Friday, March 31, 2017

Does Eating the Same Breakfast Every Day Help You Lose Weight?


Your mother probably told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for energy, and large studies suggest it’s also great for weight loss: Of people who have lost major weight and kept it off, almost all of them eat an a.m. meal religiously. So the question becomes not whether you should eat breakfast, but what exactly should be on your breakfast plate, and how much you need to switch that up every day—or not.

According to award-winning dietitian and regular TV guest Kristin Kirkpatrick, author of Skinny Liver and manager of nutrition for the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, it’s not as black and white as you might think, because it all depends on what you’re eating, and who you are.

Here’s why it could be a bad idea:

If you’re a foodie, eating the same thing every morning might make you bored. And this may lead you to start making poor dietary choices as you crave novel flavors and textures.

It’s also potentially bad news if you’re first meal of the day is a bowl of sugary cereal. “You may just be having the wrong breakfast to begin with, in that it’s a high carb food that’s also high in sugar and low in protein,” Kirkpatrick explains. “Many studies point to the benefits of having a higher protein breakfast in terms of helping with weight control and reducing cravings, so if you’re eating a big bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and dried fruit it may inhibit effective weight loss.”

Here’s why it could be a good idea:

“There is a benefit to automation in breakfast choices, especially if your breakfast is one that is protein-rich, and ideally includes a vegetable—because we get so few, crossing one off the list early in the day is ideal,” Kirkpatrick says. “If it’s a ‘without thinking’ type of thing you have every day, you are also less likely to search for other options that may not help with weight loss (think danish, doughnut, sugary cereal).”

Healthy, high-protein breakfast ideas include Greek yogurt with berries (blueberries are nutritional powerhouses) and a handful of nuts, a breakfast burrito with beans, peanut butter or almond butter on whole grain toast.

Making one meal, like breakfast, the same every day can lead to healthy food choices for the following meal, which can encourage healthy eating and weight maintenance. Just be sure to choose your meal mindfully, steering clear of foods both high in carbs and sugar, and instead opting for a higher protein breakfast. Here are 27 great breakfast ideas to consider.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest

The 20 Healthiest Foods to Eat in Every Food Group

Grain: Oats

oatsWhen in doubt, always go for whole grains. Oats fit the bill perfectly. They’re packed with beta glucan, a type of soluble fiber that helps keep your cholesterol in check, according to Vicki Shanta Retelny, RDN, founder of Plus, you can use them to bulk up recipes, like meatballs and meatloaf, to save a few calories. Go for steel cut, slow cooking, or (unsweetened) instant—whatever you prefer. They all deliver on fiber and you’ll eat more of what your schedule allows and you enjoy. These are the tasty oatmeal toppers you haven’t thought to try.

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Why Is Cellulite So Dang Hard to Get Rid of?


If you’ve been frustrated by cottage cheese thighs, you’re not alone. About 85 percent of women have cellulite, according to the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy. No matter how many squats you do or desserts you skip, it’s nearly impossible to smooth out those bulges completely.

You might think cellulite means fat, but that’s only part of the picture. A web of connective tissue holds your skin and fat together. Because the tissue isn’t a solid sheet, fat can poke through the empty spaces between walls, says Misbah Khan, MD, FAAD, FACMS, founder of M Khan Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery, and clinical assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College. Even if you’re not overweight, some fat is bound to show up as cellulite, she says. (Don’t miss these 50 tricks to lose weight without a lick of exercise.)

In fact, cellulite is so common in women that it’s “almost considered a secondary sex characteristic,” says Anthony Rossi, MD, FAAD, dermatologic surgeon at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College.

Thank body structure and hormones for giving you more cellulite than men. While almost every woman gets cellulite, only 10 percent of men need to deal with it. While men have a tight mesh of tissue, women have fewer bands, says Dr. Khan. “If a woman has three bands of connections, a man would have ten,” she says.

Plus, women’s tissues run basically vertical, while men’s bands are tighter because they crisscross at a 45-degree angle, says Dr. Khan. Women already hold more fat in their pelvic areas to make pregnancies easier, and that looser net of tissue means more spaces where fat can bulge out.

Hormones play a role, too. Though the biology isn’t totally clear, fat cells respond differently to estrogen and testosterone, leaving women more prone to cellulite. “We don’t know if the male hormone prevents it or if the female hormone causes it,” says Dr. Khan.

Weight loss can reduce the appearance of cellulite, but it probably won’t get rid of every dent. Sure you’ll have less fat, but the connective tissues will still be there, says Dr. Rossi. “Weight loss alone won’t get rid of cellulite necessarily,” he says. “If you don’t address those tetherings, you won’t break up what’s bounding the skin and creating the depressions.”

Don’t waste your time with those cellulite-bashing creams you see in drugstores either. Their claims to draw out moisture aren’t as effective as they seem, says Dr. Rossi. And other topical treatments might moisturize dry, wrinkly skin so it looks better, but they aren’t actually combating cellulite, says Dr. Khan.

If you’re dead set on getting rid of that cottage cheese look, you’ll probably need to visit a dermatologist. A skin doc can use a laser or needle to snip away the tissue, leaving the area smoother, says Dr. Rossi.

But at the end of the day, as long as you’re at a healthy weight, cellulite nothing to worry about. Just about every other woman is probably just as self-conscious as you, and it’s totally harmless. “It can happen across the board, no matter how skinny you are,” says Dr. Khan.

