Monday, October 30, 2017

This Is Exactly How Much More You Eat When You’re Sleep Deprived


Are your eyelids drooping as you read this? You might want to watch what you put on your plate. We all know that a lack of sleep can make us older, crankier, and—let’s face it—fatter. (Learn what else happens when you don’t get enough sleep.) But sleep slackers, beware: Researchers now know exactly how many more calories we consume when we skimp on our shuteye, and it’s not pretty.

According to a 2016 meta-analysis published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who don’t get enough sleep much more than usual the next day. More specifically, they eat an average of 385 calories more than their usual intake. The research team also revealed that the sleep-deprived participants ate significantly more fat and less protein.

Why the boost in calories and fat? Turns out, a bad night’s sleep can actually make you crave junk food, scientists say.

To make matters worse, the subjects didn’t move around much after a bad night’s sleep. So instead of burning off those extra calories, it’s likely that the participants ended up storing them as fat. Consistently eating 385 extra calories a day can cause you to gain about a pound every nine days, Women’s Health reported. And not only does that spell disaster for your tummy, but all that weight gain could also increase your risk of developing conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

If you struggle to lose weight, researchers suggest adjusting your sleep habits first and foremost. Try getting to bed an hour earlier to hit the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep. But for those who struggle to reach that suggested dose of Zzzs, try these tips to stay sharp. Trust us, your body (and your brain!) will be glad you did.

[Source: Women’s Health]

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How to Safeguard Your Immune System

The immune system of a human body is a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to defend the body against the attacks by the 'foreign' invaders. The term 'foreign invader' is used for the bacteria, parasites, fungi and other viruses that can lead to illness through infections. It is the job of an immune system to keep these infectious organisms out and destroy them.

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Friday, October 27, 2017

35 Ways Nutritionists Sneak More Protein Into Their Diet

Add Greek yogurt

yogurtStep aside traditional American yogurt, and allow Greek yogurt to take the spotlight. As nutritionist Tracy Lesht, MS, RD, says, “It’s rich in protein and so easy to eat as a snack or on the go. Just one serving of a Greek yogurt can add about 18 grams of protein into your day.” For an extra 3 grams of protein, top your yogurt with an ounce of nuts (about a handful). Check out these other tasty, healthful yogurt toppers.

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Things To Keep In Mind When Choosing Laser Resurfacing Treatment

Gone are the days when you had to undergo invasive cosmetic surgery to take years off your skin. Today, laser resurfacing treatment helps to do away with wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes and the appearance of pores in a faster and more efficient way. Here are a few things to keep in mind, when opting for laser resurfacing procedure.

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Things That Are Expected From a 24 Hour Emergency Doctor

More than the regular doctor who visits a clinic or a hospital, a 24 hour emergency doctor service is essential. Medical emergencies may crop up anytime. These situations are inevitable and irrespective of the nature of the emergency, an immediate helping hand is essential.

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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Recovery Testimonial

In 1989 I was medically diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, due to chemical poisoning from pesticides such as 245-T, Network, Roundup, Asulox and Malathian and heavy metal poisoning from Mercury (due to toxicity from amalgam fillings in my teeth), aluminium and lead. After consultations with many doctors, specialists and natural health therapists, including Homeopaths and Acupuncturists, I was told that I would never regain normal health again due to the length of time I had been ill with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

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How Do Strong Social and Community Ties Impact Your Health?

I called my friend, also named Lisa, who lives in Houston, Texas. Hurricane Harvey's devastation had not only hit Houston, the fourth largest city in the United States, but many communities in the Gulf Coast region. According to my friend, who lives on the north side of Houston where they got no flooding except for those who were near a river or large body of water, the worst of the rain is over.

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The Top 10 Benefits and Uses of Essiac Tea

Essiac tea is an alternative health drink that is getting a lot of attention lately. It's a tea that is comprised of several herbal elements include burdock, rhubarb, elm bark, and many other elements. It has been traced to being a major drink of indigenous tribes in North America. Researchers have been studying the drink for some time, and it has been shown to help the body in a number of ways. Drinking this on a regular basis could very well help with the following 10 benefits.

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Calcium Needs At All Life Stages

Calcium is critical for bone growth, development and maintenance at every age and stage of life. Our bones serve as its storage site for the body, providing this mineral to the bloodstream for use by the heart and other organs.

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50 So-Called “Healthy” Snacks That Are Secretly Destroying Your Body

Frozen yogurt

froyoWhile fro yo itself is a good treat, it’s easy to eat it the wrong way. “People go to a frozen yogurt place and think ‘Hooray, I’m being so good by having yogurt instead of ice cream, I can pile peanut butter cups and chocolate syrup on top.’ What was initially a good choice is now 600 to 900 calories,” says Angel Planells, MS, RDN, Seattle-based founder of ACP Nutrition, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Your best bet instead is to go light on the extras, he suggests: “Two or three toppings max—think fruit, nuts, maybe a small drizzle of chocolate syrup—otherwise you may as well just eat some ice cream.” For more frozen snack variety, try one of these summer treats.

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Healthy Snack Ideas For 2-Year-Old Babies

By the age of two years, the kid should be eating three healthy meals a day along with snacks. Offer food with different flavors and textures to your child. Offer finger food to your child as at this age kids love to eat on their own.

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Exact Age When It Gets Harder to Lose Weight, According to Experts

weight-lossThe dreaded day has finally arrived: You can no longer finish off an entire pizza—or several candy bars, for that matter—and still manage to maintain your tiny tummy. No, it’s not just your imagination; you really do stop losing weight as you age, experts say. (By the way, this is the real reason you gain weight as you age.)

Unfortunately, your weight loss gains will likely reach their peak by age 30, as your muscle mass and strength decline. A lack of muscle causes you to burn fewer calories, leading to weight gain. That goes for both men and women, according to Melissa Halas-Liang, media representative for the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

“So this is why it seems like we can’t eat as much and have to work out harder,” Halas-Liang told ATTN. “Because in a way our metabolism isn’t as good due to less muscle mass.”

And it could only worse from there. Your basal energy expenditure, or the amount of energy for your body to conduct basic functions like breathing, decreases by up to 10 percent by age 50, and 20 to 25 percent by age 70, Halas-Liang said. The less energy you expend, the fewer calories you burn.

For women, in particular, age can take a serious toll on the waistline. “Women have further hormonal changes with menopause, which can make it even more challenging to maintain weight,” Halas-Liang said. Meanwhile, it’s a bit easier for men to lose weight, because they have higher muscle mass and faster metabolisms compared to women—even at old age.

But if you’re aiming to drop a few sizes (but have already reached the ripe age of 30), no need to worry! You can still boost your metabolism with regular exercise, especially through strength training at least two days a week. No gym membership? Here’s how to lose weight without a lick of exercise.

The major takeaway: “You’ve got to move a little more and eat a little less which each passing decade after 30,” Halas-Liang said. Adopt those two habits, and you’ll get your 25-year-old metabolism back in no time.

[Source: ATTN]

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Hygiene - Where Have You Been?

