Thursday, August 30, 2018

This Is What a High-Fat Diet Does to Your Brain

Woman with burger in hand, hungry woman eating a burger and did not want to share a Food

We’ve all done it: kept on eating when we’ve already had enough. But some people do it all the time because their brains don’t seem to register that they’ve overeaten—and it can lead to obesity. Now researchers believe they know why: A high-fat diet can cripple fullness receptors in the brain.

When you eat, your fat reserves release a hormone called leptin that travels to your brain. When enough leptin reaches the hypothalamus area of the brain, it signals to the body that your stomach is full. Researchers have known for a while that although obese people have normal levels of leptin, their bodies don’t register the “full” signal; the problem is called leptin resistance. But until now, scientists didn’t know why. Find out the 50 foods nutritionists never eat, so you shouldn’t either.

A team of researchers led by research scientist Rafi Mazor at the department of bioengineering at the University of California, San Diego, set out to discover the reason; their results have been published in Science Translational Medicine. The team fed mice a high-fat diet, tracking their leptin levels and how the mice’s brains responded. They discovered that the high-fat diet also encouraged the production of an enzyme called MMP-2. This enzyme altered the surface of the brain cells in the hypothalamus—it clipped the cells so that leptin couldn’t bind to receptors. This meant the neurons couldn’t sound the alarm when the stomach became full.

The scientists then genetically modified a group of mice so that they didn’t produce MMP-2. They found that despite the high-fat diet, these mice remained sensitive to leptin and their weight remained stable. The scientists found that when MMP-2 was blocked, the leptin could bind successfully to the receptors and send the “full” signals, according to Science Daily.

The bottom line is that a high-fat diet actually damages the body’s ability to send signals that the stomach is full. This could have important implications for how obesity is treated. For example, it could be that people who are beginning to put on a lot of weight have impaired receptors but their neural pathways are still undamaged. If researchers can develop a treatment to block MMP-2, they may be able to prevent obesity.

Of course, the research is in the early stages. But this groundbreaking study could be an important step toward finding an effective treatment for obesity. In the meantime, give these 9 diet tricks a try to cut fat without missing it.

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Monday, August 27, 2018

12 Vitamin Mistakes You Might Not Realize You’re Making

You pop a multivitamin

Unless your doctor recommends one for a specific reason, this daily habit may be worth skipping. “For the most part, multivitamins are a poor investment, says Les Emhof, MD, an MDVIP-affiliated physician in Tallahassee, Florida. “They just give you expensive urine.” In an editorial published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2013, Johns Hopkins University researchers concluded that popping a multi does not lower disease or mortality risk. Experts agree that your best bet is to get vitamins and minerals from whole foods. Don’t miss these other 8 vitamins that are useless or even dangerous.

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Thursday, August 23, 2018

7 Little Healthy Habits That Make Your Thyroid Happy

First: What is a thyroid, exactly?


doctorMany patients don’t know much about thyroid basics, says Alan P. Farwell, MD, chief of the section of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, and director of endocrine clinics at Boston Medical Center. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck that controls your metabolism. Generally, an overactive thyroid (called hyperthyroidism) could make you feel anxious, shaky, sweaty, and hot, and cause weight loss and trouble sleeping among other symptoms. Conversely, a person with an underactive thyroid (called hypothyroidism) might feel sluggish, fatigued, and cold, and could experience problems including weight gain and constipation. While lifestyle habits like daily diet and activity don’t have much impact on thyroid health, there are a number of things you can do to make sure your thyroid stays healthy. Keep an eye out for the 13 silent signs you may have a thyroid problem.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

50 Weight-Loss Breakthroughs Your Doctor Wishes You Knew

Eat an apple a day

Fresh ripe red apples as backgroundEating an apple a day—at least on the days you grocery shop—may encourage healthier choices. People who ate an apple before shopping bought 25 percent more fruits and vegetables than those who did not. “Having a small healthy snack before shopping can put us in a healthier mindset and steer us towards making better food choices,” says Cornell researcher Aner Tal, PhD, in a news release. The findings appear in Psychology & Marketing. 