MORE: 9 Things Dermatologists Wish Women Knew About Cellulite

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Why Rudraksha Is Considered Beneficial for the Wearer

The word 'rudraksha' is a combination of the Sanskrit words, 'Rudra', another title of God Shiva and the word 'aksha' meaning teardrops. The literal meaning is "Shiva's teardrops" from mythical story of the tree bearing the "blessed seed". It is said that Lord Shiva once went into a deep meditation to pray for mankind's well-being. Upon awakening from the deeply meditative state many years later, some teardrops fell from his eyes to the earth and grew into the first rudraksha trees.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

50 Ways to Lose Weight Without a Lick of Exercise

Get messy

candywrappersCandy wrappers, fruit peels, nut shells, chicken bones: When it comes to eating messy food, it may be better to let the garbage pile up on the table rather than demurely throwing it away as you go. Seeing the debris left from your food is a visual reminder of exactly how much you’ve eaten and can provide a reminder to stop when you’re full, according to research done by the Cornell Food and Brand Lab. Don’t miss these weight-loss tips thats nutritionists swear by.

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Hygiene in Nineteenth Century America

Want to discover how little hygiene standards in nineteenth century America resemble those that we enjoy today? Read and learn how fortunate you are to have been born in the twenty first century, and how much you might, until now, have taken for granted.

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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

8 Nutritionist-Approved Ways to Add Protein to a Smoothie (Without Those Expensive Powders)

Greek yogurt

You might already use yogurt as a base, but upgrading to a thicker Greek-style version will make your smoothie a protein powerhouse. One six-ounce cup of plain Greek yogurt packs in a whopping 18 grams of protein. Flavored versions can be surprisingly high in sugar, so stick with plain, says registered dietitian nutritionist and culinary specialist Sara Haas, RDN, LDN, spokesperson for the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “You can control the sugar,” she says. “If you want something a little sweeter, add a little honey or fruit.”

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest

Monday, March 27, 2017

Considering Cool Sculpting

A thing you need that many people always appear to struggle with is excess fat. It is commonly a challenge to lose fat in certain areas of the body even if you're on healthy diet and exercise regimen. This brings on in many individuals looking at options like surgery together with other similar procedures to get rid of the surplus fat. One procedure that is becoming more popular than ever for that is Cool Sculpting, and you may examine this process below.

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Considering Cool Sculpting

A thing you need that many people always seem to struggle with is excess fat. It is usually more difficult to loose fat in certain places of the human body even if you happen to be on a nutritious and exercise regimen. This results in many people taking a look at options like surgery as well as other similar procedures to stop the excess fat. One procedure that is rising in popularity than ever for that is Cool Sculpting, and you'll check out this process below.

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Your Doctor Just Prescribed Kidney Failure Treatment - Now What?

You've just been told that your kidneys are no longer working the way they need to be, and as such, you're now in need of treatment to essentially keep you alive. The good news is that you have options, and the idea of kidney failure treatment proves to be a rather hopeful ray of light during an otherwise dark time in your life.

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Air Quality, Mold & Your Mitochondria

Nearly every home and office has some degree of indoor air pollution. Poor indoor air quality is widespread enough for the EPA to put out a statement recently placing poor indoor air quality in the top five major health threats we face today. That's huge. More specifically, most homes and offices have mold and mold spores as part of the mix of pollutants. Mold is not only a very strong carcinogen, but the mycotoxins produced by mold spores cause a variety of health problems when mold spores are inhaled. And recently, many of those health problems are being found to be connected to how these mycotoxins damage the mitochondria in all of our cells. This makes getting rid of mold and filtering the air of primary importance if your goal is optimal health for yourself and your family.

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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Step Outside of Your Usual Rut

We all get into sulks and ruts. And this is especially the case for chronically-ill individuals who experience a lot of pain and fatigue all the time. Life just seems to carry on in a monotonous fashion, with nothing ever being different. One of the best ways to get out of the rut of the usual and monotonous is to take steps to change things up a bit. You may want to take on a new habit. Or, go out with a new friend for a while. Or, pick up the phone and call someone that you wouldn't try before. When everything that we do is the same, our life can seem like a prison of sorts, where everything follows exactly the same patterns to the minute. In this article, I will show you how to do a few things to change things up for yourself:

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Six Tips for Finding a New Physician

Finding a new physician doesn't have to be the most difficult part of moving to a new town. Here are a few tips to help individuals find the right doctor.

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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Here’s How Liposuction Totally Changed While No One Was Paying Attention

It’s safer and doesn’t always require general anesthesia


The numbers are in, and liposuction once again ranks as the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure of the year, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). In 2016, 414,335 people had liposuction to suck unwanted fat out of their arms, legs, necks, stomachs, thighs, and more. Some liposuction advances, namely tumescent liposuction, don’t sound all that sexy, but have likely saved many lives and dramatically cut back on blood loss and the need for fine-tuning. In the past, surgeons went in dry, and the result was bleeding and bruising. Sometimes a transfusion was needed due to blood loss. Enter tumescent liposuction. In a nutshell, this technique delivers fluid containing the numbing agent lidocaine, saline (salt water), and epinephrine to the treatment area, where it hardens fat, making it easier to remove. “The tumescent technique has made the biggest impact on liposuction,” says Lara Devgan, MD, a plastic surgeon in New York City and an attending plastic surgeon at Lenox Hill Hospital. The epinephrine in the cocktail basically eliminates bleeding as it narrows blood vessels. “This has been a great improvement in safety.” In many cases, this technique means no more general anesthesia and its accompanying risks. “You can turn over and stand so we can see how the results look when gravity is working, and do any touching up before you leave the operating room,” adds Bruce Katz, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, Director of the Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Clinic at Mount Sinai Hospital and Director of the JUVA Skin & Laser Center in New York. All types of liposuction can be done via the tumescent technique. “This is now the gold standard,” Dr. Katz says.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest

Controls and Credibility Are Essential for Testing

The information gathered from clinical trials and clinical research is often used to help verify details and to help continue to move forward various concepts. The information can be used to conclude a product is too risky for humans to use due to the long-term effects. Other times, it can open up a new opportunity by verifying a product helps reduce symptoms and helps people.