Life expectancy can be directly related to the advent of simple hygiene and cleansing practices. Up until the twentieth century, ignorance of germs, bacteria and lack of bathing and sanitation had a profound influence on the death rates. While many countries do not follow the high standards we hold in the U.S., the world has come a long way in hygiene practices.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Drinking This Many Glasses of Water a Day Burns 490 Calories Every Week


It’s no secret that gulping down plenty of water can boost your energy, clear your complexion, and help you resist the urge to snack. (And those aren’t the only benefits of hydration!) But for those worried about packing on the pounds, it could also do wonders for your waistline.

Drinking ice-cold water helps you burn more calories throughout the day, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Researchers randomly assigned participants to drink 8 ounces of distilled, saline, sucrose, or ice-cold water on different days. Then, they measured each subject’s resting energy expenditure.

Those who drank the ice-cold water burned up to 7 calories per glass, the researchers reported. Here’s why: Ingesting chilly water requires your body to work even harder to warm itself back up. As a result, the energy required to regain your normal body temperature burns a few extra calories per glass.

While that might not seem like much at first, the calories can add up quickly. Just do the math! Drinking 10 cold glasses of water a day for one week burns 490 calories. That’s the equivalent of losing 7 pounds in one year—and all you had to do was stay hydrated. Here are even more ways your body changes when you start drinking enough water.

The Food and Nutrition Board recommends that men drink 3.7 liters of water and women drink 2.7 liters of water each day. But watch out for the signs you’re drinking too much water—because yes, there can be too much of a good thing.

Of course, when you’re aiming to drop a few sizes, every bit of calorie burn counts. Yet experts warn that drinking ice-cold water shouldn’t be the first priority in your weight-loss journey. “In the big picture, it has no significance at all,” dietitian Andy Bellatti, MS, RD told INSIDER. “I think it’s something that is a waste of time for people to think about.”

If you want to change the number on the scale, experts recommend complementing your water intake with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. And don’t forget these 42 fast, easy tips for weight loss.

[Sources: Prevention, SELF]

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Tips on Mealtime and Your Underweight Child

If you're like me then you're searching for ways to get good nutritious food in your kids' belly but also finding ways to give them enough calories. Remember that as parents you are responsible for what is offered and where and when it is presented. You are also responsible for providing a safe and enjoyable environment during meal times.

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Skipping Breakfast Hardens Your Arteries?

According to a recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, those who skip breakfast are more likely to experience atherosclerosis, aka hardening of the arteries, than those who ate a daily, healthy meal in the morning. 1 The connection, it appears, is that those who are breakfast skippers tend to have more unhealthy diets and lifestyles than those who don't. They found in the study that overall, those who opt to skip breakfast had poorer diets, were more likely to have high blood pressure or be overweight, and were more likely to smoke or consume alcohol in excess. All of these factors lead to an increased risk for atherosclerosis. Lack of breakfast is not the cause, per se, but an indicator of other health habits.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

What Is Red Ginseng and Its Top 5 Benefits

Somewhere in Asia, an herb called ginseng is famously grown. Naturally, ginseng is not found in its red form it undergoes a certain process to attain its desired color. Normally, red ginseng is produced by processing the roots of Korean ginseng. However, according to native Asians, a certain process is followed in order to produce a red ginseng.

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12 Vitamin Mistakes You Might Not Realize You’re Making

You pop a multivitamin

Unless your doctor recommends one for a specific reason, this daily habit may be worth skipping. “For the most part, multivitamins are a poor investment, says Les Emhof, MD, an MDVIP-affiliated physician in Tallahassee, Florida. “They just give you expensive urine.” In an editorial published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2013, Johns Hopkins University researchers concluded that popping a multi does not lower disease or mortality risk. Experts agree that your best bet is to get vitamins and minerals from whole foods. Don’t miss these other 8 vitamins that are useless or even dangerous.

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Health Tips for Kids in Winters

With winters come flue, cough, fever, and all those nasty diseases. All the winter fun is ruined when your kids are sick.

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Everything You Need to Know About A Herniated Disc

This article is meant to help you better understand the implications of a herniated disc both as a diagnostic and as a reason for surgery. People tend to avoid reading about this topic because they are afraid they might find themselves suffering from the same symptoms they read. Yet, informing yourself about this topic will help you notice if there is something wrong early enough. Keep reading if this is what you are looking for.

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Saturday, October 21, 2017

14 Easy Ways to Jump-Start Your Metabolism

1. Use interval training to rev up your workout


Walk for the same amount of time at the same intensity day in and day out and your body will get as bored with your workout as you do. Throw in some variety with interval training, which involves changing the intensity of your workout throughout your exercise session. Every 5 minutes of your walk, jog for 1 minute. Every 5 minutes of your bike ride, shift into a higher gear and pedal hard for a minute. If you swim, speed up every other length. You’ll burn more calories in the same amount of time. Here’s how high-intensity interval training kicks your cardio routine up a notch.

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Friday, October 20, 2017

Plump, Round and Healthy Too

My husband and I recently took a relaxing and fun vacation to Maine. The weather was enviable in August coming from hot and humid Charleston. So were the food, landscape and the Mainer's way of life.

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Staying Healthy Prevents Sickness: Are You Really Staying Healthy?

Are you actually living a "healthy" lifestyle? Are you getting sick a lot? Here is what I learned that actually helped me to not get sick and keep my body in great shape.

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How I Became a Healthy Mom and a Healthy Wife

After giving birth to my second child, I was what the doctor labeled obese. I knew I was overweight, but after my six-week follow-up I looked at the numbers on the scale and thought that while they still seemed high, they didn't put me into the obese category. I waited almost a year before taking action to get the pounds off.

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Tips To Help You Choose A Good Primary Care Physician

If you are looking for a primary care physician, maybe your insurance company has asked you to do so. But how are going to hire one? You need to keep in mind that choosing a PCP is one of the most important healthcare decisions that you can make. Given below are some tips to help you choose one easily.

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Fitness Is Key To Overall Wellness

Increasing overall wellness has many facets, physical fitness being a very important one. Becoming fit is easier than you think.

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Adrenal Fatigue & Menopause

What is Adrenal Fatigue? How can you explain it? Adrenal Fatigue begins to lower levels of hormones estrogen, progesterone, thyroid and adrenal and can alter the body function. Every person with Adrenal Fatigue manages to have a different set of symptoms that I listed:

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Medical Tourism: The Best Way to Deal With Health Issues

Medical tourism is a relative term for a bigger scenario in the future. Being an age old practice, medical tourism has evolved to a level that everyone is on the lookout and researching for a well suited medical tourism program.

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This Is the Healthiest Way to Order Your Coffee (It’s Not Black)


Odds are, coffee is a non-negotiable part of your morning, even while on a diet. While drinking your cup of joe without cream and sugar might do wonders for your waistline—and even help you live longer!—it’s probably not so wonderful for your taste buds. (Plus, if you do drink your coffee black, it could be a sign you’re a psychopath.)

But here is some good news for those hoping to drop a few sizes: You can have your coffee and drink it, too. The guilt-free version of this daily necessity just requires one small tweak. Swap slim milk for whole milk in a latte—or even a plain old cup of joe—and you can blast the fat in no time.

