calories and the workouts that don’t burn nearly as many as you think.

“For most people, focusing on moderately decreasing caloric intake will be more reasonable to achieve than increasing physical activity, though a combination is ideal,” Dr. Kahan says. “Most important, especially for those who have had challenges managing weight, is figuring out why it’s been difficult to decrease their calorie intake or increase activity.” Now that you know how to measure calories in a pound, find out the reasons your diet isn’t working.

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10 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Eating Sugar

You will look younger


Sugar equals wrinkles, says Anthony Youn, MD, a plastic surgeon in Troy, Michigan, and author of The Age Fix: A Leading Plastic Surgeon Reveals How To Really Look Ten Years Younger. “Sugar causes glycation, a process by which the sugar molecules bind to and deform the collagen and elastin in our skin,” he says. Collagen and elastin are the two main proteins that give our skin its youthful, supple properties, so we want to preserve them as much as possible.”Giving up (or reducing) the amount of sugar you eat can also reduce glucose and insulin spikes in your bloodstream, reducing chronic and acute inflammation linked to aging.” You can get your glow on within 14 days of giving up sugar, Dr. Youn says. Here’s how to get started cracking a sugar addiction.

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19 Food Staples Healthy People Always Stock in the Pantry

Canned pumpkin

This superstar squash is good for more than just Halloween treats: add a can to pasta, chili, or quick breads for extra creamy texture and a fast dash of nutrition. Or you can stock up your pantry with these 15 other healthy foods nutritionists eat every day!

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Why and How Having Major Surgery Changed My Life for the Better

Here's my story of why and how major surgery changed my life for the better. Recently I had two obstructed bowel surgeries in a month only eleven days apart. My luck the obstruction grew back, so know the second operation involved removing 6 inches of my bowel, going through all the pain again. The treatment at the hospital with the nurses and doctors was outstanding, let's face it they saved my life at least twice. This second time around my bowels didn't wake-up for 13 days. I hadn't eaten in almost a month, lost 40 pounds starving to death literally. Finally, they put a pic line in me started giving nutritional liquids. Then after 32 days in the hospital they released me, and I could go home to recover fully, and start building backup eating again slowly. However, two days I was back in the hospital again...

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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

14 Bizarre Things That Could Happen When You Gain 10 Pounds

Food tastes blander

Woman eating sushi rolls at the table - close up photo. Traditional Japanese oriental kitchen with raw fish.Think that you’re overweight because you love the taste of food too much? That might not be true—in fact, it appears to be the opposite. Gaining weight reduces your taste receptors by 25 percent, according to a new study published in PLoS Biology. This may lead people to overeat as they try to get the same sensation and flavors from food that they did when they were thinner. Foodies take note: Food really does taste better when you maintain a normal weight. Try these 50 ways to lose weight without a lick of exercise.

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Clever Technique Uncovers the Role of Stem Cells in Cartilage Repair

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are found in the bone marrow. The fat and blood in our body helps create cells of various types these include cartilage producing chondrocytes cells. These cells help in restoring arthritis affected joints. There are many sources of MSCs. Muscle-derived MSC is a cell source and sources are placenta, amnion, umbilical cord blood, and ear elastic cartilage.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

12 Diet Secrets of People Who’ve Maintained Their Weight Loss

They keep using those measuring cups

Stress can play a big role in weight gain, which is why it’s critical to be aware of why you’re eating at any given time. Alexis Eggleton, 34, went through this struggle until she joined Weight Watchers. “Weight Watchers gave me the tools to practice portion control and moderation, and really helped me work on my work-life balance and emotional wellness,” Eggleton says. She’s maintained her 100-pound weight loss by staying committed to a workout regimen that includes walking, running, biking, or working out at home with fitness DVDs, and eating sensible portions, always using her measuring cups and spoons. Memorize these portion control sizes for easy weight loss.

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Monday, April 16, 2018

The VERY Best Time to Do 14 Common Healthy Habits, According to Science

Have a cavity filled in the afternoon

The painkilling effect of dental anesthesia lasts longer in the afternoon than it does in the morning. In one study, lidocaine kept nerves numb up to five times longer when it was injected in the early afternoon compared with early morning. Don’t miss these 11 home cures for toothaches.