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Monday, August 20, 2018

8 Normal Reasons Your Belly Is Bloated (and 4 Times to Worry)

You OD on veggies

If your belly feels a littler bigger than usual, don’t freak. “Unless it’s associated with weight loss, nausea, or vomiting, bloating is very common and usually not worrisome,” says Robert Burakoff, MD, clinical chief of gastroenterology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. It’s often nutritious foods that could be the culprit of a little extra air in your tummy. Chowing down on beans, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, apricots, or carrots can lead to bloat, says Gina Sam, MD, director of the Gastrointestinal Motility Center at Mount Sinai Hospital. (These are more of the 7 worst foods for your belly.) Foods high in lactose, dairy’s main sugar, and foods high in fiber, which can lead to the release of bloating gases hydrogen and methane, can puff you up too, says Dr. Burakoff. If your diet is leaving you bloated, use these nighttime tricks that banish bloat while you sleep.

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13 Best Vitamins and Supplements for Weight Loss

Weight-loss frustration

Bottles of prescription medicine in a pile. This collection of pill containers is symbolic of the many medications senior adults and chronically ill people take. You’ve tried the grapefruit juice diet, the cabbage soup diet, the baby food diet, cleanses, and detoxes, yet you’re still not seeing the results you want. It’s not surprising, as there are at least seven reasons you’ll simply never lose weight on a fad diet. So what’s left to try? Vitamins.

“As part of a healthy living plan that includes clean eating, exercise, and stress management, we find that vitamins and minerals can play a role in weight loss and weight management,” say Arielle Levitan, MD, and Romy Block, MD, authors of the book The Vitamin Solution: Two Doctors Clear the Confusion About Vitamins and Your Health. “Many, if not most of us, have nutrient needs that are unmet by diet alone. When we replenish these deficiencies with the right vitamins and minerals, in proper doses, then we can satisfy our body’s nutrient cravings and in turn, reduce our unhealthy eating.”

Many of the doctors’ patients report that once they begin a regimen that includes the right vitamins for their individual needs, they’re able to eat less while making better food choices, and find they have more energy to exercise and plan meals. In addition, they tend to sleep better—and that also helps with weight control. Sold? Here are the top contenders.

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8 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Don’t Eat Enough Fruits and Veggies

You could become deficient in vitamins and minerals

Fruits and vegetables contain some of the most vital nutrients for our health, but a study from Johns Hopkins University showed that only 11 percent of adults ate the USDA-recommended three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit a day. A recent study from the CDC found similar results. So what can happen if you don’t get enough? Eating too few fruits and veggies can result in nutrient deficiencies. According to Laura Moore, a registered dietitian at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health, many deficiencies can have unpleasant side effects. Although you could get many nutrients from other foods, fruits and veggies contain high concentrations and are therefore great sources of them. These are the ways your body is trying to tell you you’re running low on vitamins.

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Saturday, August 18, 2018

35 Ways Nutritionists Sneak More Protein Into Their Diet

Add Greek yogurt

yogurtStep aside traditional American yogurt, and allow Greek yogurt to take the spotlight. As nutritionist Tracy Lesht, MS, RD, says, “It’s rich in protein and so easy to eat as a snack or on the go. Just one serving of a Greek yogurt can add about 18 grams of protein into your day.” For an extra 3 grams of protein, top your yogurt with an ounce of nuts (about a handful). These are healthiest ways to load up on lean protein.

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Friday, August 17, 2018

30 Simple Ways to Burn Fat Fast

Fat burning matters

Asian woman measuring waist sizeHere’s the truth: You didn’t gain those extra pounds overnight, even if that’s the amount of time it took for your favorite jeans to go from comfy to “did I shrink these?” And you can’t take them off that fast, either (the pounds—but also probably those jeans now, too).