Skeptical? The numbers don’t lie. According to a recent study, a medium-sized latte with whole milk from Dunkin Donuts tends to have around 170 calories and nine grams of fat. If you have a latte five days a week, that adds up to 4,550 calories a year—the equivalent of gaining 1.3 pounds. Meanwhile, a latte made with skim milk contains 110 calories and no fat. Need we say more? You can also try these other little ways to make your coffee habit healthier.

Keep in mind that the calories found in whole milk and skim milk might differ depending on chain you frequent. For example, this is the healthiest drink at Starbucks. Regardless, it just goes to show that a small change can make a big difference for your morning brew. Try this weight loss hack the next time you order while on-the-go, or stick to homemade coffee so you can control the portions.  And on the rare occasions when you’re not in a coffee mood, these tasty (and healthy) ways to drink up won’t pack on the pounds.

[Source: My Domaine]

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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

4 Tips to Choose an ENT for Your Child

It's not an easy to choose a doctor for your kid. For best care, you have a lot of things to keep in mind when making this choice, such as credentials, equipment, availability and surgical facilities, just to name a few. As a parent, you need to understand all of these things prior to choosing a good ENT doctor. Let's know more about what you should keep in mind when choosing a good doctor.

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Eat Healthy While Studying

It is difficult to stay healthy while studying, especially with all the learning until late at night, the limited budget and the many social obligations. Read this article to learn how to stay in shape during your studies.

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The Science-Backed Way Eating Pizza Can Help You Lose Weight—Seriously


While a clean diet is certainly something to strive for, we don’t blame you if your mouth waters at the thought of a juicy burger or potato chips covered in salt. Treating yourself every once in awhile shouldn’t feel like a crime! Thankfully, research says that giving in to your food temptations on occasion isn’t just OK; it might even be good for you.

In a recent study from the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Portuguese researchers asked volunteers to constrict their consumption to 10,500 calories a week. But while half of the participants ate 1,500 calories every day, the other half ate 1,300 six days a week, saving the rest of their calories for a “cheat day” on Sunday.

At the end of the two weeks, both groups lost weight. However, those who pigged out on their weekend “cheat day” reported feeling happier and more motivated to continue dieting. Try repeating these amazing quotes to boost your weight loss motivation, too.

What gives? Turns out, the occasional indulgence could keep you from burning out on your diet, according to study author Rita Coelho do Vale, Ph.D.

“The key is to plan ahead and designate a specific day for your rule-breaking,” Dr. Vale told Men’s Health. “That’s because giving in to a spur-of-the-moment donut can make you feel like you blew your diet—and might as well abandon it completely.”

But before you start inhaling every French fry in sight, proceed with caution. Dr. Vale says it’s important to limit your cheat days and avoid going overboard when you do indulge. Plus, there’s still some debate in the health community regarding whether cheat meals are good or bad for weight loss.

Translation? Go ahead and chow down on a slice of pizza every now and then; just remember to do so in moderation. And if you start feeling a bit guilty, don’t despair! Torch the calories fast with this chart, which shows you exactly what you need to do to burn off every cheat meal.

[Source: Men’s Health]

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Monday, October 16, 2017

This Popular Sugar Substitute Can Actually Help Prevent Metabolic Syndrome

sugarEver heard of stevia? It’s a plant-based sweetener that’s a popular alternative to sugar for people who are counting their calories. Stevia comes with some “sweet” benefits—such as helping control blood sugar. If you haven’t made the sugar switch yet, new research from the Journal of Medicinal Food is reporting more, previously unknown benefits to stevia that may convince you otherwise: The sweetener may protect against several deadly conditions that can combine to create metabolic syndrome, which dramatically raises your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. (Here’s what you should know about metabolic syndrome.)

For their study, researchers Areli Carrera-Lanestosa and Maira Segura-Campos, Autonomous University of Yucatan and Yolanda Moguel-Ordóñez, National Institute for Forest, Agronomic, and Livestock Research, Yucatan, Mexico, analyzed extracts of the stevia rebaudiana (SR) plant to understand its complete pharmacological and therapeutic effects. The researchers paid particular attention to how the extract could be used as a natural alternative to disorders associated with the symptoms of metabolic syndrome, including obesity, hypertension, and elevated levels of blood sugar and lipids. The CDC estimates that more than 30 percent of adults in the United States live with the syndrome.

The researchers believe the same compounds responsible for the plant’s sweetness could be used in the prevention of metabolic syndrome. In their findings, the researchers note that when they replaced sugar in the diets of lab rats with stevia, the rats showed a decrease in daily caloric intake, and in some cases, lost one pound over a 10-day period. In further examining the components that make up the SR plant, including the leaves, flowers, and roots, the researchers found that the compounds in SR have the potency to be used as a natural treatment for diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. The plant also contains several phytochemicals including phenols and flavonoids, which can help burn fat.

While the study results are promising, the authors say they need to do more research to figure out the mechanisms at work. Until more is understood about the possible benefits of SR, here are ways to kick sugar from your diet, starting now.

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10 Healthier Ways to Top Greek Yogurt for Breakfast

6 Common Medications That Could Be to Blame for Your Weight Gain

weightThere are sneaky things that cause weight gain that aren’t food or exercise. One of them may be prescription medication. Many common prescription drugs can cause some patients to pack on the pounds, though it’s unclear whether the drug causes weight gain or the propensity to gain weight is there already. We spoke to Dave Walker, RPh, on behalf of the MedShadow Foundation, a clearinghouse for information on the side effects of medicine, to learn which drugs are most likely to move the needle on the scale.

Oral contraceptives: Depo-Provera, Yazmin

Sure, you’re expected to gain weight if you’re expecting, but putting on the pounds for not trying to get pregnant? According to Walker, all birth control meds release the hormone progesterone. And progesterone can you give the munchies. Besides increasing your appetite, oral contraceptives can also cause water retention aka The Dreaded Belly Bloat (and here’s some suggestions on how to get rid of it). The good news is most modern day birth control pills use a lower mix of hormones than older formulations, so weight gain is not as likely as it used to be.

The biggest weight offender may be Depo-Provera. This contraceptive is a shot that makes your period disappear, but studies show that for many women it makes the pounds appear instead.

Alternative: Talk to your Ob-Gyn or primary physician about the IUD or other hormone-free options suggests.

Beta blockers: Metoprolol, Propranolol, Tenormin

High blood pressure or hypertension puts you at risk for a range of health woes from kidney failure to heart attack, so a little spare tire doesn’t seem like a big deal by comparison. Still, weight gain can add other health woes such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes, so you do want to minimize it as much as possible.

Older beta-blockers that are given to lower blood pressure—including Tenormin, Lopressor (metoprolol), and Inderal (propranolol)—have a tendency to cause extra pounds to creep on, reports “Just by the nature of what this drug does, lowering the heart rate, it’s also lowering your metabolic rate,” explains Walker. “And if your metabolic rate is going down, you are burning fewer calories and you may need to take precautions to not gain weight.”

Alternatives: Talk to your doctor about changing up your meds to newer beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, and ACE inhibitors that have less of a weight-gain effect. Also, keep your diet in check with low sugar foods including fresh fruits and veggies, and keep moving. Low impact exercise can help (talk to your physician before starting any new work out routine). Got the OK? These are the best machines for weight loss at the gym.