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What to Eat to Lose Weight: The Ultimate Shopping Checklist


Green watercress wet leaves after watering, Fresh organic plant vegetables, Top view pattern background

What’s the healthiest vegetable on the planet? If you said kale, you would be wrong. According to research published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s journal Preventing Chronic Disease, the true powerhouse vegetable is watercress, a cruciferous cousin of kale that grows in fresh spring water and adds a peppery punch to salads. Use spicy watercress raw in smoothies or sandwiches for a good-for-you boost. Other ideas: Gently cook the greens as you would spinach, or try this simple salad of watercress and macadamia nuts from celebrity chef Ming Tsai. Check out these 12 delicious superfoods that will boost your diet.

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Proven Benefits of Fish Oil You Need to Know About

It has always been a debatable topic whether consumption of fish oil is effective enough to combat various diseases than the intake of the prescribed medicines. Various research conducted by renowned medical bodies and institutions have cited that the Omega3 deficiency is one of the prime reasons that claim the lives of many people every year.

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Stories of Hope: Child Receives Transgenic Skin Over Most of His Body

A child was saved from a life-threatening skin disease. The doctors replaced 80% of his skin made from his own cells. This is also known as transgenic replacement. This procedure shows the ability of the skin stem cells to cure a distressing disorder. This procedure helps clarify the way the skin regenerates.

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Common Private Cord Blood Banking Myths Debunked

You may have noticed that there is a lot of marketing and promotions done by cord blood banks nowadays. But what is a cord blood bank exactly? Well, it is a medical bank where doctors extract the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from the newborn umbilical cord and can be preserved indefinitely. You can bank the cord blood in a private or a public blood bank and can be used later on to treat diseases and illnesses.

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Impact of Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Cardiovascular Research

Despite having therapeutic advances in the medical fields, we continue to receive destructive outcomes for the patients with cardiovascular diseases. Not only have cardiovascular disorders such as myocardial infarction causing congestive heart failure, become a growing concern for every individual, it emerges as one of the sole cause of deaths in Western Countries.

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Attractive New Regenerative Medicine Tool Uses Magnets to Shape and Stimulate Stem Cells

How would it have been if we could develop embryoid bodies (EBs) from individual embryonic stem cells (ESCs) using technology? This could give birth to the development of the regenerative medicines and other therapies, which does not require an external supporting matrix as needed by the traditional regenerative technology to create a coordinated assembly.

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Saturday, April 14, 2018

9 Plus Natural Ways to Prevent the Cold and Flu and Stay Healthy

Learning natural ways to prevent the common cold, flu and staying healthy for you and your family can save you money and keep your own family happy. Having the flu or a cold causes your to miss work and your kids to miss school. Chores don't get done, everyone is feeling miserable and who has the time to be sick these days. Forget about getting the flu shot with all the controversial toxic ingredients and long-term side effects that have been reported more and more every year. The truth is the flu shot just doesn't work. Let's learn to stay healthy with natural and easy methods that we can add to our daily life. We can teach our kids some of these easy to follow steps and make sure they get the proper nutrition. Once one person in the family gets sick it seems to spread through the whole family so let's stop it before it starts. Let me teach you a some common daily routines and tips to live a healthier life.

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Friday, April 13, 2018

Commercializing Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell based therapies have the potential to treat numerous disorders, especially blood and immune related disorders. A wide range of stem cell therapies including allogenic stem cell therapies, autologous therapies, and mesenchymal stem cell therapies has shown a major breakthrough for curing many medical conditions such as sclerosis, spinal cord injury, diabetes and strokes in the clinical trials.

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Building a Functional Lung is Now Possible With Bioengineering

End-stage lung diseases are the third leading cause of deaths around the world. It has only one true cure, a lung transplant. This is not always an option for a majority of the patients as it is an expensive procedure with a survival rate of just 10% to 12% after 10 years. Finding a donor's lung is also very difficult and thus, there is an urgent need for new approaches to saving lives.

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An Unexpected Link: Immune Cells Send a Muscle Injury Signal to Activate Stem Cell Regeneration

Immune cells activate cells for muscle regeneration and repair which will aid in treating muscle disorders. Studies indicate that a gene Adamts 1 gets switched on in the satellite cells. This is a secret protein that activates satellite cells in case of muscle injury.