Every expert ever will tell you that crash diets don’t work, are unhealthy, and offer at best a temporary fix since you may end up gaining back more than you initially lost once you fall off the wagon. But that doesn’t mean losing weight has to be a slow, torturous process either. Yes, you’ll still have to eat few calories than you burn, but nutrition and exercise researchers have uncovered some scientifically tested ways to make that easier and faster than ever.

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Ulcers - Powerful Natural Remedies Revealed!

The disease cannot be cured until the cause is known and treated. Rarely is the cause of ulcers treated, but rather the effect; that hole in the stomach called an ulcer is doused with milk, cheese, drugs, etc., and then permitted to gouge itself out and start the same painful symptoms all over again.

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Thursday, August 16, 2018

How My Phone Helped Me Lose 38 Pounds

before and after Cat Lort

Catherine Ann “Cat” Lort managed to lose 38 pounds in the last six months with the help of one common object. It’s not any piece of gym equipment (she’s a self-described “minimal exerciser”). It’s not a diet book. In fact, you may be holding one right now: a cell phone.

Cat snaps photos of everything she eats—no exceptions—and posts them on Instagram as a type of visual food journal. Since she’s taken her weight loss journey public on social media, it’s a way to keep herself accountable for what she eats. So far, it’s working.

“Using this sort of photo food journal encourages us to make healthier food choices because it creates a sense of accountability,” nutritionist Brooke Zigler, MPP, RDN, LD,  tells Reader’s Digest. First, it requires that you pause before eating. Keeping a physical food diary can have a similar effect, she says, but taking a photo requires planning, and that gives you a chance for second thoughts—like whether you’re really hungry. A photo’s accuracy also makes it easier for dieters to work with dietitians, who can help you assess the size of your portions and remind you of little extras you might have otherwise forgotten to consider (like ketchup, gravy, crumbled bacon).

How it worked for Cat

“I’ve been using Instagram to aid my weight loss for the past three months,” Cat tells Reader’s Digest. Prior to that, she had been counting calories and paying attention to macronutrients. But after just a few months, “a lot of old habits started to creep in.” So she decided to turn to photo food journaling on Instagram; by having an audience, she knew she would have to be more accountable. “It definitely helps,” she says, “as I think twice about everything I eat knowing I have to take a photo of it and post it.” Specifically, these are some foods that are never worth the calories.

Cat points out that the biggest challenge to photo food journaling is remembering to photograph everything—plus, actually photographing everything. “There can be a temptation to eat little extras and just not put it on there,” she notes. But she’s gotten past that pitfall by reminding herself she’s the only person she’d be cheating.

“Taking a picture of the foods we eat will bring awareness to what our typical diet looks like,” agrees Gabriela Gardner, RD-AP, CNSC, a clinical dietician at the Ertan Digestive Disease Center at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center in Houston. However, she says that photo food journaling does come with the risk of developing negative emotions and attitudes toward food. Ideally, we don’t want to be “obsessing about healthy eating and over-restriction of foods.”

Luckily, journaling her meals on Instagram is still an effective technique for Cat. She continues to follow her plan and plans to keep posting the photos until she reaches a weight that is healthy for her height and age. “Making a change such as losing weight is a healthy step,” Cat tells Reader’s Digest, “and I feel happy and more confident in myself as a result of the weight loss.”

Check out even more weight loss tips from real people who’ve lost 20+ pounds.