More than 1 in every 10 adults over age 20 has diabetes, according to Healthline. The number goes up to 1 in 4 for adults over age 65.

Diabetes 1 and 2 are usually treated with insulin, and some insulin drugs bring on weight gain—an average of 11 pounds in some insulin users.

“The whole principle of taking insulin is to reduce sugars in the bloodstream and get them back into the tissues where they can do their job,” notes Walker. The thing is many people with diabetes are already overweight or prone to being overweight, particularly those with type 2 diabetes. Their lifestyle choices usually reflect a lack of activity to burn off caloric intake, so they are already set up for weight gain.”

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Alternative: Discuss an exercise program with your doctor. Even walking as little as 30 minutes a day can be effective. According to the Diabetes Prevention Program, upping physical activity and losing weight could even reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by over 50 percent. A healthy diet is key. Already on meds? Talk to your doctor about Levemir insulin, which may have fewer side effects.

Antihistamines: Allegra, Zyrtec, Benadryl

A 2010 study in the journal Obesity found that men and women taking antihistamines such as Allegra and Zyrtec weighed on average of 9.5 pounds and 4.4 pounds more, respectively, than people not taking those drugs. It seems that blocking histamine can stimulate appetite.

But that’s only if you’re on an antihistamine for the long haul, which Walker doesn’t recommend. “If you’re taking an antihistamine on an as needed basis for hay fever, for example, than any weight gain should be only temporary,” he says. “But staying on an antihistamine long term isn’t a great option for most people.”

Alternatives: This may be a trial and error situation. Talk to your physician about which drug may be best for you, whether you can try a nasal spray instead (which has more localized effects), and if you can take a break from antihistamines in the off-season.

Steroids: Prednisone, Hydrocortisone

Gardening in the yard and end up with poison oak? Steroids may be your new bestie when it comes to treating those insanely itchy red welts. That’s because steroids are inflammation fighters. They are usually made up of cortisone and marketed under many brand names, such as Deltasone and Sterapred. However, when steroids are needed long term, for example in cases of arthritis treatment, asthma, or gastrointestinal illnesses, weight gain is possible. These chair yoga moves may relieve your arthritis symptoms no drugs required.

“We know prednisone and cortisone steroids can cause weight gain and possibly water retention. That’s just the way the cortisone and our natural body system works. It can increase our appetite,” says Walker. “But that’s generally seen with higher doses of the medication and longer treatment.”

Alternative: If you need to take steroids long term, keep an open dialogue with your doctor about dose reduction. According to the Hospital for Special Surgery (, sometimes a physician can arrange for you to take steroids on alternate days. Make sure you let your medical practitioner know of any side effects.

Antidepressants: Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa

On top of the symptoms of depression, people who are depressed are at 58 percent greater risk of becoming obese, according to a 2010 study. Some 1 in 6 adults in the U.S. who have been prescribed antidepressants end up suffering from side effects such as weight gain.

“They are supposed to make you feel better, but as much as 10 to15 percent of the population is prone to gain weight from these medications,” Walker says. He notes that in the 1980s, our overall population weighed about 15 to 20 pounds less than we do now, so we already have a population prone to weight gain. From a scientific standpoint, the serotonin and dopamine in these drugs are neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and happiness—and possibly eating more.

Yet the side effects vary from person to person. Even the drug packaging indicates that it may cause decreased weight and increased weight.

Alternatives: Discuss weight gain concerns with your physician and keep track of any upward movement on the scale. Trial and error may be the best way to find the right antidepressant for you. Also, consider asking your doctor about Bupropion (Wellbutrin). According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, it is the only antidepressant associated with modest long-term weight loss (among nonsmokers).

These are the super-important questions to ask your doctor before taking any prescription medication.

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Friday, October 13, 2017

Eat Beans, Lose Weight: 7 Convincing Ways Beans Blast Fat and Curb Cravings

Pulses Boost Satiety and Curb Cravings for Processed Snacks

Australian researchers asked 42 volunteers to consume their usual diets plus about 3½ ounces of chickpeas daily for 12 weeks and then return to their typical diets for another month. Based on food diaries, the participants ate less from every food group, especially grains, during the three-month chickpea intervention. They also reported feeling more satisfied. In the four weeks after the study ended, their intake of processed snacks spiked. (Did you know that chickpeas can actually boost your sex drive?)

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This Is How to Cut 3,500 Calories In One Day (Yes, Really)

cut 3500 calories a day

On the Stop & Drop Diet, many of our testers lost a pound a day during the initial Kickstart eating plan. We know what you’re probably thinking: “Really? Can you really lose a whole pound in one day?” The answer is yes—and this is why. As a general rule, a deficit of 3,500 calories will lead to a pound of fat loss. Cut 3,500 calories out of your day, and you will lose weight quickly. (You can even lose a pound a day while still eating your favorite foods!)

In order to drop that many calories and still have enough to eat, you’d have to already be eating almost 5,000 calories a day. I couldn’t believe most Americans eat that much, but consider the example in the chart below. This is how much weight you could lose by switching to Stop & Drop’s Kickstart meal plan from a typical day of eating. (Use this easy calculation to see how many calories you’re supposed to be eating every day.)

Follow the easy meal plan (on the right) for a day of delicious food and drinks, and see how many calories you cut from your daily routine. (Here are some signs you’re drinking too many calories.) For even more tasty options, check out these smart food swaps for every craving. To learn more about the Stop & Drop Diet, visit

stop and drop drop a pound a day chart

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11 Reasons Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Works

Apple cider vinegar helps to control blood sugar

blood-sugarThere are more than 50 ways to lose weight without a lick of exercise—and one may be adding apple cider vinegar (ACV) to your diet. How? An apple cider vinegar weight-loss plan affects how blood sugar is regulated, according to a study by Carol Johnston, PhD, at Arizona State University. “Her research provides evidence that drinking vinegar before eating actually led to a decrease in change of blood glucose post meals,” says Tanya Zuckerbrot MS, RD, New York City-based registered dietitian, best-selling author, and founder of The F-Factor Diet. “Drinking apple cider vinegar before a carbohydrate-filled meal can reduce blood sugar spikes that would usually occur after eating.”

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

What to Know Before You Decide to Try a Macrobiotic Diet

What is the macrobiotic diet?

foodThis eating approach is inspired by Zen Buddhism: It involves finding a “yin and yang” balance in not only the foods you eat, but in how you cook your food and even how you live your life.  “The macrobiotic diet is a predominantly vegetarian diet high in fiber and complex carbohydrates and low in fat,” says Sarah Schlichter, MPH, RDN, LDN. “It is specifically marketed to prevent disease and promote optimal health.” The diet consists primarily of whole cereal grains (especially brown rice) along with beans and some vegetables. Thinking of going vegetarian? Here are six ways to get there.

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What Is Calcium And What Does It Do?

When people think of calcium,bone health is usually the first thing that comes to mind, but calcium's benefits go far beyond helping to build and maintain skeletal structure. A calcium-rich diet (including dairy, nuts, leafy greens and fish) helps to build and protect your bones.Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for life. In addition to building bones and keeping them healthy, calcium helps our blood clot, nerves send messages and muscles contract. About 99 percent of the calcium in our bodies is in our bones and teeth. Each day, we lose calcium through our skin, nails, hair, sweat, urine and faeces, but our bodies cannot produce new calcium.