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Finding the Right Provider for Site Management Research and Testing

SMO clinical research is vital to the various pharmaceutical companies out there as well as many other businesses. The value they offer though can be compromised if you don't have a great provider in place. Don't pick one at random and don't pick one based on them offering you the lowest price. You need to have safeguards in place and evaluate the reputation of such an entity.

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Boobs and Why Men Love Them

Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) wondered, "I mean seriously, they are just breasts. Every second person in the world has them." Exactly, every second person in the world has them.

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The Best Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss is a subject that will continue to be a front burner issue in our present day world because of the kind of lifestyles and activities we are involved in on a daily basis. Modern living exposes you to a wide variety of unhealthy diets and puts you in a state where exercise is limited. To regain your life you just have to break out from the rat race and learn to live a life that is healthy. You can accomplish that with the few tips you will find in the article below.

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Adult Nocturnal Enuresis (Adult Night Urination)

Adult Nocturnal Enuresis, also known as Adult Bedwetting, is a condition where an adult involuntarily passes urine during sleep. It is often thought to be embarrassing and rarely brought u voluntarily by patients.

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

10 Simple Tricks Helped Me Actually Lose Weight on Vacation

Make time to move (a little) every day


Katie Dunlop, blogger at Love Sweat Fitness, committed herself to exercising every single day of her recent European vacation, but that doesn’t mean she wasted hours in the hotel gym. “My mentality used to be that I might work out really hard before going on vacation, and then, peace out on my health and fitness while I’m away, but that doesn’t work,” she explains. It’s a recipe for weight gain. “Instead, on this vacation, I got workouts in every day. I did cardiovascular and ab workouts, as well as walking a lot. I did a 20-minute workout every morning, even before coffee. That way, I could feel good about going into the day,” she explains. Here’s how Dunlop originally lost 45 pounds, completely reshaping her body.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest

Choose the Right Material for Designing a Medical Device

Are you planning to design a medical device? Well, it is not that easy as one might think it to be. The most important aspect of medical device designing is the choice of material. One has to take a very wise decision while choosing the material as it can have a major aftermath during and after the production phase of the device.

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The Real Dangers of Sugar

How healthy is our food nowadays? As modern society continues to find ways to make food production cheaper and faster, the quality of our food also continues to decline.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

How to Achieve a Healthy Diet

Here's an important factor that has a huge impact on your overall fitness level and general wellness: your diet. What is a "diet?" The word "diet" means "a collection of food items that a person regularly eats."

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Monday, March 20, 2017

Your Guide To Staying Fit And Healthy Well Into Old Age

As we age, our bodies naturally start to decline. Being aware of the impact that age has on both body and mind can encourage us to make lifestyle choices earlier in life. Being healthy is more about lifestyle and good habits than genetics.

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Sunday, March 19, 2017

The 13 Best Superfood Smoothies to Jumpstart Your Mornings

Acai berries

superfoods-smoothie-acai-Dinner at the Zoo

Acai berries have been gaining major traction for their high antioxidant content. It’s tough to find the fresh fruit in stores, but you can usually find powdered or frozen versions. Read the label before putting it in your cart though. “Acai is very bitter, so a lot of times they have sugar added,” says Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, CDN, CSCS, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “You want to make sure it’s the pure form.” Hop on the spoon-fed smoothie trend with this Quick and Easy Acai Bowl from Dinner at the Zoo.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest

A Peep Into Healthy Eating

Every human being is different. That is the reason even fitness experts assess people before suggesting to them fitness regimen or diet regimen that suits them. But at the same time, there are certain things that are common to everyone. One such common thing is that there are certain general diet rules that are applicable to everyone. Therefore, when you have decided to eat the right foods to lead a healthy life, you must first know these common rules. Please read on.

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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Synthetic Urine To Pass A Drug Test

Do you have no idea if you can pass a drug test or not? Well, if the drug test involves urine, you can go for synthetic urine instead. As a matter of fact, synthetic urine is the best way to clear a drug test provided you follow the right steps. The great thing about this artificial urine is that it works like real pee. Usually, this urine is used in laboratories in order to adjust the testing tools. If you want to know more about it, read on.

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

25 Nutritionist-Approved Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism

Drink up


Jumpstart your metabolism as soon as you wake up by drinking a large glass of water. Founder of Hispanic Food Communications, Sylvia Melendez-Klinger, MS, RD, suggests placing a glass by your beside before you go to bed and drinking it first thing every morning. If you don’t like water, most other liquids count as well, according to the latest recommendations, as do fruits and veggies with a high water content such as mandarin, watermelon, and cucumber.