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9 Things That Happen When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

You’ll lose weight

A cold brew or summery cocktail might be relaxing after a long day at work, but those liquid calories add up. Just one 12-ounce beer has about 150 calories, and fruity cocktails are loaded with sugar. If you’re drinking regularly, those empty calories can cause you to start piling on the pounds without even realizing it. “Of course, everyone’s body reacts differently to alcohol,” says Wesley Delbridge, RD, spokesperson for the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics. But one thing applies to everybody: “Once alcohol is introduced, our body wants to process it right away. It shuts down every other system to process that alcohol.” This can have a negative effect on your metabolism. Here’s how to know if you’re drinking too much in the first place.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

10 Reasons Unexpected Weight Loss Could Be a Serious Problem


A whopping 50 percent of hospital patients worldwide aren’t adequately nourished or are at risk of malnutrition, the lack of getting proper nutrients in the right amounts. “Hospitalization can lead to malnutrition because, while in hospital care, patients may not get the right nutrients to live a healthful life,” says Abby Sauer, a registered dietitian for Abbott. If malnutrition happens long enough, it can have a significant impact on a person’s health—including unexplained weight loss. While older adults are at risk because of medications or natural appetite loss, a nutritionally imbalanced diet can contribute to malnutrition in younger, presumably healthy people. The best way to prevent malnutrition is to eat well-balanced meals with the right mix of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Make sure you know the 42 strange symptoms that could signal a serious disease.

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30 Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Lose Weight

The science is clear:

Medical weight scale and measuring tapeEating small amounts of healthy foods throughout the day is the best way to curb cravings, limit hunger, and avoid overeating come meal time. There’s no perfect formula, but many experts are now saying that in addition to three healthy meals, each of us should enjoy the best healthy snacks, one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon. After dinner, either a small dessert or late-evening snack also makes sense to round out the day’s menu. The goal is to never go three waking hours without having a small bite to eat. The key rule: Keep each snack to 125 calories or less. As you’ll see, we’re not banning chocolate or potato chips. But you’ll find that the healthier the food, the more you can eat. For example, an entire cucumber is a mere 45 calories. It takes just five potato chips to get you to that threshold! After asking the food experts and doing some research on our own, we came up with the 30 best healthy snacks that are yummy, easily available, and deliver just the right number of calories (125 or under) and nutrients to keep hunger away until your next meal.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

25 Nutritionist-Approved Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism

Drink up


Jumpstart your metabolism as soon as you wake up by drinking a large glass of water. Founder of Hispanic Food Communications, Sylvia Melendez-Klinger, MS, RD, suggests placing a glass by your beside before you go to bed and drinking it first thing every morning. If you don’t like water, most other liquids count as well, according to the latest recommendations, as do fruits and veggies with a high water content such as mandarin, watermelon, and cucumber. These are the easy ways to jumpstart your metabolism

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Monday, August 13, 2018

The One Diet Rule That Helped These People Lose 20+ Pounds

“You’re no busier than a fit person!”

Charlene Bazarian, Hair and Makeup by Janeen Jones

“I went to a spa for a day of beauty after having children and was mortified when I had to return to the desk and ask the receptionist if they had a larger robe, as the one-size-fits-all robe was lying. That awful experience was my ‘aha moment.’ Since then, I’ve lost close to 100 pounds, kept it off, and now use a social media platform and a blog to inspire and encourage others to find their own fitness and weight loss success. I deliver advice in a funny and firm way by explaining that, ‘You’re no busier than a fit person.’ Instead of making excuses for why we aren’t like folks who are fit, we should realize that they’re busy, too! It’s all about making time for what matters.”—Charlene Bazarian

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Saturday, August 11, 2018

12 Insane Benefits of Lemon Water You Never Knew

Lemon water may help you lose weight

01_weight_insaleny_incredible_benefits_Lemon water may be a dieter’s best friend. “The polyphenols in lemon may aid in reducing appetite,” registered dietician Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, author of Belly Fat Diet for Dummies. Rodent studies have shown that the polyphenols in lemon do help to prevent weight gain. Plus, she adds, “when you drink a glass of water, especially before a meal, this helps to fill your stomach, offsetting the amount of food needed to feel satisfied.” Lemon-flavored water is also a healthy option to replace your morning glass of orange juice—think of all the calories saved! To make lemon water, use whole lemons (not lemon juice in a bottle). “Try squeezing the juice from one lemon into 8 to 12 ounces of water,” Palinski-Wade says. You can also grate in a bit of the zest (just wash the lemon first). “Enjoy it cold or warm, but if you will be having it to promote weight loss, drink it chilled with ice,” she says.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Which Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux and Digestion Issues?