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Talk About Irony: Dieting May Actually Cause You to Gain Weight

breadFood is fabulous. It keeps us healthy, it brings people together, and it tastes great (most of the time). But we all know what too much equals. We can overeat when we confuse anxiety, a need for comfort, or insecurity with hunger, though you can begin to manage these troubles by practicing mindful eating habits. Weirdly, new research suggests that not eating when you actually are hungry—a requirement of dieting—could lead you to overeat even though you’re full.

“We already know that extreme diets are susceptible to fail,” explains psychological scientists Mark E. Bouton of the University of Vermont, one of the study authors. “One reason might be that the inhibition of eating learned while dieters are hungry doesn’t transfer well to a non-hungry state. If so, dieters might ‘relapse’ to eating, or perhaps overeating, when they feel full again.”

In the study, published in Psychological Science, Bouten conducted a behavioral conditioning study for 12 days on 32 female rats. After feeding, Bouten put the rats in a box with a lever that dispensed food. The rats grazed, but didn’t overeat. Over the following four days, the rats were placed in the box while they were hungry, but disabled the lever. The hungry rats were denied food in the way dieters deny themselves food.

A few days later, Bouten fed the rats and put them in the box with a fully-functioning, treat-dispensing lever. This time the full rats pressed the lever—and ate—much more than they did the first time around.

Though we can’t know for sure how humans would have reacted to this treatment, previous research suggests a similar result—here’s how faulty hunger patterns could be making you fat.

Bouten explains that when the rats couldn’t eat while hungry, they overcompensated the next time they got a shot at the treat-dispensing lever. “A wide variety of stimuli can come to guide and promote specific behaviors through learning,” Bouten and his co-authors wrote. “For example, the sights, sounds, and the smell of your favorite restaurant might signal the availability of your favorite food, causing your mouth to water and ultimately guiding you to eat. However, internal stimuli such as hunger or satiety may also promote behavior in ways that are not so adaptive.”

Perhaps the best solution is to make sure you don’t go hungry when trying to shed pounds. Keep a stash of healthy snacks you can munch sans guilt, and make sure they contain some protein and fat—think nuts or lean meat—to trigger feelings of fullness.

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This Is the Healthiest Drink at Starbucks (Hint: It’s Not Black Coffee or Tea)


More often than not, your daily Starbucks order comes with one major dilemma: Should you opt for a sugar and calorie-loaded caffeine boost, or suffer through a bitter (but healthy!) cup of black coffee or tea?

While it may be tempting to toss your diet in favor of your caffeine craving, you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. Fortunately, there are a few effective ways to make your coffee habit healthier—and no, that doesn’t mean you have to drink your coffee black. (But if you prefer your morning joe sans cream and sugar, it could say something about your personality.)

A tall caffè latte with almond milk is one of the healthiest pick-me-ups on the Starbucks menu, according to Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD. Order it iced, and you’ll knock back only 50 calories, with 5 grams of carbohydrate and 3 grams of fat. You’ll even sneak in some nutritional benefits, too; one cup provides 25 percent of your daily calcium intake and 8 percent of the recommended daily value for vitamin A. And of course, don’t forget that hefty 75 mg of caffeine. (See how a Starbucks caffeine dose stacks up to your other favorite coffee chains.)

Meanwhile, a hot caffè latte contains just 80 calories, with 7 grams of carb and 5 grams of fat. It also packs in 35 percent of your DV of calcium and 10 percent of vitamin A, with the same amount of caffeine per cup as the iced version.

Why the difference between the iced and hot versions? “The space for ice takes away some of the milk and automatically cuts down on the calories,” Stephanie Greenspan, MS, RD, told Reader’s Digest.

If you’re still leaning towards a caramel Frap, we won’t tell. In fact, you now have an excuse to try the healthiest ways to hack the Starbucks menu.

[Source: Real Simple]

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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

This Is Exactly How Many Hours of Sleep You Need to Burn Fat Fast

Quick—what’s the best way to lose weight? If you said diet and exercise, you’re on the right track. But as it turns out, there’s a super effective method for burning fat, and you’re already doing it every day. In fact, the key to burning fat is so easy that you could do it in your sleep (literally!)

“One of the biggest mistakes that most people make [when trying to lose weight] is not sleeping enough,” Shawn Arent, director of the Center for Health and Human Performance at Rutgers University, told Business Insider. Here are 9 more ways to lose weight in your sleep.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, your body repairs itself by releasing growth hormones while you sleep. Those hormones stimulate muscle and protein synthesis, as well as a fat breakdown process called lipolysis. You’ll practically burn fat in your sleep if you eat this one food at night, too.

Since growth hormones tend to peak at night, not getting a good night’s sleep cuts that essential process short. Research shows that only getting four or five hours of sleep a night can lead to obesity down the road. Here are even more of the worst habits for belly fat.

The solution? Ideally, you should sleep seven to nine hours per night to keep your body burning fat while you snooze.

“Seven to nine hours seems to be a pretty consistent time frame for when we get the best repair and where we have the least relationship to obesity,” Arent said. “In other words, it’s kind of that nice window where you don’t oversleep, you don’t under sleep, and there’s enough repair that takes place.”

The National Sleep Foundation generally recommends that adults sleep for seven to nine hours every night, in order to wake up refreshed and alert for the day ahead. Do you count sheep until the wee hours of the morning? Try making these 8 little changes to sleep better in just one day.

[Source: Business Insider]

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8 True Stories of How the Elimination Diet Solved Mysterious Health Issues

Lisa Beres got rid of bloating and fatigue

How-the-Elimination-Diet-Solved-My-Mysterious-Health-ProblemDoctors have found many ways to deal with belly bloat, but you might not even seek treatment if you don’t consider your symptoms to be out of the ordinary.

That was the case for Lisa Beres, 46, of Irvine, California, who grew up in a home that, like many in the ’80s, didn’t place an emphasis on healthy eating. The symptoms she experienced from an early age happened so frequently, she began to assume they were normal, and it was only as she aged that she was able to identify them as unhealthy. She first noticed symptoms early in life in high school, when she’d experience bloating and fatigue after eating. “I was raised on a traditional meat and potato diet with white Wonder bread, milk, sugary foods, and lots of dairy,” Beres said. “I really had no knowledge of how to eat outside what was served to me by my parents or what my friends were eating.” She loved salads, but she would douse them in cheese and Thousand Island dressing with croutons atop iceberg lettuce. “I really thought that was healthy,” she says. Beres also battled mucous and sinus issues: “I felt like something was stuck in my throat,” she says. “I would wake up in the morning with so much mucus that I had to spit it out—and I thought that was normal after sleeping. I seemed to always have Kleenex or a wad of tissues on hand just in case.”