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How to Move Through Life Transitions

Transitions in our lives are often not something we consciously choose. They begin subtly inside ourselves as a feeling of dissatisfaction, loneliness, sadness, even depression. As these feelings become stronger, we may realize that something in our lives is not working for us anymore: a relationship, a job or profession. Or we're needing to learn to accept a change in our health. This article describes the phases of transition and how to move through them.

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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Measuring Depression With Non-Invasive Imaging of New Brain Cells

Modern medical science has proved many old notions wrong. Our belief that the adult brain cannot grow new neurons, is one of them. Researchers now have proved that the stem cells, present in our brains can generate new neurons and the use of Prozac or any other anti-depressant drug may help in neurogenesis (the growth of new nervous tissue). The discovery has also led to new insights like how an adult brain functions and what it might take to treat brain-related conditions such as depression.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

11 One-Second Tricks to Look Instantly Thinner in Photos

Stand at an angle


Facing the camera straight-on shows you at your widest point. Stand at a bit of an angle instead for a more flattering angle, say Jenn and Shawn Moreau, wedding photographers with Moreau & Company. “If you angle your body at a 45-degree angle with one leg toward the camera, it lengthens your body instead,” says Jenn.

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Healthy Habits - Know the Biological Reasons

Check in to know the reasons behind the habits that each one of us develops in us. The biological reasons are more like the eye opener.

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Importance Of Health And Fitness

Mostly people do not realize, the importance of good health. As someone said, Health is wealth. Better health is essential for daily tasks

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Dental Health Plans: How They Work

Dental health plans are popular, but there are still thousands of people that have never heard of them, or how they work. Because of this, they are still paying full price for a trip to the dentist, or not receiving the care that they need at all.

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Monday, March 13, 2017

Don’t Even Think About Starting a Detox Without Reading This First

Your body already detoxes itself

detoxes-itselfThe term detoxification means eliminating harmful substances like alcohol, excess minerals, pesticides, food additives, and other dietary and environmental toxins from your body. But your body has its own detoxification systems in place and is quite capable of purging toxins by itself. “The liver filters the blood coming from the intestines before passing it through to the rest of the body,” says Adrienne Youdim, MD, recognized expert in weight loss and nutrition and preventive medicine. “The liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal system, lungs, and even the skin are all involved in detoxing or cleansing the body of unwanted waste or substances.” Specifically, the liver metabolizes and breaks down toxins and chemicals including medications and drugs and alcohol; the intestines pass and absorb digested food and nutrients and produce natural antibiotics and enzymes to break down toxins and kill microbes that pass out of the body as feces; the kidneys filter blood and eliminate toxins through urine; the lungs expel toxins as you exhale; and, finally, sweating expels toxins through your skin. See? Your body’s got it covered.

Detoxes have some pretty pesky side effects

You might be following a detox program to fit back into those skinny jeans or a too-small dress for a big event, but detoxing could totally derail those plans. “Because a detox diet could include increased consumption of fiber-heavy fruit and vegetables, there’s a risk of bloating and other gastrointestinal problems, including gas and diarrhea,” Dr. Youdim says. “In addition, some detoxes allow virtually no fiber, which could also impact your gastrointestinal system.” A detox can also zap your energy, since you’re consuming fewer calories (aka your body’s main source of fuel). While you may still be able to push through your day and maybe make it to the gym, your energy levels will make it very difficult to complete a quality workday, let alone a hard workout. “An analogy I often give my clients is this: You can put gas in your car and drive it, or you can have an empty tank and push it,” says Roger Adams, PhD, a nutrition, weight loss and fitness expert. “You’ll still get to your destination, but it’s a lot easier to be a driver than a pusher!” (If you’re looking to lose weight, don’t miss these fast, easy tips!)

Detoxes can cause you to lose muscle

Because detox diets often result in consuming fewer calories, and specifically from protein sources, you run the risk of losing muscle mass. And, when the diet is too low in calories, especially those coming from protein, the body will rob its own muscles to get energy. “Muscles play a very important role in supporting overall health, especially as you age, so any loss is potentially harmful,” explains Dr. Youdim. “Muscle mass also determines, in large part, your metabolism, so that loss of muscle mass can ultimately result in losses in lean tissue, regardless of how much time spent in the gym.” Here’s how to eat more healthy protein without even trying.

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Some detoxes literally starve you

starveDetox programs tend to be hypo-caloric, or super-low-calorie—usually a lot lower than the basic level your body needs. When consuming far fewer calories than you need for several days, the body tends to trigger mini-starvation responses, leading to a decreased metabolic rate (read: fewer calories burned at rest and during exercise), more body protein broken down to provide energy, and even an increase in body fat accumulation (after all, your body needs to store up energy for what it perceives as a famine, or at least lean times). All of this is the opposite of healthy and often leaves the detoxer worse off than before they began their detox protocol. The infamous “Master Cleanse,” which entails drinking copious amounts of lemon water, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup, is one of the most dangerous detoxes and should never be attempted, Dr. Adams says. Versions of this detox include no solid food for several weeks!

Detoxing gives you a false sense of control

Most of us don’t want to worry or make complicated choices when it comes to our diet. So, while healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated, following a cleanse or detox program that only allows certain foods is a much easier path to follow. The problem is it gives folks a false sense of power over trigger foods or foods they may view as off-limits or bad, like sweets or carbs. “Detoxing gives a false sense of accomplishment when it comes to weight loss,” Dr. Adams explains. “Weight loss is usually water and protein, not fat, so the simplicity of detoxing—the exclusion of foods or entire food groups—promises quick weight loss and a false sense of power over food choices.” It’s also a ticket to putting the pounds right back on. “When you lose weight too quickly, you’ll gain it back just as quickly, so the immediate gratification leads to future disappointment and defeat,” says Sherry Ross, MD, OB-GYN, women’s health expert at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. “A healthy approach is to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week to help keep the weight off long term.”