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18 Trainers Reveal Their Summer Slim-Down Secrets

Real food, gratitude, and movement

Fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, nuts on black chalk board background. Cauliflower, avocado, apples, tomatoes, salmon, beef, spinach, herbs. Diet/healthy/paleo food. Ingredients for cooking

Christina Powter, founder/designer of Chill by Will and personal trainer, explains: “There are three important keys to slimming down and living a healthy life: gratitude, real foods, and movement. Taking a moment to say five things you are grateful for will help jump-start your day. Eating real food like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and animal proteins will fuel your body. Movement is the final key. You can start slow; the most important thing is that you enjoy the activity you’re doing. Taking a walk, playing with your dog, running with your kids—anything that brings joy will fill your inside with happiness and ensure you stick with the routine well beyond summer.” Check out these 30 healthy eating tips that just might change your life.

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Snake Oil Sellers and Health

This article looks at the plethora of online material selling the benefits of certain superfoods, supplements, diets and exercise programmes. Many of the claims made are unproven and the health and lifestyle gurus try to boost sales by knocking orthodox medicine.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Health and Wellness Tips With A Long Fitness Life

Your health is your wealth. A healthy man is a wealthy man, literally. You may think of a tycoon who owns so much material wealth but their health troubles them. What is the point of all the material wealth if you cannot enjoy it? The money spent on doctors could have been channelled in other better avenues. Similarly, ever thought of how quick an employee gets replaced at work? You probably fell ill or a colleague passed on. The job vacancy goes up no sooner than the bad news leaves your mind.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

15 Detox Foods That Work Even Better Than Apple Cider Vinegar

Wind down with this calming drink before bed

Leaves of green spinach close-up. A bunch of fresh spinach close-up.Magnesium, especially when combined with zinc, is the perfect one-two detox combo, according to Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, a naturopath, doctor, author, and medical advisory board member for the Nutritional Magnesium Association. “Magnesium stimulates cell activity so that toxins are released into the bloodstream while zinc acts as a strong antioxidant which helps destroy ‘free radicals’ in the body and at the same time removing heavy metals,” she explains. You can find magnesium in spinach, almonds, and dark chocolate but if you’re looking to get a larger dose without eating cups of greens, try dissolving magnesium citrate in water. Bonus: Magnesium’s science-backed benefits include calming and relaxation properties.

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Monday, April 9, 2018

Argan Oil - The Most Exclusive Natural Oil

The argan tree (logically known as argania spinosa) becomes just in one place on the planet: in the south-west of Morocco. The neighborhood ladies would process around 30 kilos of Argan organic products in right around 14 hours of unadulterated diligent work, just to increase enough Argan parts for 1 liter of its uncommon oil.

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Friday, April 6, 2018

Balance Is Key

Maintain a healthy lifestyle between working out, going out, and dining out. When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, I find it important to work out once a day and eat healthy throughout the work week.

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Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Weight Loss Motivation That Helped These 22 People Lose Weight

Julie Roberts lost 35 pounds and half her body fat

Julie RobertsInspiration: Tracy Anderson, multi-platform fitness entrepreneur, celebrity trainer, and author

“I started my journey with Tracy’s #gybg (hashtag: Got Your Back Girl) Challenge in January 2016. Over the next 15 weeks, I lost over 35 pounds, and by the end of the year, I had lost half of my body fat. Tracy and her #tamily kept me motivated and supported throughout my weight loss. Since the #gybg Challenge required participants all over the world to post daily workout clips on Instagram, I began to feel accountable to the community to show up for myself every day by working out. I would have never believed that social media could change my life in so many ways, but it literally did—new body, new friends, new career, new city—new ME.” – Julie Roberts, 43

Check out these amazing weight loss-transformation stories.

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15 Worst Weight-Loss Tips Doctors Wish You’d Stop Following

You can lose pounds in days

Don’t follow any diet with a number in the title—”The 7-Day Diet,” or “The 48-Hour Diet,” for instance. “That implies there’s an endpoint,” says Philadelphia medical weight loss expert Charlie Seltzer, MD. The problem with those quick fixes? “You’re not addressing the things that have made you overweight in the first place,” he says. Uncovering the behaviors and making a plan to overcome them is what creates lasting change. Try these quick weight-loss tips from nutrition pros.