Beres began eliminating foods at age 17. Eliminating suspicious foods to identify what might be causing an unwanted health symptom is called an elimination diet, and it’s most often done by removing foods one at a time and recording the body’s response—or you can begin with very simple foods and add others back in gradually to see if symptoms return. Foods most often eliminated in an elimination diet include dairy, eggs, corn, nuts, soy, gluten, citrus, nightshade vegetables (like eggplant), pork, and wheat. As symptoms continue or resolve, foods are eliminated indefinitely, or reintroduced after a two-week trial period for each, until you’ve identified the foods that are causing symptoms. There are several types of diets that eliminate foods, and specific diets, such as the IFM elimination diet boast that it allows followers to identify food triggers, reduce inflammation, and support the microbiome.

Beres says beef was the first to go in her quest to identify the culprits causing her discomfort. “Next was chicken, which was easy, because I really felt like it had zero flavor. Eggs followed, as they always kind of made my stomach turn if I was cooking or baking with them. Next, I eliminated milk, then cheese, and lastly fish; the latter two only a year and a half ago.”

While Beres knew her sinus issues, constant mucus production, and general unease had improved since becoming a vegan, it wasn’t until she received confirmation of her allergy to the foods she eliminated that she was certain her body had known the answer all along. “One day, I visited a phenomenal doctor in Santa Monica, and she suggested a food allergy test which is done via blood samples. Much to my surprise, the results indicated I was highly allergic to the casein in cow’s milk and egg whites. I was surprised, yet I wasn’t,” she says. “My body was already guiding me to avoid both eggs and milk, and I had naturally done it right before having the allergy test done, so it was confirmation.”

Today, Beres and her husband are completely vegan, and she says she’s never felt better. “Today, I have no sinus and mucus issues or bloating. I have clearer skin, healthier hair, a normal menstrual cycle, and loads of energy. My weight is also the best it’s ever been without increasing my workouts.” Lisa maintains that our bodies know the answers to our health problems, and we need only listen. “Our bodies are quite fantastic and if we listen to the subtle clues, it will guide us to what is best for our health and well-being,” she tells Reader’s Digest. Here’s what happens to your body when you start a vegan diet.

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The Real Reason Why You Gain Weight as You Age (Hint: It’s Not Your Diet)


Wishing you could get your 25-year-old metabolism back? You’re in good company. But don’t blame your eating habits, or even longer hours at the office. Among the many reasons why the pounds accumulate as your years do—including hormones, lack of sleep, and a more sedentary lifestyle—one major explanation is a bit more surprising: muscle loss.

Your muscle mass takes a dive around age 30, and that decline (called sarcopenia) speeds up around age 40, according to Dr. Caroline Apovian, the Director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at the Boston Medical Center, professor at the Boston University School of Medicine, and the vice-president of The Obesity Society. Thankfully, sarcopenia is nothing to be too worried about; it happens to everyone as they age.

However, “unless something is done to actively protect and build up that lean muscle mass, our bodies will require fewer calories, our metabolisms will slow, and the lost muscle will be replaced by fat,” Dr. Apovian told Woman’s Day. Hence that bothersome weight gain.

Again, adding a few pounds as you age is completely natural. But if you want to keep the weight off, experts have a few suggestions. Weight-lifting at least twice per week, getting plenty of sleep (the National Sleep Foundation recommends between seven to nine hours for adults), and eating a diet rich in lean protein can prevent sarcopenia, Dr. Apovian says. Tired of the same old turkey sandwich for lunch? Try these 11 healthy ways to load up on lean protein.

And try not to skip meals! “Eating regularly will help you stay energized for strength training, keep your metabolism stoked, and keep the urge to overdo it at any given meal at bay,” Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN, Nutrition Director at the Good Housekeeping Institute, told Good Housekeeping.

You can finally say goodbye to that pesky pooch problem. Learn even more things experts won’t tell you about weight loss.

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This Is the Perfect Fat-Burning Exercise For People Who Hate Running


Running isn’t for everyone. Maybe you have weird arches, maybe you’re prone to shin splints, or maybe you just have some bad memories about the mile run in high school. (Remember, you can always walk, it might just be better than running for fat-burning purposes.) But it’s hard to argue with the results—running is plain and simply one of the best options out there.

But fortunately for running refuters, there’s a stationery substitute you can do just about anywhere. The routine involves a series of five circuit exercises that you can execute in no time, according to Women’s Health. (Looking to live longer? This is exactly how many minutes of exercise you should be getting each week.

Your first circuit is the squat/star jump. Start with your feet in squatting position, spread about a foot and a half apart with your toes pointed slightly outward, right between being perpendicular to your shoulders and being parallel. Put your hands on your thighs or clasped in front of your chest, bend down into squatting position and then explode from your core into a “star.”

Next up, plank jacks. Start off in pushup position, with your feet together. You can also start off in forearm plank position. Now, quickly jump your feet spread to be parallel to your hands, making sure that your backside isn’t jutting up and down in the process, using your core to remain stable.

Circuit number three: lunge kickbacks. Begin in a deep lunge position with your hands on your hips. Now push down on your front leg while lifting up your hind leg behind you, using something to stabilize yourself if necessary. Your end position should be standing, with your back leg at a 45-degree angle behind you.

The fourth circuit is similar to the first, starting position and execution-wise. Slide on your pointe shoes for this one (don’t slide on your pointe shoes for this one): you’re doing plié hops. Start in a spread plié/squatting position, then heave yourself up into the air, using your core for execution.

The final circuit will ground you. Start sitting in a ball position, with your knees a few inches from your chest and your hands wrapped loosely around your kneecaps. Gently roll back so that your shoulders hit the ground behind you, then use your core to roll back into your original position, but when your feet hit the ground, push through and stand up.

For each one of these circuits, once you finish one execution, reset to the starting position and then repeat until you have completed 20 reps. This cardio workout will get your heart rate pumping and your fat burning—no running necessary. 

Looking for some other ways to burn calories without hitting the gym? Try one of these 15 wacky ways to burn extra calories.

[Source: Women’s Health]

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10 Things Experts Wish You Knew About Water Weight

It isn’t technically a problem

Water weight is just excess fluid inside and outside cells, and it can look different on everyone. “Most people can tell they’re holding onto extra water because their rings feel tighter on their fingers,” says Mitzi Dulan, team nutritionist for the Kansas City Royals and author of The Pinterest Diet: How to Pin Your Way Thin. Other people notice it in their back, cheeks, hands, or feet. While a little extra water weight can mean a higher number on the scale or a less defined six pack, it’s part of the body’s natural fluctuations and there’s no reason to fight it, certainly not with a quickie diet that promises to erase 10 pounds in a day. “It’s not healthy to just focus on sweating and losing water weight temporarily by going into a more dehydrated state,” Dulan says. Make sure you don’t fall for these other bogus diet and weight loss tips either.

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Here’s Why Obesity Raises Breast Cancer Risk, According to Science

obesityExperts have long known that obesity, along with smoking, age, lack of activity, and lifestyle can contribute to an increased risk of cancer, but a recent study is taking a closer look at how one of these conditions specifically relates to breast cancer. Based on their findings, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC – James) are one step closer to understanding how obesity can influence or increase one’s risk for breast cancer. (Find out other things that increase your risk of cancer.)

Their study is the first to provide evidence that obesity can alter the genes involved in our body’s inflammatory response, hereditary disorders, and other immunological diseases. The team, made of geneticists, cell biologists, medical oncologists, and epidemiologists looked at gene expression analysis of tissue samples collected from 121 women with no history of breast cancer. All women participating in the study were undergoing breast reduction and 51 participants were considered clinically obese.