Detoxes can be straight-up dangerous

This is true especially if you include herbal products or other over-the-counter supplements, some of which have been shown to include harmful substances not noted on the label. In fact, some herbal supplements have been cited as a cause of liver failure in otherwise healthy individuals. “Steer clear of detox diets that rely on laxatives to promote the detoxification,” says Dr. Youdim. “Taking laxatives for an extended period of time can lead to dehydration and can have damaging effects on the large intestine.” Ditto for any detox that requires extended use of diuretics. Using diuretics without the guidance of your doctor can also lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and, in some cases, heart arrhythmias. Here are some natural ways to rev up your metabolism.

Detoxes totally mess with your metabolism

Your metabolism (a fancy word for how many calories you need or burn throughout the day) is closely tied to the amount of lean tissue in your body, aka muscle. “When muscle is lost because of restrictive dieting or detoxes, the metabolism is also affected, leading to burning fewer calories throughout the day,” Dr. Adams explains. “Further decreases in metabolic rate as the body compensates for inadequate calories by going into a conservation mode, leads to increased fat storage.” In other words, as you consume fewer calories than your body needs, your body will adapt by altering hormones that control energy utilization and fat storage. While weight loss may occur during a detox, an increase in fat deposition also usually occurs, so you may lose weight but gain fat during prolonged detox programs—probably not what you’re aiming for.

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Detoxes are not realistic in the long term

Detox diets don’t support sustainable healthy eating habits for long-term health and wellness. “Most of the initial weight lost during a detox is from body water, which we create during the process of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and fats,” says Dr. Adams. “But many detoxes severely limit these types of foods, causing a large loss of body water.” Once these are consumed in normal quantities after the detox is over, water regain occurs. Additionally, since there’s a loss of muscle and corresponding metabolism on a prolonged detox, your body may be more likely to store fat after a detox than before, which can also lead to rapid weight regain—often more than the original amount lost. These are the quick weight-loss tips that nutritionists swear by.

Instead of detoxing, stick to healthy eating

healthy-eatingIt may not sound sexy, but healthy eating—incorporating fruits and vegetables, lean protein, complex carbohydrates, grains, legumes, and poly and monounsaturated fats in your diet, and limiting red meat, sweets, processed foods, fried foods, and excessive alcohol—is the best way to maintain food health and prevent disease. “Healthy eating has been associated with reduced diseases such as certain cancers and heart disease,” says Dr. Youdim. “Keep half your plate ‘green,’ or consisting of vegetables, even at breakfast, and try to eat lean protein at every meal.” (Here’s how to eat more veggies without even trying.) A good rule is to try to reach more for foods from the fridge than from the pantry. Dr. Youdim also recommends prepping foods with limited salt, oil, and sugar and, instead, using more spices and fresh herbs. Good news: By controlling your diet, you’ll reduce your risk of obesity, which affects more than 35 percent of people in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Time to Think About What We Eat - 10 Foods Which Are a Definite No-No for Everyone

Have you ever wondered why people of the ancient times had longer lives than us? While there are many answers to that question, the biggest contribution to their longer living, we find by researches is, the food they ate. Back then, when adulteration of food had no existence, people ate healthy food and lived hale and hearty. By time, the expeditious increase in adulteration has brought more unhealthy food to the table, eventually getting us easily prone to infections and diseases. In order to keep away from such increasing ailments caused by unhealthy eating, it is important not only to know about what to eat but also the foods that you ought to avoid for your wellbeing.

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Restrict or Liberalize? Therapeutic Diets for Older Adults With Cardiovascular Disease

It is important to assure person directed choice when working with older adults. Decisions should be informed and in coordination with the individual's goals, preferences and choices.

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What Will You Consider While Selecting a Hospital for Treatment?

In an emergency situation, there is usually no choice, but to rush to the nearest hospital for treatment. But, when you have enough time at hand and need to select a hospital for the treatment of a particular ailment, make sure that you research well and do your homework before you finalize one.

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A Few Kismis a Day Keep Wrinkles Away

Raisins, or kismis/kishmish as they are called in India, are dried grapes. There are as many kinds of kismis as there are grape varieties- green, purple, red, even champagne, to name some. The most common kismis are made from the seedless, green grapes called 'Thompson Seedless'.

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Sunday, March 12, 2017

How to Be Your Best Physical Self, and Stay That Way

Do you try repeatedly to lose weight, but always fail in the long term? Do you try fad diets, extreme workout regimens, or products on the diet market only to drop the routine or have weight return? You are not alone.

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Friday, March 10, 2017

10 Delicious Treats Dietitians Eat to Satisfy Their Sugar Cravings

DIY chocolate peanut butter ice cream

Delicious-TreatsIt doesn’t sound more decadent than this, and Lauren Manganiello, MS, RD, CDN, registered dietitian and certified personal trainer, has found a way to make it healthy. (Get her recipe for chocolate peanut butter ice cream.) “The frozen ripe banana provides a natural sweetness, while the peanut butter and cacao powder make this recipe very tasty. The spinach provides an antioxidant boost, and it’s a great way to sneak in extra greens that you won’t even taste.” While indulging in healthy treats every now and again is totally fine, OD’ing on sugar every day isn’t. These are the signs your sweet tooth is out of control.