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50 Ways to Lose Weight Without a Lick of Exercise

Get messy

candywrappersCandy wrappers, fruit peels, nut shells, chicken bones: When it comes to eating messy food, it may be better to let the garbage pile up on the table rather than demurely throwing it away as you go. Seeing the debris left from your food is a visual reminder of exactly how much you’ve eaten and can provide a reminder to stop when you’re full, according to research done by the Cornell Food and Brand Lab. Don’t miss these weight-loss tips that nutritionists swear by.

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15 Things Nutrition Experts Need You to Know About Diabetes Dieting

There’s no one-size-fits-all diabetes diet

Fit woman preparing healthy breakfast in kitchenNutrition experts agree that no diet is perfect for all diabetics. What’s important, however, is that a diet is based on foods that the patient enjoys eating, can afford and that he or she can prepare. “Examples of ‘diets’ that are most appropriate for diabetics include the Mediterranean Diet, the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, and a plant-based diet,” says Sarah Rettinger, MD, an endocrinologist at John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. However, she insists that there is no perfect ratio of carbs, protein, and fats for all diabetics. Here are the best foods for diabetics.

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10 Reasons You Keep Overeating

Your cereal has small flakes


You’ll eat more calories if your cereal bowl is filled with smaller flakes than larger ones, even if your serving size is smaller, according to interesting recent Penn State research. Researchers took a basic wheat flake cereal and crushed it down to various smaller volumes (80 percent, 60 percent, and 40 percent of the original size). They asked 41 adults to eat cereal for breakfast once a week for four weeks; each week they poured a different-sized flake version. As flake size was reduced (meaning the cereal looked more crushed), participants poured a lower volume of cereal, but still ate more in terms of calories. “Without us even knowing it, these variations can have a big impact on how much we’re eating,” study author Barbara Rolls, PhD, professor of nutritional sciences, said in a press release. “For cereals with small pieces, the recommended serving size should be reduced to account for the uncharacteristically low volume, in the same way that the recommended serving size is increased for voluminous foods, such as puffed cereals and leafy greens.” Make sure you’re not making these breakfast mistakes that could sabotage your weight loss.

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5 Fitness Experts Reveal the One Move That Transformed Their Body

Super fly crunch


Sarah Bowmar began her career in digital marketing but soon realized that her main passion was fitness and helping others also become fit. Bowmar says there was one workout that had the most dramatic effect on her body: “It’s called the super fly crunch, and it targets your abs,” she says. You’ll need bands or a cable strength training machine to pull this one off. Assume a plank position, and place your feet into handles of the band or cable machine, suspending your legs off the ground. Now bring your knees forward to your chest in a crunch. Start out slow—you may only be able to do a few repetitions of this demanding move at first. Want more from Bowmar? Follow her fitness Instagram. When you start your workout, make sure you avoid these common exercise mistakes that work against you.

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CIRM-Funded Scientists Discover a New Way to Make Stem Cells Using Antibodies

We know how antibodies perform in our body to restrict the foreign invasions, so that we can protect ourselves from various illnesses caused by viruses and bacteria. Other than these usual physiological activities, they are found to have lent their hands in the development of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by using external parameters. This, we can take as a major breakthrough in the field of medical science, which could be effective in producing different drugs, and medicinal therapies to combat a range of diseases.

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Study Shows Reduction in Memory Declines by Blocking Spike in Stem Cell Growth After a Brain Injury

There are about 2 million Americans who suffer from Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) annually. The severity of the trauma may differ from patient to patient but leads to a wide range of motor, behavioral, cognitive as well as intellectual disabilities in the patients. These disabilities may be long term or short term.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

20 Supermarket Foods That’ll Help You Lose 10 Pounds This Month

Packaged food comes clean

fruits and vegetables in packing The diet food of the past may have been cardboard-tasting, fake-sugar-laden garbage, but today there are products that can help you slash calories, stave off hunger pangs, and keep portions reasonable without sacrificing taste. (A lot of them will help fill in nutritional gaps in your diet, too). “Even though whole foods are the foundation of a healthy diet, it’s simply not practical to eat a diet that consists entirely of whole foods,” says Karen Ansel, RD, author of Healing Superfoods for Anti-aging: Stay Younger, Live Longer. “The good news is that packaged foods have made a lot of progress when it comes to cleaning up their ingredient lists.” We asked pros, including Ansel, for their top picks to help you lose 10 pounds and came up with one killer grocery list.