What common foods are good and bad for your belly?

Man Suffering From Stomach Ache

Foods containing rapidly fermentable carbohydrates called FODMAPs feed bacteria in your gut and may be responsible for gut inflammation, gas, bloating, and other uncomfortable tummy troubles. Cutting back on foods that contain FODMAPs will help improve your digestion, eliminate GI problems, and lead to weight-loss.

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12 Silent Signs You Should Be Eating More Carbs

Carbs 101

Wheat grains in hands

Carbs get a bad rap, to the point where people skip them altogether. That’s silly. Only some types of carbs are actually unhealthy. The good ones fuel your body, give you energy, and can help you lose and keep weight off. Not all carbs are created equal, though. So the first step is separating the bad from the good: Simple carbs such as those from refined flour and sugars—crackers, bread, sweets, and pasta—hike up your blood sugar levels and can increase inflammation while adding pounds. But complex carbohydrates—you get these in whole grains, veggies, fruits, and beans, for example—provide fiber and help promote a flat belly and optimal health.

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This Is How Much Soda It Takes to Increase Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes


While soda consumption in the U.S. has taken a dip in the last 15 years, soda is still very much part of the American diet (if you can even call it that). Either you or someone you know can’t resist reaching for the sugary drink come lunch time. Still, it’s no secret that soda isn’t exactly the healthiest beverage, but how much is too much? Indulging in the occasional liter of cola can’t hurt, right? Well, according to a review of 36 different studies, it doesn’t take a lot of soda to do you a lot of harm—especially when it comes to diabetes. Don’t miss these reasons to avoid all soda, including diet.

The research was published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society and was completed by a group of researchers from South Africa. The review noted that consuming a sizable number of sugary drinks, five or more, ups your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses, which, sure, makes sense. But even when the consumption was lowered considerably, the results were a bit unsettling.

Just two cups of soda each week can increase one’s risk of type 2 diabetes by 29 percent, according to one of the studies reviewed. Keep in mind, a standard can of soda is 12 ounces or 1.5 cups. This study analyzed data from 43,580 participants aged 45-74 years of age. All participants were free of diabetes and other chronic illness at the beginning of the study. Here are science-backed strategies to reverse diabetes

Even for the most moderate soda slugger, the risk is very real. So if you’re looking to ward off type 2 diabetes, it’s probably best to keep that soda consumption to a minimum. Next, check out these other surprising habits that can lead to diabetes.

[Source: Men’s Health]

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15 Foods Proven to Flatten Your Belly

Oats and nuts

Organic homemade Granola Cereal with oats and almond. Texture oatmeal granola or muesli as background. Top view or flat-lay. Copy space for text.

One sure way to zap belly fat is to increase the amount of soluble fiber you consume, says Jessica Crandall, a registered dietitian nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Foods that are rich in soluble fiber include oats, nuts, beans, and berries. You should aim for 25-35 grams per day, especially if you’re diabetic. Soluble fiber does a much better job controlling your blood sugar than carbs, like a piece of bread, which can make your blood sugar spike then drop. Check out more tricks to flatten your belly—without a lick of exercise.

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Friday, August 3, 2018

The 15 Best Foods for Your Belly

High-fiber and antioxidant-rich vegetables

All veggies are good for you. They are high in vitamins, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fiber and are generally low in calories and low in fat. But certain varieties do contain FODMAPs, or rapidly fermentable carbohydrates that can aggravate your gut, that are difficult for some people to digest. Our plan focuses only on low-FODMAP veggies, especially those rich in anti-inflammatory magnesium and other important minerals. Leafy green veggies (kale, Swiss chard, spinach), bell peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, tomatoes, and potatoes are all good examples. Check out some other foods that are bad for your belly, including high-FODMAP veggies.