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Thursday, March 9, 2017

10 Calorie-Blasting Workouts to Get You in Shape by Summer

Pop Sculpt @ Pop Physique

Pop-SculptPop Physique is a sexier version of your standard barre class. Created by Jennifer Williams, a former professional ballet dancer and Pilates instructor, and her husband Deric, a brand developer, you’ll sculpt and tone through a combination of strength work and stretches for one hour. And talk about results; Pop Physique promises improved posture and flexibility, increased body awareness—and a hotter sex life! Read up on the sexiest possible dance moves, according to science.


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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Joining a Walking Group? 10 Tricks to Keep it Interesting

Pick some fruit

fruitDo you know of some neglected apple trees in your community or where some roadside raspberries are wilting away? “Give your walk more purpose (and weight) by setting out to gather along the way. Bending and squatting, reaching and carrying ramps (or other fruits and veggies), not only ramps up the physical benefits of your walk, you can count your walk toward your volunteer time by joining a gleaning group,” says Katy Bowman, biomechanist and author of Movement Matters. Not familiar with a gleaning group? It’s a group that picks unwanted fruit and donates it to a local food bank. Fresh fruit and these other items are what food banks need most.

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Test, Procedures and Treatments of Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a chronic disorder, characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures. Many people with epilepsy have more than one type of seizure and may have other symptoms of neurological problems as well. Epilepsy diagnosis is based on multiple pieces of information such as the description of the episodes, the person's medical and family history and the results of diagnostic tests. Epilepsy can be treated and many people achieve good seizure control with medication. There are other treatments also available in case medication is not effective.

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Complications and Successful Outcomes of Cardiac Surgery of Infants

According to records 8-10 infants per 1000 suffer from congenital heart disease. Heart surgery in kids are performed to rectify the heart problems the child has inborn with. Heart problems may differ in every child; some might be minor problems for which a child may be able to wait for months or years for the surgery while some major problems might require immediate heart surgery. It is possible that defects might occur inside the heart or in the large blood vessels outside the heart. A single surgery might be enough to rectify the heart defect, but many a times a series of procedures are required.

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Healthy Happy Holidays

The Holidays are meant to be a joyful time, and I'd like to see each of you have the best Kwanzaa and New Years' celebrations ever. Too many times we build every event around the food. Sure, enjoy the 'good for you foods' and by-pass the unhealthy ones. The "most important decisions we make each day are all about 'what we eat".

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Monday, March 6, 2017

Adopt These Simple Steps to Get Fit

It may be a tough bet to make a guess about the next big theory in the fitness field. In this context, if your aim is to get fit and if you keep on asking for advice from every person you meet, you will get as many or even double the number of suggestions as the number of people you seek advice from. This complicates the whole process and ultimately, you will be a confused person who is not able to take even the first step towards achieving your goal. But there are a few simple steps that can help you in achieving your aim of getting fit.

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Why Business Owners Work With Office Cleaning Companies

Make offices and work areas more appealing and comfortable by opting for cleaning services. These services can also help business owners get rid of issues that make their work area dirty and unsightly.

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Orthotics for Children

Orthotics is custom-made foot supports and can be in the form of shoe insoles or inserts, or splints. They are used to restore your natural foot function. In children, orthotics can be used to treat biomechanical foot issues. Biomechanics is the study that studies your body's movement when you run, walk, or play sport. The most common biomechanical foot issues are under or over pronation.

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Saturday, March 4, 2017

9 Simple Changes That Helped Me Lose 45 Pounds—and Keep It Off

Eliminate the extras

01-I-lost-45-pounds-making-small-changesKatie Dunlop’s journey began after college, as she found herself 45 pounds overweight and tired of the ups and downs of fad diets and trendy workout plans. She started to look for small changes that might add up over time. Her first mission was to search and destroy mindless munching. Every night as a pre-dinner snack, Dunlop used to nibble cheese and crackers while cooking. “I didn’t necessarily need that,” she says. Instead of banning this pre-dinner ritual all at once, Dunlop decided to cut out the cheese for a few days, and then phase out the crackers. “Food habits are the hardest thing to change, so finding little ‘tweaks’ became hugely important,” she says.

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Friday, March 3, 2017

10 Hidden Reasons Your Diet Isn’t Working

You aren’t getting enough calories

01_hidden_reasons_Wait, isn’t the point of a diet that you are supposed to cut calories? Yes, but according to registered dietitian and author of Belly Fat for Dummies Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, it’s only a piece of the puzzle. “A calorie is not just a calorie,” she says. “Depending on what you consume, calories from nutrients such as protein and unsaturated fat keep you full for an extended period, whereas calories from simple sugars digest rapidly.” If you’re cutting calories but not getting the proper vitamins, protein, and fiber you need, your weight loss plan is not going to work. According to a study from Japan, calorie restriction leads to slower metabolic rate, which means without enough calories, your body goes into survival mode, slowing down your metabolism to conserve energy and prevent weight loss. “Focus on improving the nutritional quality of your diet rather than your calorie intake for improved body weight and health,” Palinski-Wade says. Doctors wish you’d stop following these weight loss “tips.”