For the study, the team closely examined the obesity and inflammation response, finding 308 genes important in the process. Of the 308 genes discovered, 240 were more likely to have sporadic mutations and low gene expression in obese women while 68 genes were shown to have a decreased risk for gene mutations and high gene expression. All of the participants’ affected genes were involved in diseases and disorders for inflammatory response, hereditary disorder and immunological disease.

“Different types of breast cancer could be affected differently by obesity, a more robust understanding of how obesity triggers inflammatory cancer pathways and increases breast cancer risk could help us develop better chemoprevention strategies or early prevention strategies in women at increased risk based on their weight,” said Peter Shields, MD, senior author of the AACR abstract and deputy director of the OSUCCC – James in a press release.

Along with watching your weight, there are additional ways women and men can decrease their chances of breast cancer, including taking a daily baby aspirin and cutting back on the amount of alcohol you drink. While researchers hope future studies can examine the genes identified by this study in participants that develop breast cancer later, here is what you need to know right now about the best ways to prevent breast cancer.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

This Tiny Change Can Make Workouts Way More Enjoyable

exercise“There’s no time.” “I’m too tired.” “My back hurts.” No matter what excuse you have for skipping your workout, there’s really one underlying reason you didn’t make it to the gym: It’s not fun.

Even though you’re well aware that a workout can boost your body image and pack in these 14 other health benefits, the gym tends to be the last place you want to go. It feels like the only way to stop dreading the treadmill is to avoid it entirely. (If you’ve been avoiding the gym, steal these 18 secrets of women who work out every day.) But there’s one easy way to make your workouts more enjoyable, without giving up any intensity or time, according to a study in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology.

Researchers had 46 adults between 18 and 40 do a 15-minute recumbent bike workout. Almost half of the exercisers ramped up their intensity during the workout, while the rest started strong and then dialed back. Both had the same amount of time at each intensity (just at opposite times), but the researchers were more interested in which was more enjoyable.

There was one clear winner when it came to a fun workout. Volunteers who went from vigorous to easy said they enjoyed their workouts more as it went along. On the other hand, those who’d gone from easy to hard felt worse as they exercised.

Ending on a good note seems to have resonated with the gym-goers. Even seven days later, participants who decreased intensity remembered it as a good workout and said they expected future sweat sessions would feel good, too. Those who ramped up the intensity, though, remembered an unpleasant workout and didn’t think they’d enjoy future ones either. (Here are 17 more gym hacks to make workouts less of a chore.)

Planning workouts that you don’t dread is key to sticking with an exercise program, says study co-author Panteleimon “Paddy” Ekkekakis, a professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University. “We want to break down the association of exercise as punishment, as something unpleasant, something to tolerate or a bitter pill you have to swallow,” he says in a statement. Creating good memories during a workout means you’ll remember it as less of a chore. And when you don’t dread it, you’ll stop looking for excuses. (Check out this other trick to stop dreading workouts.)

Next time you’re at the gym, try putting the most effort into the beginning of your workout instead of working your way into that high intensity. You might find that by the end you feel strong and happy instead of sweaty and miserable. Still prefer a quick and dirty HIIT session? Stick with that! The key is to find what works for you so you’re more likely to follow through.

“The only objective that makes sense is to adopt a type and amount of exercise that will help you incorporate exercise into your daily life so you can be active for the rest of your life,” Ekkekakis says. When you really don’t have time for a full gym session, use these 12 ways to sneak in a workout.

[Source: ScienceDaily]

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This Woman Lost Over 70 Pounds—Without Going to the Gym

How Many Calories Should I Eat If I Want to Lose Weight? 10 Steps to Help You Reach Your Weight-Loss Goal

Determine your BMR and activity level

BMIWe know that burning more calories than you consume is part of the formula for weight loss, but determining the answer to “How many calories should I eat?” requires some math. The first part of the equation is to determine your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is an approximation of how many calories you would burn if you did nothing but rest for 24 hours. Once you have this number, you can factor in your activity level by using the Harris Benedict Equation to determine how many calories you should eat daily. Other equations that can help you plan include the Total Bodyweight Planner, developed by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. Here’s how you can burn calories without breaking a sweat.

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14 Things You Need to Know About the Vegan Weight Loss Diet

Why vegan weight loss?

weight-lossCounting the calories can only take people so far. One woman cut out late-night snacking, and it made a big difference in her weight. But with over two-thirds of adults in America overweight or obese, a vegan weight loss diet could help address the myriad of health conditions which costs the country around $147 billion annually.

The vegan weight loss approach is not for the fainthearted—managing to eat well while sticking to vegan principles takes time and determination, but the health benefits definitely make it worth the effort.

So what do you need to know about adopting a vegan weight loss diet? 

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This 10-Minute Morning Habit Burns 400 Extra Calories Every Week


Say hello to the new-and-improved, effortless way to become a morning person. And no, it doesn’t require a workout buddy (or even an overpriced latte!) to lure you out of bed. If you can’t get to the gym in the morning—but still want to reap all of the insane benefits of morning workouts—just host your own personal dance party, instead.

Yes, you read that right. In addition to starting your day on the right foot (literally), dancing has loads of health benefits. Just 10 minutes of dancing can increase your heart rate, burning up to 60 calories in one go. Not to mention, it can boost your mood and give you a giant burst of energy. Talk about rise and shine! Learn more about the amazing health benefits of dancing.

All you need is a speaker and some feel-good jams. Change your alarm to play your favorite upbeat music in the morning, and pretty soon, you’ll be getting up on the right side of the bed every time. Who knew a little shimmying and shaking could go such a long way?

And don’t worry about skimping on cardio. Turn this habit into a daily dance-inspired workout session, and you could burn up to 400 calories every single week. We promise it won’t even feel like exercise!

Is dancing not your jam? Thankfully, there are 19 other ways to torch 200 calories in the blink of an eye.

[Source: PopSugar]

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7 Clear Signs You’re Eating Too Much Salt

Your brain feels foggy

Who knew that salt could even impact your brain function? According to a 2011 Canadian study on 1,200 more sedentary adults, those with high-sodium diets had a higher chance of cognitive decline than those with less salt in their diets. As you age it is important to keep track of how much salt you consume, and make changes if necessary. These 13 foods have way more salt than you realized.

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The Top 10 Benefits and Uses of Colloidal Silver

Ever wonder about Colloidal Silver? This supplement could very well help you gain the upper hand in regards to many different medical problems you may have. Consider a few benefits that come with this option.

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Monday, October 9, 2017

If You Drink This at Breakfast, You’ll Keep Burning Calories All Day Long


Most breakfast buffs would argue that coffee reigns supreme in the morning beverages department. Although a cup of joe is the perfect liquid pick-me-up to get you through a long day, drowning it in cream and sugar could take a serious toll on your waistline. (Here’s how to make your coffee habit healthier.) On the other hand, English breakfast tea, a combination of different kinds of black tea, might be the best of both worlds.