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Thursday, August 2, 2018

16 Women Reveal Exactly How They Got Six-Pack Abs

Workout on an empty stomach

Neda Varbanova of Healthy with Nedi“Always workout on an empty stomach—it burns calories and stored fat. Many people make the mistake of having a banana—which can be equivalent to two slices of bread—before going to the gym and don’t understand why they are not losing weight. Your body is going to burn that banana first before it starts to burn any body fat. But by the time you’re done burning off the banana, you are out of the gym!” Neda Varbanova, 28, founder of Healthy with Nedi. 

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

15 Weight-Loss Facts You Always Get Wrong

Can saturated fat actually be healthy?

Top view of delicious portion of raw salmon fillet with aromatic herbs, spices and lemon. Vegetarian or paleo food concept. For a long time, scientists believed saturated fat—the kind found in meat, full-fat cheese, butter, cow’s milk, ice cream, and palm and coconut oils—was a major cause of heart disease. But that belief has undergone a seismic shift recently.

The current thinking is that saturated fat raises LDL cholesterol, which is bad for your heart. But it also seems to raise HDL cholesterol and lower triglycerides, which is good for your heart. In effect, current research shows that saturated fat can have both a positive and negative impact on heart health.

Bottom line: Whether saturated fat is a better choice really comes down to what you’re comparing it to. When people replace saturated fat with healthier unsaturated fats (found in fish, nuts, olive oil, avocado, and the like) it benefits their heart health. But if they replace them with simple carbohydrates, trans fats, and other unhealthful foods, it’s harmful. Think of it this way: you’re better off eating salmon (rich in unsaturated fat) than steak (which contains saturated fat). But you’re better off eating steak than fried chicken that’s breaded and cooked in shortening full of trans fats. Here are 12 more little weight-loss tricks only nutritionists know.

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9 Feelings You Don’t Realize You Mistake for Hunger


Ever notice how hunger strikes during your midafternoon slump or right before bed? “Feeling sleepy can create the urge to eat something to boost energy and stay awake,” says Torey Armul, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson. “It kicks the digestive system into having a job and keeping awake.” The best solution is to take a nap or get to bed early if you can. But if you’re at work or out of the house, perk yourself up by taking a lap around the office or chatting with a coworker for a few minutes, she says. Avoid these eating habits that ruin your sleep.

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9 Signs Your Overeating Is Actually a Food Addiction

What exactly is food addiction?

Everyone eats emotionally. We’ve celebrated a little league homerun with ice cream or found comfort in a cup of tea with a cookie. But for some, comfort eating has spiraled into something more: a food addiction. The idea is that food can mimic other substance abuse disorders and it’s a controversial issue; some researchers aren’t positive if one can truly be addicted to a candy bar. Other experts like David Wiss, MD, RDN, founder of Nutrition In Recovery, work with clients who identify as food addicts. Here’s what separates food addicts from folks who just occasionally overeat.

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51 Brilliant Health Tricks You’ll Want to Make a Habit

Eat your meals the same time every day

One of our biggest stressors is not finances or marriage but the lack of a regular routine, says oncologist David B. Agus, MD, in his book The End of Illness. Even simply eating lunch an hour later than usual can spike levels of the stress hormone cortisol and disrupt your body’s ideal state. Try to eat, sleep, and exercise at the same time every day, 365 days a year.

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50 Daily Habits of Naturally Thin People

Work out when you wake up: Burn ten calories

When your eyes open, sit up slowly without using your hands. With legs straight out, lean forward until you feel a gentle stretch in your back and hamstrings. Hold; then, using your abs, lower yourself flat. Rest and repeat two more times. This strengthens your core. These are other morning habits of naturally thin people.

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