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11 Silent Signs You Could Have an Eating Disorder

You can be genetically predisposed to an eating disorder

Considering eating disorders are incredibly common, you might be curious to know what causes these unhealthy relationships with food and mirrors in the first place. The long and the short answer is both your genetics and societal influences. “We say that genetics load the gun and environment pulls the trigger,” explains Bonnie Brennan, the senior clinical director of Adult Services at Eating Recovery Center in Denver, Colorado. “Genetic predisposition, though not necessary, can play a big part in the risk.” A study in 2011 confirms that for white females, developing an eating disorder has a high degree of heritability. “More research is needed to determine the prevalence of eating disorders among those of different races and ethnicities, but we do see symptoms of eating disorders across all populations,” Brennan adds.

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35 Health Secrets Your Body Is Trying to Tell You

I can think myself full

If you’re indulging in a milk shake and I think it’s high in fat and calories, levels of my hunger hormone ghrelin will dip a lot lower—and leave me feeling more satisfied—than if I believe I’m sipping on a healthier shake, even if the two have the same calorie count, a study in the journal Health Psychology showed. Check out these science-backed foods that help you stay full.

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30 Healthy Eating Tips That Might Just Change Your Life

Start meals with soup

Soup is a successful dieter’s secret weapon! A 2014 study found that regular soup eaters have smaller waists and weigh less than people who don’t eat soup. Look for those with low-fat milk or low-sodium broth and add your own veggies for slimming fiber. Check out this list of 33 foods that are way more nutritious than you ever realized!

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Monday, April 2, 2018

13 Quick Weight-Loss Tips That Nutrition Pros Swear By

The key to lasting weight loss?

Man's view of his feet standing on a black bathroom scaleLosing the weight fast. Here’s why: It may give you a psychological boost that helps you stick to your new habits; in studies, quick weight loss led to more pounds off overall plus longer-term success in keeping it off. However, “anyone can do a cleanse or an extreme plan,” says Lisa Lillien, founder of and author of the book The Hungry Girl Diet. “But the minute you stop, you gain the weight back and haven’t learned anything.” We interviewed top nutrition and fitness experts to get their best advice for quick and safe weight loss. Here are 40 more fast, easy tips to lose weight.

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11 Things to Know About the DASH Diet

What is the DASH diet?

Local market fresh vegetable, garden produce, clean eating and dieting concept

The DASH diet—short for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension—is a healthy-eating, heart-conscious plan that aims to treat or prevent high blood pressure by lowering sodium intake and increasing the consumption of nutrient-rich foods. According to the Mayo Clinic, following this diet will give you results in just two weeks; over time, your systolic blood pressure could drop as much as 14 points.

You can learn more about this healthy diet here.

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15 of the Best Foods for Your Atkins Diet Shopping List

What is the Atkins Diet?

Food recomended on low carb diet or ketogenic dietPerhaps the original low-carb eating plan, it emphasizes protein and fats while restricting carbohydrates, particularly those from refined, processed, or starchy sources such as bread, pasta, and baked goods. Plenty of fresh vegetables provide fiber, and in lieu of counting calories, followers track their net carbs (the number you get when you subtract dietary fiber content from total carbohydrates on the nutrition label). The tactic is said to slash weight and keep it off by balancing blood sugar levels, reducing hunger, and decreasing fat storage. Developed in the 1960s by cardiologist Robert Adkins, MD, its popularity has remained steady ever since, especially with the recent surge in adopting a ketogenic diet, which forces the body to burn fat instead of carbs. Dana Cohen, MD, an integrative medicine physician in New York City and author of the upcoming book Quench, worked with Dr. Atkins and shares her favorite Atkins-approved grocery items. Here’s what it’s like to follow a ketogenic diet.

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Learn to Relax and Have Fun Playtime Outdoors

Connect with nature and get your regular dose of natural stress relief while you're at it! This we should memorize as a daily mantra.

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Setting The Record Straight on Meat Health

Lets set the record straight on the health benefits of eating meat and dispel the myths that all meat is bad for you. Science shows it has benefits for your mind, immune system and heart to name a few. You would need to eat 5 pounds of Spinach to get your required daily dose of Iron that you can find in one portion of meat.

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