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8 Incredible Health Reasons You Need to Add Blueberries to Your Cereal

You could boost your memory

01_insane_health_benefits“Memory has been touted with blueberries,” says registered dietitian nutritionist Caroline Passerrello, MS, RDN, LDN. One long-term study of 16,010 adults age 70 or younger found that those who ate more blueberries and strawberries delayed age-related cognitive decline by up to 2.5 years. The researchers guess that antioxidants called anthocyanins in blueberries could be behind the effects. Other studies have found that large doses of resveratrol could slow the progress of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Going Gluten-Free? You Need to Know About This Hidden Danger

Going Gluten Free? You Need to Know About This Hidden Danger.It’s all the rage right now to ditch the carbs and adopt a gluten-free diet—fully one-quarter of Americans reported eating gluten-free in 2015, a 67 percent increase from 2013, according to EurekAlert. But new research from the University of Illinois at Chicago may give you good reason to keep those grains in your cupboard.

According to the report, published in the journal Epidemiology, people who eat a gluten-free diet may be at increased risk for exposure to arsenic and mercury, heavy metals that can lead to cancer, neurological effects, and heart disease over time, when they accumulate in the body, EurkAlert! reports.

For the research, study author Maria Argos, assistant professor of epidemiology in the UIC School of Public Health, and her team looked at data from a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of more than 7,000 participants, searching for a link between gluten-free diets and biomarkers of toxic metals in blood and urine. Of the survey participants, 73, ranging in age from 6 to 80, reported eating a gluten-free diet. The 73 on a gluten-free diet had a higher concentration of arsenic in their urine and mercury in their blood. Arsenic levels were almost twice as high for people eating a gluten-free diet, and mercury levels were 70 percent higher.

The reason for these higher levels can be attributed to the foods, like rice, that people following a gluten-free diet commonly eat. According to Argos, prior studies have shown that rice in particular may be a source of arsenic exposure. Rice in the form of rice flour, rice syrup, and puffed rice is found in many gluten-free food products, which gluten-avoiders may be more reliant on. Here are additional foods with gluten that will surprise you.

Even though data indicates an increase in mercury and arsenic levels, Argos and her colleagues believe further research is needed on the complete findings and possible consequences of eating a gluten-free diet. They hope to perform future studies to confirm the link to corresponding health consequences from higher levels of exposure to arsenic and mercury as part of a gluten-free diet.

“While the risk of exposure to arsenic and mercury was observed to be increased, the levels themselves were still low and not considered to be toxic,” Argos says. “Our recommendation is for people to be aware of what is in the food products they are consuming and try to diversify their diet so not heavily reliant on rice or rice-based products since arsenic remains unregulated in our food.”

Obviously, a gluten-free diet is a must for people who have celiac disease, a disorder that leaves you unable to properly digest gluten, according to WebMD, but fewer than one percent of Americans have gotten a celiac diagnosis, and many more are following the diet without professional guidance. Often, people report eating gluten-free because they believe it reduces inflammation, but that belief has not been scientifically proven. If you think you may have celiac disease, here are some symptoms to speak with your doctor about.

Bottomline: Don’t kick rice off the menu, but do try to eat a variety of grains, both to protect against arsenic overload and to take advantage of different nutrients. Also keep in mind that some types of rice naturally absorb less arsenic than others. Your best bets, research has shown, are Basmati, followed by Jasmine. And white rice is safer than brown because the arsenic gets removed along with the bran layer during processing. Whenever possible, choose U.S. rice over brands from Asia and Europe because the arsenic is one-third to one-half less of the more toxic, inorganic kind. You can also remove about half the arsenic in your rice by rinsing it thoroughly before cooking and by boiling it in a large pot of water—using five or six parts water to one part rice, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit watchdog and advocacy group.

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Five Questions to Ask Your Child's Pediatrician

Your child's pediatrician can answer important health-related questions. Here are five things to ask during a wellness visit.

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Before You Try Natural Remedies for Your Chronic Sinus Infections, Ask Your Doctor These 3 Questions

Sufferers of chronic sinus infections (chronic sinusitis) are an unlucky lot of individuals that deal with the swelling of sinus passages for as long as three months. More often than not, people tend to categorize their symptoms as nothing more than fighting seasonal allergies or perhaps staving off a cold or the flu. There is, however, a reason it's labeled as chronic as the symptoms just don't seem to go away.

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Thursday, March 2, 2017

How Healing My Family’s Health Led to a Million Dollar Diet Delivery Business

Nadja Pinnavaia is not a nutritionist or a chef or a doctor. But her family health history prompted a journey into food research that went on to radically change her outlook on eating and kick off a million dollar diet delivery business.


“Several years ago, my father died of an aneurism, and my mother, of cancer. Then, another close member of my family was diagnosed with cancer. I found myself looking for a silver bullet, not just a fingers-crossed-let’s-just-hope-the-chemo-works attitude,” explains Pinnavaia, a European expat. “Meanwhile, my children, who were two and four years old, wanted to eat awful food—chicken nuggets, and things very high in sugar. I’m an Italian mother, and we love proper food. I couldn’t help but think that my children were addicted to crap! I started reading voraciously and learned a lot about the power of food to hurt or help health,” she explains.

02-How-Healing-My-Family's-Health-Led-to-a-Million-Dollar-Diet-Delivery-Business-EuphebePinnavaia’s degree in quantum chemistry and professional experience in finance helped her decipher the data and motivation behind the American food industry. She immersed herself in books such as Anticancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber, and Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD. Impressed with the science and filled with hope that food could heal, Pinnavaia founded Euphebe, a company dedicated to real-life results, through real food.