Not only does black tea provide the a.m. caffeine rush you need, but it also has some pretty incredible weight loss benefits, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of California report that black tea could produce healthy gut bacteria and even boost your metabolism. Here are even more surprising benefits of black tea.

To determine the effects of black tea on weight loss, the researchers randomly assigned mice to four different diets: Low-fat and high-sugar; high-fat and high-sugar; high-fat, high-sugar, and green tea extract; and high-fat, high-sugar, and black tea extract. Then, they tracked the mice’s weight for four weeks.

Overall, mice who received both black and green tea lost the same amount of weight as those on a low-fat diet. And mice on the black tea extract diet, in particular, showed an increase of the metabolism-boosting bacteria Pseudobutyrivibrio in their systems. (Ready to make the switch from coffee to tea? Here’s what might happen to your body if you do.)

“Our new findings suggest that black tea, through a specific mechanism through the gut microbiome, may also contribute to good health and weight loss in humans,” Susanne Henning, lead author of the study and human nutrition professor at UCLA, said. “For black tea lovers, there may be a new reason to keep drinking it.”

Polyphenols found in black tea spurs the gut’s production of short-chain fatty acids, which have been shown to speed up the body’s metabolic rate, researchers explain.

But before you start chugging tea by the gallon, it’s worth noting that this study only tested black tea by itself. Researchers are unsure of how milk or other additions could affect tea’s weight loss perks. Since this study was only performed on mice, its effect on humans remains unclear.

Still, we say it can’t hurt to squeeze a cup or two of English breakfast tea into your breakfast lineup! Just make sure to pair it with the best metabolism-boosting breakfast of all time.

[Source: Metro]

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9 Common Mistakes That Make You Regain Weight

You’re off your “diet”

Dropping the weight is only half the battle: the results of your “diet” don’t matter if you’re not able to maintain the weight loss for good. If you abruptly give up your diet or workout routine after you reach your goal, you’re not giving yourself the tools necessary to sustain it. “While fad diets may be fast-acting, they’re unsustainable and don’t show you how to keep the excess weight off,” says Adam Rosante, fitness coach and creator of The People’s Bootcamp. “As soon as you go off whatever plan you’re on, the pounds come creeping back to where they were, and then some.” Rather than going on a crash diet, make small changes that you can incorporate into your lifestyle for years, not weeks, to come. Try out these 50 ways to lose weight without a lick of exercise.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest

Sunday, October 8, 2017

If You Work This Shift, You’re Completely Derailing Your Metabolism

For the most part, the 9 to 5 of the average American is rarely from 9 to 5. For plenty of professions, from the food service industry to the medical field, irregular hours are common and simply expected. Adjusting your internal clock takes some time and can lead to quite a few sluggish days along the way. But the effect on your body goes beyond the bags under your eyes, according to Science Daily. (Did you know that losing sleep can put you at risk for this condition?)

A newly published paper in Obesity Reviews highlights the health risks inherently tied to working the night shift on a regular basis. In the meta-analysis, data was pulled from 28 published studies which analyzed the health of this very specific segment of the workforce.

Permanent night shift workers are 29 percent more likely to become obese or overweight, and 35 percent more likely to develop abdominal obesity (belly fat). It’s estimated that 20 percent of the world is employed through some sort of shift work, according to Science Daily. It’s stated in the study that this is due to the disruption of the body’s natural cycles. (These are 12 other things that mess with your metabolism.)

“Melatonin plays a key role in synchronizing central and peripheral circadian rhythms and regulates the secretion of hormones such as cortisol, insulin, and leptin,  such misalignments may lead to a disturbance of body homeostasis and produce abnormal metabolic profiles….[which can lead to] adverse health effects such as metabolism abnormalities that include obesity.”

The body’s circadian rhythm is essentially its internal clock, which habitually regulates when the body should feel attentive and wake up and when it should slow down and start to prepare for bed. Evolution has preconditioned humans to associate natural light with being awake and darkness with going to sleep, and this response is thrown out of whack by regular nighttime work.

[Source: Science Daily]

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7 Things Nutritionists Wish You Knew About the Warrior Diet

What is the Warrior Diet?

saladThe Warrior Diet entails spending the majority of your day fasting or under eating and then indulging in a large meal at night. Exercise is also integrated into the plan, and workouts usually are scheduled during the times you are not eating. “It is essentially modeled after a ‘warrior’ lifestyle, the idea being that ancient warriors would eat very little during the day because they would spend their days hunting, gathering, fighting, etc., and would subsequently prepare and eat one big meal at night,” says Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe, MD, MS. Those on the Warrior Diet are instructed to eat minimally during the day, usually for a period of about 20 hours. Fluids are okay, and very small snacks are allowed. Then at night, one large meal is consumed. There are certain food combos and pairings that are recommended as part of the diet plan and some that are to be avoided, but protein and vegetables are always allowed to be consumed together. Here’s what you need to know before fasting.

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Friday, October 6, 2017

This One Workout Can Cut 2 Inches Off Your Waist—Fast


Forget crunches and treadmills. The secret to a slimmer waistline may start in the gym, but cruising through your cardio session isn’t doing you (or your tummy!) any favors. As a matter of fact, science says that interval training may be more effective at banishing your belly fat, instead. (No gym membership? Here’s how to flatten your belly without a lick of exercise.)

Greek researchers recruited participants to perform four hour-long workouts every week, which included 40 minutes of strength training. For the additional 20 minutes, one group ran on treadmills, while the other group performed body-weight intervals.

After eight weeks, the researchers measured the participants’ waistlines. Those who performed body-weight intervals lost two inches of belly fat; meanwhile, the runners lost less than one inch, according to the final report. These foods fight belly fat, too.

Alternating high-intensity workouts with lower-intensity ones increases the amount of calories you burn for the rest of the day, researchers say. How? Short, intense intervals withdraw oxygen from your body rapidly, forcing it to work overtime to get your O2 back to normal levels. Although you might burn the same amount of calories regardless, you’ll burn more calories throughout the day through interval training. Translation: “The harder and longer you go, the more calories you’ll burn later,” Craig Ballantyne, M.S., Master Certified Turbulence Trainer, told Men’s Health.

As a bonus, intervals allow you to focus on different muscle groups as you switch between exercises, which gives certain muscles time to recover while you fire up others. Get started with these 8 exercises that will flatten your belly, without a single crunch.

[Source: Men’s Health]

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest

7 Compelling Reasons You Should Try Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Acupuncture works

acupunctureAssuming you are OK with needling and going for visits aren’t out of your budget, acupuncture can play a role in weight loss. Once considered alternative medicine, acupuncture is moving toward the mainstream and recommended by many doctors and may even be covered by insurance. The practice involves inserting fine, clean needles along specific pathways on the body to improve chi or energy flow. It doesn’t encourage weight loss in isolation, but when combined with a reduced calorie diet and regular exercise, women who got ear acupuncture weekly lost seven pounds more than their counterparts who only ate a reduced calorie diet and exercised. The women getting acupuncture also reported feeling less hungry. Here are some other surprising conditions that acupuncture can treat.

from Diet & Weight Loss – Reader's Digest

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Losing weight, working out regularly, and eating right are lifestyle changes you may wish to make for yourself. They can help you to have a happier and healthier life overall.

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