“Euphebe is a made-up word, combining euphoria, and you’ll feel better,” explains Pinnavaia, whose company is based in Brooklyn, New York. The centerpiece is whole, plant-based foods that taste seriously delicious and contain no added “crap”—the stuff, mainly sugar and refined carbs, that are literally addictive and a main driver of chronic disease.

04-How-Healing-My-Family's-Health-Led-to-a-Million-Dollar-Diet-Delivery-Business-EuphebeAs Pinnavaia learned in her research, white flour and sugar can stimulate cancer cell growth, and a lot of the oils and dairy products we eat create an inflammatory environment in the body, putting the immune system under stress. “Euphebe helps break that cycle by reducing cravings and by teaching people that food is fuel, making them aware of what they put in their bodies and what it can do them,” she says.

05-How-Healing-My-Family's-Health-Led-to-a-Million-Dollar-Diet-Delivery-Business-EuphebeEuphebe starts with the E-28 Day Reboot, a month-long deep dive into healthy eating geared toward eliminating sugar cravings for good. It’s comprised of 28 days of lunches and dinners, cooked fresh and delivered frozen, in individual portion sizes, to your door. Each weekly delivery includes salad recipes to accompany your meals, and nutrition-boosting tips that are easy to understand and execute. Designed to make you feel better and look better, the meals are “veganesque, but not completely vegan,” explains Pinnavaia.

Follow the program, and you are pretty much guaranteed to reduce or eliminate, sugar cravings, and to look at food in a different way. Based on scientific principles, Euphebe is not just another weight-loss plan. The food is delicious, filling, and includes zero refined grains, chemicals, or sugar, by any of its many names. You’ll find meals such as black bean pasta, Mediterranean falafel, Shepherd’s pie, and root vegetable torte—food as gourmet as anything you might whip up from Bon Appetite. 

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03-How-Healing-My-Family's-Health-Led-to-a-Million-Dollar-Diet-Delivery-Business-EuphebeThere are no crazy herbs, supplements, or ingredients you need to buy in out-of-the-way specialty shops. Just as importantly, you don’t have to worry about being hungry or experiencing sugar withdrawal symptoms. Euphebe’s food is chock-full of optimum nutrition—fiber, whole grains, and vegetables galore—so you’re bound to feel energized and satisfied. Yes, you’ll have to say goodbye to soda and limit alcohol intake, but coffee can still be part of your daily life, as long as you forego sweeteners or cream. (Here’s how many calories you’re adding to your coffee when you dump in those extras). The foods are plant-based, but can be supplemented by high-quality protein sources, such as grass-fed beef, free-range, organic chicken, and wild fish. There’s no refined anything, no pretend-nutrition, and no cycling between sugar highs and lows, with insane bouts of hunger and deprivation-induced crashes. If you’re not a scientist, no worries. Euphebe supplies real-life coaches who stay connected with you, for as long as you need them, via phone, and text.

06-How-Healing-My-Family's-Health-Led-to-a-Million-Dollar-Diet-Delivery-Business-Euphebe“When I started this company, I thought, how do we make it easier for people? I broke it down to practical considerations—what can I eat if I don’t have time to shop and cook. We also tackled people’s concerns that healthy foods may taste bad. That’s how we came up with the delivery concept, and why the recipes are created by renowned chefs,” Pinnavaia explains. “But, there’s more to it than that. We’re helping people break the sugar-dependency cycle by going full immersion, and supplying a behavioral/coaching component. The 28-day reboot is about education, motivation, and support.”

Euphebe ships nationwide, and an app is currently in the works, which will make the program even easier to use. And Pinnavaia’s family, her very first test-kitchen participants, are all feeling healthy and loving mealtimes more than ever.

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11 Silent Signs You Could Have an Eating Disorder

You can be genetically predisposed to an eating disorder

Considering eating disorders are incredibly common, you might be curious to know what causes these unhealthy relationships with food and mirrors in the first place. The long and the short answer is both your genetics and societal influences. “We say that genetics load the gun and environment pulls the trigger,” explains Bonnie Brennan, the senior clinical director of Adult Services at Eating Recovery Center in Denver, Colorado. “Genetic predisposition, though not necessary, can play a big part in the risk.” A study in 2011 confirms that for white females, developing an eating disorder has a high degree of heritability. “More research is needed to determine the prevalence of eating disorders among those of different races and ethnicities, but we do see symptoms of eating disorders across all populations,” Brennan adds.

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Cinnamon Water Benefits

Cinnamon water can lower your bad cholesterol (or LDL) also raises HDL (the "good") cholesterol. Cinnamon water treats the symptoms of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Cinnamon anti-inflammatory properties reduces both systemic and specific inflammation and treat certain types of pain and headaches, as well as arthritis pain.

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5 Strategies to Get Rid of Belly Fat

The belly fat may cause of a lot of issues for you. If you want to get rid of this fat, you can take a few steps. Usually, your waist circumference is measured to get an estimate of your belly fat. If your waist is 40 inches, you have abdominal obesity. Given below are some proven strategies that you can use to get rid of the love handles.

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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

16 Things You Can Turn into a Healthy Pizza Crust


01_Things_you_can_turnNo healthy-crust list would be complete without mentioning cauliflower. You’ve probably seen cauliflower pizza crusts blowing up online, and for good reason. Fiber- and vitamin C-rich cauliflower creates a sturdy crust, and its light taste will fool you into thinking you’re eating regular ol’ pizza dough. Try this version from Damn Delicious.

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